
Ranking and Reward in Naruto World

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Naruto, as Naruto's twin brother. He also got the system and the knowledge of a certain Ranking and Reward system. With this system and knowledge, will he become one of the best Shinobi in this world, or will he stay as an ordinary person? Follow the journey of Zokuto in his endevour in the world of Naruto.

Thundertroy · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 1: Reincarnated, System and Announcement.

"Naruto, from today on, you and Zokuto will stay in this place." said an Anbu who wore a Neko mask. After that, the Anbu disappeared into a thin air like a wisp of smoke.

Naruto grunted in dissatisfaction when he saw the Anbu run away hurriedly. He was just about to ask whether they will get any food supply for their daily life in the new house. Looking at the situation, it seems likely to be the case.

Zokuto on the other hand just looked at the house distractedly. Seeing him like that, Naruto assumed that he might felt shocked of being moved out of the orphanage, and was sent to live here. Even he himself felt a little uncomfortable with their situation.

"Hei Zokuto, you okay?"

"Huh? Ah, yes. I'm okay." replied Zokuto. He actually is not thinking about the new living place. He was thinking about something else. He was thinking about the Ranking and Reward system that he received this morning.

It was just this morning that he was reincarnated in this world. Apparently, he was someone from the Earth who died recently, and somehow got the chance to get reincarnated in this ninja world. His new identity is Naruto's twin brother, Uzumaki Zokuto.

As for how Naruto suddenly got a twin brother, the Ranking and Rewards System already told him about it.

During the Kyuubi incident, the fourth Hokage in the brink of death, sealed Yin Kyuubi in Naruto, and Yang Kyuubi in Zokuto. This ended up making both the twin as the new Konoha's Jinchuuriki. From the two, Naruto is the elder brother, and Zokuto as the younger one.

As Zokuto got reincarnated, he didn't get much of a chance to sort out his thought when the Ranking and Reward System let an influx of information inside his head. These information include those knowledge on Zokuto's identity, his current whereabout, and the basic lifestyle in this world.

Another information that the system gave him is that the system will launch an event about a ranking list. These events will be announced at a selected time which the system deem appropriate. On the other hand, the rank list specification was not described or mentioned for the moment.

Anyone who are listed in the ranking will be rewarded by the system. The first ranking list event that the system will launch is:

[Newbie Taijutsu Fighter Rank].

Just by looking at the short notice, he knew exactly who will be the best candidate in Konoha that going to be selected in the rank. If the scope of ranking list is including the other villages, then he is not really sure who is going to be the top fighter in the rank.

After sorting out his situation, he accepted his new life and changed his way of thinking according to the way of the ninja.

Looking back at the notice of ranking list, he decided to train in Taijutsu. The best training that he could think off is to train his body like Rock Lee. This way, he will get the chance to be listed in the rank.

Other than that, he also wanted to find a man named Maito Guy, to learn under him. Maito Guy was a ninja who is proficient in Taijutsu technique, especially the Taijutsu called the Eight Gate Release.

It is fortunate for Zokuto to be reborn in Konoha. This is because many of the top fighter that he knows are from this village. Maito Guy who excell in Taijutsu also live here. In this case, he could easily find him and learn some taijutsu.

Without wasting time, he sorted his belonging and kept it in a room in their new apartment. After that, he hurriedly set out.

"Hey where are you going?" Naruto was surprised seeing his brother run away in a hurry and hastily asked.

"Training." Zokuto replied shortly while still running.

"But we need to attend the Academy today." said Naruto worriedly.

Zokuto stopped on his track. Yes, today is the day they will enroll in the Ninja Academy. This is also another chance to learn more about Taijutsu.

"Then, I will train in the Academy." replied Zokuto, now running toward the Academy's direction.

"Wait for me." Naruto hurriedly followed his brother.


Konoha Ninja Academy.

As an introduction to the newly accepted student in the academy, everyone will first get to hear some 'Will of Fire' speech by the Sandaime. Most of the kids who listened to the Third Hokage's speech showed great admiration. They now have a deep feeling of patriotism towards the Konoha Village. Naruto too felt the same after listening to the speech.

After that, all the 5 year old kid was grouped under some Chuunin teacher. Iruka sensei was one of these Chuunin teacher. As the grouping goes on, both Zokuto and Naruto were placed in Iruka's class. Zokuto knew that this arrangement is under the discreet order of the Sandaime Hokage.

Inside the new class, Naruto was looking left and right enthusiastically, while Zokuto silently sat down on his own chair. Although he is being quiet, like Naruto, he is also checking everyone in the class.

"Hello everyone. I'm Umino Iruka. You can just call me Iruka sensei. From now on, I will be your teacher until your graduate and become a Genin." Said the nose scarred teacher. After that, he started roll calling all the name of every student in the class. After some times, the twin's name are called.

"Uzumaki Naruto"

"Here!" Naruto answered excitedly while waving his hand.

"Uzumaki Zokuto."

Zokuto only raised his hand.

"So that's the demon brother huh."

"It must be true. Look at the whiskers on their cheeks."

"Are they really demon?"

"You don't know? The older guy said some demon rampaged in our village, before they transformed and become a baby."

" Yeah. My parent also said something like that. They said to not go and associate with those demon kids."

After knowing the existance of the twin brothers, some kid whispered to each other about two Uzumaki. Some talked badly, some was not convinced, some not really care, and some are showing hatred in their faces. The excitement in Naruto's face gradually disappeared. He tried to not care by snorting and folded his hand, while closing his eye.

"Uchiha Sasuke".

A boy with a spikey hair raised his hand, identifying himself as Sasuke. When his name was mentioned, almost all the girls in the class showed a look of admiration and infatuation towards him. These admirer not only looked at his lady killer face, but they also also admired his background as he came from the famous Uchiha Clan. Any Uchiha is born talented, and this is especially true for their dojutsu called the Sharingan. Therefore, it was not a surprise for Uchiha Sasuke to become famous among the kid, especially girls.

"Cheh! What so good about him? A girl face?" grunted Naruto. He was obviously jealous of this kind of treatment. As an orphan, he always long for such attention. That's why, he showed such displeasure.

However, Naruto's grunt earned him some glares from those girls who admired Sasuke. Even the biggest Sasuke's admirer, Haruno Sakura also looked at Naruto with a deathly glare, causing the boy to feel uncomfortable.

Time flow by and the class eventually ended.

Seeing that there is no more class for the day, Zokuto and Naruto decided to go back to their new home. Arriving at the house, Zokuto directly started his training. The training he did was the basic training, which is push-up, sit-up, and running. He did not try to add any weight as his five year old body is too small to get used to this kind of exercise.

Seeing Zokuto dilligently doing his training, Naruto felt motivated and started to follow doing the same exercise. However, he gave up half way as he got tired. He is still a kid and his patience and endurance is not comparable to Zokuto, who's former soul is already 32 year old.

"Why are you stopping?" asked Zokuto.

"I give up. This training is too hard for me. I think learning jutsu is more interesting. You know, those jutsu that goes bang! and boom! or swoosh!" Naruto tried to depict those unique jutsu using his mouth and his hand gesture.

"How can we learn any jutsu if we don't have any book or reference of such jutsu? Also, I don't think there is anyone that will be willing to teach us any jutsu." said Zokuto, shaking his head.

"I still don't like physical training." Naruto still felt unmotivated to continue the training.

"I can't help you then."

After that, Naruto left Zakuto on his own. Zokuto did not mind that and continued his training.

Two weeks later.

'System, show me my status.' thought Zokuto.

[Name: Uzumaki Zokuto (Jinchuuriki)

Tailed beast: Yang Kyubi

Bloodline: Uzumaki bloodline

Elemental affinity: Earth, Water.

Jutsu: None

Taijutsu: None

Kekkei Genkai: None

'System, is there no numerical data for myself, for example my strength, Speed, and Vitality?' asked Zokuto.

[There is. would you like to view it?]


Zokuto accepted to view his three numerical data.

[Strength: 56

Speed: 54

Vitality: 97

*Note: This is basic data, not included additional data from the sealed tailed beast.]

'Show me the data before my training.'

[Data before training -

Strength: 46

Speed: 52

Vitality: 90

*Note: This is data not included the sealed tailed beast.]

After two week of training, Zokuto only managed to increase his strength by 10, speed by 2, and vitality by 7. This increase is a little too less in Zokuto's opinion. He was thinking that he should gain a little more but, it does not seems to be that easy.

'I need to find that guy.' Thought Zokuto.

'System, do you have any suggestion on how to increase my strength?'


1. Add more set to the training.

2. Add weight on training.

3. Learn Taijutsu

* Note: Host have the Uzumaki bloodline plus the vitality of granted as a Jinchuuriki. Both can boost the development and recovery of body if host ever get tired or injured.]

Yes! I got both Uzumaki and Jinchuuriki vitality! Why did i think that I will harm my body of overexcess training? Zokuto was enlightened from his forgetfulness. He then changed his training routine into one that stricter and harder. As we was planning his new course of training, he was interrupted by a system prompt.

- Ranking list of [Taijutsu Fighter] for the newbie Shinoby will be announced in 5 days. Note: newbie Shinoby is student in Ninja Academy that has yet to become Genin.

The announcement has started! This is too early, thought Zokuto. The announcement was projected in the sky above Konoha in a golden words.

The announcement lasted for only like 20 minutes before it disappeared. This however still managed to stir up the situation in Konoha. Almost all the people in the village saw the announcement.

"What was that?"

"It says some kind of announcement of Taijutsu Fighter. It also mentioned that it was for the just enrolled Ninja student."

"Why should there be a ranking? Is there going to be a quick promotion or something?"

"Who knows. It might be the work of spies from other village."

The villager started to talk about the announcement.

Hokage's Office.

"Reporting to Hokage-sama. Some golden word appeared in the sky." an anbu appeared in the office and made a report.

"I know. I saw it." Hiruzen replied with a solemn face, while looking out at the window. Is this the work of a spy? But for what? If it is for promotion, I would know because I certainly will be involved in any kind of promotion. In any case, this announcement is unheard off.

"Tell all the anbu to be on alert, and always on look out. Also, check whether there are any similar thing happened in the rest of the villages." Hiruzen commanded an anbu.

"Roger that." the anbu disappeared.

"Notify all the Jonin, and Chunin to be alert of any spy or suspicious people." Hiruzen commanded another anbu and that said anbu saluted before going to do the task.

'I hope nothing bad come out of this.' thought the Sandaime still looking at the sky outside the Hokage's office.