
An interesting encounter (Anne x Werewolf Reader)


Anne's P.O.V

I feel myself stirring in my sleep, starting to wake up. I groan in annoyance and roll over, attempting to doze off again. I lay there for a few minutes before I hear the hatch to the basement open. Confused, I sit up and look around. I can't see very clearly due to the lack of light but I can clearly see that (Y/N) isn't in her bead.

'What's she doing up?' I mumble. 'Probably just the toilet' I decide as I try to lay back down.

More than ten minutes pass and (Y/N) still hasn't come back. I'm starting to get a little worried now. I can't just sit here and do nothing. I get out of bed, and pull my hoodie out of my backpack to put on. I carefully tiptoe out of the house, making sure to not wake anyone else up in the process. After I close the front door I look down and see footsteps the same size as (Y/N)'s leading into the forest.

'' I wonder before following after her.


The footprints I was following ended a little while ago and now I think I'm lost. I've been strolling through the woods, the only light being the full moon that hung high in the sky. Maybe I shouldn't have run out into the woods without thinking it through. Although (Y/N) did the same thing, why though? What could she possibly be up to?

I jump slightly when I hear a bush rustling from next to me. I tense up as I wait for any other movement. Suddenly I regret not bringing my tennis racket with me. I few extended seconds pass as the bush continues to rustle. It rustles more and more before a cute little bunny pops out. I let out a sigh of relief realising it was just a false alarm.

'Hey buddy, you're a cute little guy aren't you?' I smiled, reaching down to pat it.

I smiled more as the bunny leaned into my hand. I sat there for a minute before I noticed that the bunny had started to look behind me. The bunny ran off so I cautiously turned around. I stand confused, not seeing anything at first before it revealed itself.

I feel a bead of sweat roll down my face as the wolf towers over me. It stands high on two legs, it's fur dark grey and it's eyes a dark, crimson red. The moon behind it casted a shadow over me which made me feel even more venerable.

I try to back away from the monster but my clumsy ass fell over, exposing myself more. It leaned down while growling slightly. It stared straight at me before I noticed a change in its eyes. It's eyes were somehow softer.

It came down on four legs and gently nudged my in the stomach causing me to curl over at the impact. It whined at my reaction, almost sounding like an apology. I know for a fact that I've never met this giant wolf before but it seemed familiar in some way. Instinctively I reach out to pat it's snout and surprisingly it lets me.

'Do I- Do I know you?' I asked, not really expecting a definite answer.

The wolf nods it's head and makes a short huff in acknowledgement.

'So I- I do know you?'

It huffed again.


It took a few steps backwards and motioned for me to follow. I sat there shocked before shaking my head and getting up to follow it. Wait. This isn't what I came out here for.

'Wait! I need to find someone' I said to the wolf.

It tilted it's head in confusion.

'Someone I'm close with, (Y/N) disappeared and I was worried so I went out to find her and then I got lost and then you showed up and I can't follow you further into the forest cause I need to get back home!' I blurt out. During my rant I didn't notice that the wolf had left until I noticed (Y/N) standing in front of me. 'WHAT!? WHERE'D YOU COME FROM?' I yelled.

'Hehe... I guess I have a bit of explaining to do, dont I?' She mumbled.

I stormed up to her and pulled her into a short hug before pulling away. 'Ya think?! You just disappeared into the night! You had me worried! And where did that wolf go!?'

'I didn't go anywhere' she said, resulting in my confusion.

'What'd you- YOU WERE THE WOLF!?'


'Explain. Now'

'Remember that weird dog we found near the start of when we arrived here in Amphibia and how it bit me?'


'Well that little puppy may or may not have turned me into a werewolf' she sheepishly explained.

'So you've been going out into the woods every month?'


'Does anyone else know?'

'Maddie does, she noticed me acting strange one time and she's helped me deal with the symptoms'

'I guess that makes sense. But why didn't you tell me?' I asked, I could hear the sadness in my own voice.

'I- as generic as it sounds, I didn't want to hurt you. I can barely control myself as a wolf so I'm really glad that I didn't hurt you when I was one' she looked down sadly.

'Hey' I cooed, moving my hand to her face to make her look at me. 'It's ok, I know now and we can get through this together. I promise'

She puts her hand over mine and leans into the touch. 'So you're not weirded out that I can turn into a giant monster?'

'Dude, we're literally in a world of talking frogs and we eat bugs on a daily basis. Nothing weirds me out anymore' I smirk a little.

'Well that's a relief' she sighed before reaching up to give me a quick kiss.

I smile down at her and smile, kissing her again.

'We'd better get back before Hop Pop wakes up and starts freaking out' I chuckle and start to stroll off before stopping in my tracks. 'You wouldn't happen to know which way home is would you?'

'This way dummy' she laughs, grabbing my hand and pulling me the other way.
