
Ranked Number 1

This is a story of a 12 year old boy named Eunhae who family left him somewhere. The boy was left all alone with no food or clothes. The boy learned quickly and accepted the fact that his parents left him for dead. He learned how to hunt for his food, skin animals, be stealthy, and etc. One day he was found by the police and was taken to the police station and no one knew him or claimed him so he was taken to an orphanage. But this wasn't a normal orphanage it was a soldier orphanage. It trained the children there to be elite soldiers. Those who didn't make the cut were killed. Eunhae was one of the kids who made it out alive. He became the best soldier and was ranked 1st of all of the elites. The training that they went threw wad very tough. But for Eunhae they trained him rougher because he already knew some things. Eunhae was the best of everything. He was mostly used for sniping because they didn't want him to be put in danger because he was so valuable to them. He put all of the others to shame.

ToniGlennan · Action
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Chapter 1: I'm all alone

It was just a normal day and I was sleeping in my bed when I got woken up by my mom. I sat up and looked at my mom.

Eunhae: Yes mom?

Mom: Come on get ready we are going camping today.

Eunhae: Okay mom.

My mom walked out of the room and I went to my closet and got changed then packed my bags. I already knew that my parents were going to leave me because I overheard there conversations about leaving me there. So I packed all of my clothes, soap, tissue, baby wipes, all different types of seeds, and bring some of my hunting things like a fishing rod, a knife, some seasonings, and other stuff. I was prepared for the worst. I dragged my bag out of my room and walked into the living room.

Me and my parents got into the car and my dad started driving to the woods. While we were driving to the woods I was knocked out and blind folded. The ride was bumpy, we drove over big rocks and trees that had fallen on the ground. All of a sudden the car stopped and I was thrown out with my stuff. An hour had passed and I finally woke up. All I saw was black. I touched my eyes and removed the blind fold and looked around. I wasn't surprised and I wasn't mad at the fact that they left me here.

10 hours had passed and it was starting to get dark. I had watched lots of survival shows and walked around and collected some big leaves, branches, grass, and rocks. I build a little fort it was hidden so no one could see it and it was quite comfortable. After I built the fort I felt quite hungry. I looked around and found a rabbit. I grabbed out my knife and sneakily walked towards the rabbit and stabbed it. After I stabbed it I picked it up and took it back to my base.

I skinned the rabbit and went to the stream that I saw and took the pelt and the meet and brought it to the stream I cleaned off the pelt and opened up the rabbit and took out it's organs and washed them then put the in a bag. I took the meet and the pelt back to the base and I cut the rabbit meat into small pieces and put some in a bag and started to gather sticks and rocks and made a fire pit. I let the pit on fire and placed the meat on a pan with some oil and seasoning in it and cooked it.

I ate the meat once it was done and put the fire out and went inside of the base and fell asleep. I was woken up early in the morning at 6:30 when I heard some twigs breaking. I got up quietly and quickly and saw that it was a bear. I grabbed the biggest knife that I had and got out of the base from the back. I quietly walked behind the bear and I jumped on top of it and stabbed it where its heart was multiple times until it stopped breathing and fell to the ground. I let the bear bleed out and when he was finally done I skinned him and washed his pelt and put the rabbit pelt and the bears pelt in the sun.

I cut open the bear and took out it's organs and place them in a bag and cut the meet into steak sizes and some into bite sized pieces. I opened up my suitcase and took out my solar powered cooler and built it then put the meet inside of it and put it in the sun. I grabbed the bag with the organs and with the bite sized pieces of meat and built traps and put the food in the traps and put them in good areas. I walked to the pond with my soap and bucket and of course I brought my knife. I took off all of my clothes and scooped up some water into the bucket and placed it to the side.

I got in the pond and started bathing myself. I heard grass being moved and something walking towards me. I got my knife ready just in case and when I did a wolf jumped on me. I dragged the wolf out of the pond and stabbed him in the heart and lungs. The wolf whimpered and then fell to the ground.

Ugh another animal I had to kill. I said

I let the wolf bleed out and skinned him and washed his pelt and cut him open and took out his insides and placed then in a bag. I cut the meat of the wolf up and placed it in a bag and put it in my cooler. This is how it went on for 3 years. In those 3 years I learned how to make a bow and shoot animals from far away and learned how to defend myself.