
random thought's 2

a pencil is just graphite with armor.

the older you get the more disappointing life is.

why do mosquetos suck blood. like are they born with the feeling that they should suck blood.

mosquetos are just a better version of a vampire. they're really small so it's harder to kill them. they can carry viruses. and they don't die in in the sun light.

the akashic records is a breach of privacy.

the sun is a big flashlight.

the moon is the world's biggest mirror.

what the hell is dirt.

sand is just a beaches dandrif.

infants are just a level 1 human

what do animals think when they see us.

am i really okay or am i okay'nt.

telling someone who just had a loss to stop crying is like telling a flood to stop flooding.

a toothbrush is just a comb for teeth.

america is wrong. it's just wrong.

some people will say that being immortal sucks because you live much longer than the people you love. but. i say being immortal is cool as shit.

you literally have an eternity to experience everything you couldn't have before.