
Rangers Lifes

Normal people may never seen it, but i did. Normal people may never heard it, but i did. Ghost, Goblins, Beast, Dragon. you see them as story and tale. where brave men and women fight for honor and glory. but mine will not be as grand. because i am a Ranger. We who live in the shadow, Who hear the wishper We who live Between death, and return to tell the tale as a report. *** *** *** i'm not native english writer, so please forgive me for any grammatical error. and do kindly put the correction on comment, so i can edit it later

Northsouth · Fantasy
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8 Chs

I Can See You

Today is a nice day. sun shine so bright and warm. my tummy is full after lunch. a man dressed in ripped coat sitting there, talking with manager. manager have serious face. the man also have serious face. what a nice day.

i have nothing else to do, i think this is a good time to hanging around my mother grave. so i do just that. i go out and walk Happily to mother's grave.

on the way there, i see my friends playing on the Orphanage park. they are chasing each others as they play tags. the 'it' gonna chase the other kids till he touch one. then that kid will be 'it'. sad things is, sometimes the 'it' usually is the bullied kid. so the kid will chase around other kids while being cheated like pushed around or distracted.

some other kids played a game called "gobak sodor". weird name actually since word 'gobak' closely resemble 'gerobak' in surrounding local language which translate as 'cart', and 'sodor' based on local language means push. name wise, it means 'pushing cart around'.

but the game is different from the name. this game played by 2 team. first team have to protect their line from being breached, the other team have to breach through the defence and back again. if the attacking team got touched by the defence team, they will lose. bad thing is, since each team have the same number of kids, the game will end up stuck most of the time. each defense player for each attacker.

finally I'm arrived on the swing. i took a glance at mother's grave then just swing Peacefully. wind Breeze touching my face, blow my hair and soothe my heart. i closed my eyes, enjoying the momentum of the swing.


when i open my eyes seconds later, i see a woman sitting not too far from mother's grave. she is smilling while looking at me. i smile back at her. she is pretty. almost as pretty as my mother as seen in the picture is my pocket. but her face is a lot thicker, almost chubby.

and i continue swinging happily.


Richard still talking with manager. he asked manager how she find him and what state he was in when she found him. he also asked about the state of the orphanage, does they have anything they lack. Richard wished to help the orphanage if possible as a token of gratitude.

for about one hour they chat about many topic, until he see a boy walking away of the orphanage. he can see that the boy is thinking about something, maybe trying to decide what to do.

but then something surprising happen. Richard see a silhouette of a woman walking behind the boy. the silhouette is transparent and very thin in existence that Richard barely seen it. but his trained eyes and senses still manage to see it. without showing his surprise on his face, Richard asked the manager.

"that boy, is there anything special with him?"

"which boy are you talking about?" asked manager since Richard changed his topic so suddenly.

"that one, the one that just go out" said Richard while pointing at William.

"you mean William? why do you think he is special?" asked manager again. deep down in her heart, she decide to kick this man out if he decide to ask anything dangerous about William.

"don't take me wrong, Ms. Smith. i don't mean any harm to the boy. i just see something.... different happen to him just know. and based on my experience, such occasion will bring either bad luck for life or good luck beyond believe." Richard said with serious look on his face.

"wha-? how? he is just a child? what could happen to him? i think you are crazy Mr. Richard." said manager half angry.

"I'm not crazy Ms. Smith. but i can't tell you more than that. but i think that something is also the reason i fall here, right in your orphanage." said Richard calmly.

" what do you mean?"

"what i will tell you is a secret beyond secret. if you are willing to bear the risk, i guarantee there is nothing the boy can keep away from you. i will be your main informant. but in the same time, by taking this risk, i also ask you to let the boy go with me. i will take him as an adopted son. i will take care of him. and in the future, you will see him do great things you can hardly imagine. what say you?" said Richard while staring right into manager's eyes.

"wha-? no! wait! what are you talking about? who are you? are you terrorist? you must know that if you dare to do anything to William, i will find you, and i will kill you, myself!" manager shout angrily as she standing and pointing at Richard.

"you can't find me Ms. Smith. never. but if you agree to my condition. i can assure you that you can always find the boy whenever you want."

"but i think, to help you decide, i can show you what makes the boy special. let's go outside and see where the boy right now." said Richard as he stand up and go to the door.

manager still angry at Richard. but seeing that he ignore her anger and calmly go outside, she must follow him. or else he might kidnap William and take him away. somehow, without she realize, she already loved William like her own child.

manager and Richard walk to the tree where William swinging happily. Richard show a shocked face as he see William swinging while being watched by the woman. he didn't know who that woman is, but he can see that William know that woman is there, and that woman also know William. even, that woman looking at William lovingly as if looking at her lover or...

"a look of loving mother to her child" said Richard.

"sorry? what you say?" asked manager.

"hmm.. i think you better see it for yourself. just make sure you will never say about this to anyone, or anything. not a word. is that clear?" demand Richard.

after that he moved his hand to manager eyes. covering both of it as his hand release a blueish vapor. after a second, he removed his hand from manager eyes and point at William.

"please help me. tell me who is that woman?" asked Richard.

manager the moved her eyes to where William is. suddenly her eyes goes wet. she can't hold her tears. while covering her mouth and fall sitting right where she is, she wishper.

"that is his mother."