
Ranking and Reward in Naruto World

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Naruto, as Naruto's twin brother. He also got the system and the knowledge of a certain Ranking and Reward system. With this system and knowledge, will he become one of the best Shinobi in this world, or will he stay as an ordinary person? Follow the journey of Zokuto in his endevour in the world of Naruto.

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56 Chs

Chapter 17: Nice to See You, Uchiha Obito.

"Before I follow you, I need to settle some score with some traitors." Zabuza stated his purpose of still staying in Kiri.

"That's easy. Let's go into the village. After that, you will go do your stuff while I go and confront the three tailed beast." suggested Zokuto.

"What!? You want to fight Yagura?"

"You are correct." said Zokuto.

Zabuza looked at Zokuto for a moment. 'Is he interested in catching the three tail?' "Lets go then. I will guide you there."


Somewhere in Tanigakure.

"Sensei, are you done yet?"

"Not yet. Wait for a moment."

An hour later.

"Sensei, are you done yet?"

"Not yet."

"Sensei, are you sure you are not finish yet? What taking you so long?"

"Brat, I said I'm not done yet. Also, the heck are you disturbing me for? Go away? This is a public toilet."

"But Jiraiya sensei, there are many of us outside waiting for you to be done." Said Natsu.

"Gah! Just go find another toilet." shouted Jiraiya.

Natsu got irritated. 'What is he doing there for more than three hours? Find. I will see what you are up to inside.'

"Katon! Goukakyuu no Jutsu!"

The fire attack enshrouded and burned the toilet.


A half naked Jiraiya jumped out of the now scorched toilet. On his right hand is a half burned book which has some new written words.


Seeing this, Natsu did no longer stay there, and run away as fast as he could.

"UCHIHA NATSU!! WHERE ARE YOU??" Shouted Jiraiya. Natsu who was already further away from that place, run even faster after hearing the shout. He did not even look back and continued to flee for some times.

Two hours later, Natsu arrived inside a forest. Hiding behind a tree, he then rested while taking a deep breath.

"Fuh, I think I already run far enough." Natsu exhaled in relief. He then peeked out of the tree, toward the direction he run away from.

"I don't see anyone chasing after me. I don't even see Jiraiya sensei." said Natsu.

"Yes. I don't see him too." said Jiraiya beside Natsu.

"Ah! Sensei, you are here!"

"So, you do know I'm your sensei huh."

"Yes Sensei. Ahaha. By the way sensei, I got something else to do. Farewell."

"Running away again? Not a chance kid. Doton: Yomi Numa!"

"Ahh! I'm sinking! Sensei, please let me out."

"Let me teach you how to respect your teacher."

Jiraiya then showered Natsu with a fire barrage. However, he made sure that the fire did not really harm Natsu.

"Hahaha. Now kid, do you repent on what you have done wrong?"

"I'm sorry sensei. Aah!! my clothes are burning."

"Now that you already repenting, let me give you the last course of your punishment..hehehe." Jiraiya took out a storage seal. He undid the seal and a small carriage popped out of it.

"Sensei what are you going to do?"

"Ah, don't worry. I just want to put you into the carriage."



"Please sensei. I hate vehicle."

"Hahaha. You don't have a choice."

"Gyaahh! Heellpp! My sensei is trying to murder me!"

"No one is going to help you now kid. Hahaha...guhuk!!"

Suddenly, Jiraiya was kicked from the back, making him tumble down some meters away.

"Who dares sneak attacking me?" shouted Jiraiya angrily, after standing up again.

"Bastard! Are you even a human? How dare you try to murder an innocent kid?"

A furious Kara is standing beside Natsu, who is half sank into the ground. Another group of kids is approaching behind her. Seeing this, both Natsu and Jiraiya was stunned. Jiraiya was a bit embarrassed for being caught bullying his student.

"Hei girl. It was actually not what you think."

"Are you trying to deny the fact that you are trying to kill him?"

"Uh. Listen girl, you can ask him whether I'm killing him or not." said Jiraiya, pointing at Natsu.

Kara was surprised. She then looked at the gloating Natsu on her side. After looking carefully, he recognised him.

"You are Uchiha Natsu. And he is Jiraiya, the legendary Sannin."

"Someone from Konoha huh." Kubo.

"Why are they running around, and creating a drama here in Tanigakure?" questioned Kroku.

Natsu looked at Kroku and was surprised to see this Suna's best Genin.

"Sabaku Kroku! I have been wanting to meet you for a while now. Kroku, I challenge you to a fight?"

"Huuh? A weakling tryn' to fight me?"

"Who are you calling weak? 'Sand Crocodile'."

"Sand Crocodile huh. Thanks for the compliment."

Natsu was shot silence. He mean insult, but it turned into compliment for Kroku.

"Hei Kara. Let's just leave these people. We are still on our mission." said Jun.

"Ah...okay." nodded Kara. "Sorry, it was a misunderstanding on my side. We will leave you guys then." Kara bowed for a bit, and brought her team on their way.

"You from Uchiha. Next time if you want to challenge nii-san, you need to go through me first." said Gaara reminding Natsu. He then turned around and followed his sibling. The group disappeared in the distance while the two Konoha was looking at their vanishing sillhouettes.

"Hei sensei. Other than Sabaku Kroku, I don't know the others. Who are they?"

"They seems to be from a new hidden village. Their head band is not from any village that I know." said Jiraiya. He is also curious of the origin of these kids.

"Well, lets leave it at that. Let's go kid. Ah! My back is still hurt. Damn that girl."

"But sensei, I'm still stuck in this mud."

"Get out on your own. Who told you to do some nasty thing to me." Said Jiraiya, walking away from that location.

"Wait for me. Aah! This stupid mud is really sticky. I know! Katon: Endan!"

Using the properties of fire, he turned the sticky mud into a dry ground. He then smashed it and got out from it.

'Not bad. This kid is pretty smart.' Jiraiya at the distance was surprised with Natsu's intelligance. Jiraiya then walked away with Natsu in tow.


"We are here." said Zabuza. Mizukage's office is over there. He usually stay in his office almost all the time, unless something urgent comes up. I will be going over there. Those traitor should be in their house." added Zabuza.

"Alright. Thanks for the guidance. I will be going out first." said Zokuto. He then jumped away and quickly moved toward the direction of Mizukage's office.

Infront of the Mizukage's office, he stopped and meditated while standing.

"Who are you? Identify yourself!"

While asking, the guard infront of the office pointed his tanto toward Zokuto.

Zokuto did not answer, and just continue to meditate. The guard got irritated, and throwed a kunai to Zokuto's face. The kunai almost reached his head, but got deflectee by a red chakra. That red chakra is Kyuubi's tail, who is still on Zokuto's shoulder.

"Did not your parent teach you to introduce yourself before asking other their name?" rebuked Kurama.

'bijuu!? Or is it some sort of contracted summon?' the guard was surprised when he saw the mini Kyuubi.

"I don't have such obligation as this is my village and I'm Mizukage's guard, Jinrai. As for you, you are outsiders. Tell me who you are and what are you doing here?" Asked the guard.

'Did he just introduced himself?' thought Kurama sweating. If he had just asked for a very important information, this fool might just tell any related info.

"Thank's for introducing yourself. I'm Uzumaki Zokuto. Can you tell Mizukage that I have something important to discuss with him?" said Zokuto, already in Bijuu Sage Mode.

Feeling the intimidation of chakra leaking from Zokuto's body, the guard paled and subconsciously took two step back. 'This is not someone I can fight' thought the guard.

"Wait here. I will inform Mizukage-sama."

The guard did not dare to fight Zokuto. If Zokuto want to fight, in the guard opinion, only Mizukage could fight this kid equally. He then run into the Mizukage's office.

"Mizukage-sama. Sorry for disturbing you. There is someone outside, looking for you."

"Is it someone from the rebel?"

"No sir. He is Uzumaki Zokuto, the missing nin of Konoha."

Yagura, the fourth Mizukage who is under control by Obito was a bit surprised with what he heard. This sudden visit could be good, or could be bad for him who is still fighting against the Kiri's rebel.

"Let him in." Although he was suspicious with this sudden visit, Yagura (Obito) still want to see this visitor.

A moment later, the guard brought Zokuto into the office.

"Hello Uzumaki Zokuto. It's my pleasure that a Jinchuuriki from Konoha came to visit me." said Yagura "To what reason for a famous Genin like you to go so far and visited me here?"

"Hello Mizukage-sama. Ah, my mistake. Nice to see you, Uchiha Obito!"


Yagura suddenly stood up and caused his chair to fall behind. Seeing this reaction, the guards eye is opened wide with shock. 'Did this mean that the Mizukage-sama that we know has been controlled by someone called Uchiha Obito?'

"Who are you?"

"You already know who I'm. Well, that is not the point here. I have come here to erase your control over the Mizukage."

Zokuto then activated his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and used it to override the sharingan effect on Yagura. After that he erased the genjutsu effect.

"Ahh! Uzumaki Zokuto! You will regret meddling into my busin...!" was the last word Obito said to Zokuto. Yagura who was no longer in Obito's influence felt his head aching as if it want to explode. After sometime, the pain faded away and he calmed down.