
random thought's 3

fermented cum can be used as white paint.

why do i need to know someone's gender if I'm gonna forget them in 2 seconds anyway.

who decided to freeze milk and call it ice cream.

when i shit i don't always poop but when i poop i always shit.

why did they name poop. poop.

why do people think that jumping off a plane is a good idea? i mean i get it you have parachute's and all but. why?

who the hell decided to name trees.

what is oak?

if your leg get's cut off why do you still feel the pain?

prescription drugs are just healthier and legal drugs.

what do the police do when they find drugs?

if a teacher can't learn all subjects,why do they expect a child to?

no one says the word pog in public un ironically if you do stay at least 2 planets away from me