
Aug 1, 2022 : Write a short story that tackles a conversation between two characters in a hospital waiting room

"Why does it have to go this way? Why us?"

This thought doesn't leave my head since the moment I got out of that damned room, watching those white tiles on the floor, taking in the rushed actions of this place until I take a sip of the coffee bought from the coffee shop. When after a long time of that one single thought, I was forced to wonder "Why the hell does this coffee tastes like dog piss!?"

I dump that coffee cup in the garbage can thinking of the money I wasted and go sit in the waiting room rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand and running my hands in my hair which are rough now since I haven't washed them in a week.

Back to my thoughts again to the conversation that happened with Maya in the hospital room, I was suddenly interrupted by a girl sitting down in front of me my age with crinkled clothes and messed up blonde hair with a dead-pan expression looking at the ceiling, trying to let the tears in her eyes go back I assume.

I cough lightly and ask "Are you OK?" to which she looks towards me with a curious gaze assessing me and replies after an uncomfortable silence where I was blasted by the overthinking thoughts of "Should I have let her be? That was a plain stupid question Dumbo who the fuck asks that in a hospital! Uhh, should I run away?" with "Is anyone OK in a hospital dude?"

"Umm... The people who are healthy and get discharged after a long stay?"

"Ohk, you got this one. So who is this guy trying to be a knight in shining armour coming to save this damsel in distress?"

Ok. Thought 1. She is cool and fun.

"Sam, not a knight in shining armour although I did play the role of a prince once in high school, if that counts. Also, neither do you look like a damsel in distress. Look kinda cool to me not gonna lie"

She chuckles and comes to sit beside me now, offering her hand which I accept while she says, "Skye here, Sam, not a knight in shining armour and yes that prince counts."

"Had something from the cafe? Sincerely advising against getting a coffee as I did just a few minutes ago and it tasted like dog piss."

"Hadn't yet, would take the advice tho. Hospital foods sucks in general."

"Agreed wholeheartedly! Wanna talk about what was troubling you?"

"That seems like a fun idea, baring your heart to a complete stranger who can later murder you in a creepy alley."

"What are you even doing in a creepy alley? And yep it definitely is. Sometimes I think it's good to talk to complete strangers. It's like you talk, you get to know stuff, and then you guys never meet each other. No emotional attachments or fear of keeping up the image you have in front of near ones."

She smiles and says, "Follow me and you'll get to know. I can agree on that though I have never done this opening up to a stranger thing, let's try this too but first tell me about yourself, coz honestly you look like shit."

"Certainly am I guess. Just got dumped by the girl I love because she thinks she is not good enough for me being admitted in the hospital most of the time which I think is completely silly as I adore her."

"Umm... I am sorry ig? That shit must hurt. But it's difficult convincing yourself that you deserve someone with many insecurities, can lowkey relate to her but you should try to convince her and be her knight in shining armour atleast."

"First of all, stop with this knight crap. Nobody needs one ohhk, we all are pretty strong for ourselves. And yes I am trying, just need a break to... get my energy back I guess. I love her but even this gets exhausting you know. But that's for me, what about you?"

"It's my Granny. Pretty old, sick, and well... breathing her last breath."

"Ohh, I don't know... what to say."

"It's okay, stuff happens. Still thinking you should go back to your girl and talk things out, maybe get her something, you know, gesture."

"Nah, staying here for a moment, she is spending time with her family for a while. And yes, would get her something, maybe a book, gets pretty boring staying in a room for a long time."

"Do whatever you wish."

"Yeah, you take care of yourself though dude."

And that marked the end on our conversation, just like that we stay on that bench side-by-side silent in our own thoughts until one of us will get up, say goodbye and we'll be strangers again.