
Random stuff from Merain

Random ideas and already made stuff

Merain · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Siege 1

The enemy's left flank is collapsing sir. Our right will fall unless we send reinforcement's.

The young man's voice boomed over the courtyard. The general waved him off as he stood looking over the city. The city's defenders were the mighty cavalry that was currently outside the walls. They were well trained and winning their engagement. Truly the real heroes of this battle. Every single of of the men that came back would be rewarded medals. The men guarding the western, eastern and central walls were all militia. A disgraceful lot. If the enemy hadn't sneaked up on this glorious city in the middle of the night there wouldnt have been any reason for these so called guardsmen to even be here. Nothing could stand against the cav. Everyone knew that. The attacking force however didn't plan on staying outside and slowly get slaughtered by the knights. No, they charged the walls in groups. Killing the peasants defending them with ease. And if that wasn't laughable enough, a group of three men claiming to be mercenaries had strolled into town and offered their services. Three men had the audacity to think they could help. One man had been decent enough to talk to. General Aogustovis had granted him a chance to speak and it had turned out to be a stroke of luck. For the Knight was of royal blood. Cousin to the king even! It seemed he had started a mercenary company for fun and was currently looking for work. Aogustovis had seen the hint and paid him to be his personal bodyguard unit. It looked rather exotic to be guarded by a man dressed in armor worth more Than most of the men around here would earn in their entire lives, a Goliath that was covered in mythical tatooes and runes but with a temper of an angry bull. And for some reason a Rogue with his own wierd aura. If one looked at him for to long one would feel sea sick. So he didn't. Such a wonderful day this turned out to be. The cousin of the king was here to witness his cavalry destroy the enemy. He even managed to get on good terms with the royal by simply going along with his silly dream of being a mercenary. Blue mist was coming from Knight's eyes. He was focused. Studying everything at ones. The right would fall. The left could still be defended. Center had more men than they needed. The general of this town didn't care for townsfolk of farmers. As long as the noble's in his city were happy so was he it seemed. Before he could say anything Rogue opened his mouth.

~ Goliath. You go hold the right. I'll gather some men to help you defend it. Goliath looked at him in disbelief.

~ You want me to hold the right?

~ Well of course. Unless It's to big of an issue for you.

~ Too big of an issue? Pfft! I could hold it on my own if i had to. And with those words the giant walked off towards the eastern wall.

~ Knight. I want you to.

~ I'll hold the left. It's the best place for me anyways. So i assume you'll grab some men from the center wall to help the right. Well, good luck with that. The knights seem very comfertable where they are. He started the long walk to western walls. Whistling a jolly tune as he walked. The general turned around in a small fit of rage. He started screaming to the house guards to follow the royal and to keep him safe. Rogue was still contemplating whether to let this boofon live or die. The assassin would strike as soon as the last guard went around the corner. It was hard to tell which of these noblemen were the traitor though. Twenty seconds after the last guard had passed around the corner of the courtyard, a nobleman dressed in long red garbs grabbed a knife and came sprinting towards the general. Rogue pinned him to the ground with darkgreen shackles of magic. Walked up to him and kicked the knife out of his hand. Fourof the noblemen came rushing forward and dragged the assassin of towards the cells. Rogue turn to the general that was still in shock.

~ We charge extra for assassination attempts. And he walked off towards the central wall.