
Chapter One

Hado #90. Black Coffin] A black so dark that it seemingly engulfed the sky formed a box and swallowed a certain substitute shinigami. Ichigo seemingly undisturbed by the black box shattered it with but a swing of his hand.

It was then that a myriad of colors representing a kaleidoscope lit up the sky. And when the colors faded a portal opened up.

Both men stopped mid clash, backed up and looked at an opening portal. As the portal opens a myriad of colors blast out blinding both Substitute Shinigami and Leader of the Arrancars. "So this is it? The last fight before I can retire?" A calm voice rang out. "Indeed it is. Once again I wholeheartedly thank you for participating in this little experiment of mine. You don't know how much this means to me." This time a different voice rang out and even though this person said such sincere words, even a retard out make out the amusing tone underneath. "Hm, I could care less about you putting me into all those war and fights. But it does get boring doing the same thing over and over, Zeltrech" The calm voice rang out again.

(Zeltrech) "Indeed it does, Luna. What do you think I throw people into other universes for?"

(Luna) "Cause you like watching people fuck up?"

(Zeltrech) "Ha Ha, very funny." *Dripping with sarcasm.*

"WHO ARE YOU?!" An almost crazed voice rang that was identified as Aizen. Luna and Zeltrech either didn't hear them or didn't care as they continued to talk while ignoring Aizen.

(Zeltrech) You better get ready as this will be your final and hardest fight.

(Luna) I know. And I plan to win. After all, I get to retire after this.

Aizen normally wouldn't be consumed by rage, but adding the effect of his enemies Ichigo seemingly effortlessly block and defeating his strikes and the hogyoku affecting his mind. It's safe to say that he is borderline crazy at this point. And since he was filled with rage, Aizen speeds towards Luna and swung his sword with speeds beyond that of anyone. And Ichigo seeing an 'innocent' person about to be harmed is reminded of his friends being injured and speed off trying to save said 'innocent' person.

But what greatly shocked them all was Luna with but minimal effort dodged every sword strike that came towards him. Aizen once again filled with rage evolved into his final form and shot countless Hado towards Luna.

Luna this time spoke three words, but only three was needed to put fear in those who watched and a shiver down there spine that was so great that they swore an earthquake just found its way into their spine.

"Silence The Freezing Void"

When those words rang out everything within hundreds of miles was instantly covered in ice and from there not a single sound could be made. And Aizen stopped seemingly unable to move a single atom. And all attacks froze. Well not a single sound could be made from Luna's POV because of this zanpaktou all noises will be eliminated from his POV and it greatly improved the ability to let him focus. Although normally it would hinder someone who was breed in a war to use all senses to fight, it didn't matter to him as he had the Observation Haki that he obtained in that One Piece World.

And with those words, two double-edged paudos (Chinese spear) that looked to be made of ice appeared in his hands. Not even sparing a moment did he immediately transformed his entire body and spear into silver and blue metallic metal that covered every inch of his body. This was his own evolved version of Armament Haki. He also instantly spread out his Conquerers Haki and Aizen instantly felt a pressure that was never before felt, even Ichigo knew that this pressure was a lot stronger than his own pressure.

This was Luna, A unknown existence that travels across worlds going all out for the first time.

So with Haki, his Shikai, Chakra, Reitesu, Mana, and a shit ton of buffs that are borderline God and Handless Transmutation (FMA, He doesn't need to draw symbols or even clap to transmute.).

Everyone present could feel the massive power spike in Luna and with every nanosecond passing by he would grow stronger and stronger. Aizen at this point was about to kill himself. In the anime, he was preserving throughout the fight with Ichigo, but now since Luna let them feel his presence, Aizen could feel Luna being so strong that he is literally warping the space around him.


"Oh wait." Luna's calm and uncaring voice rang out. At that moment that looked in disbelief, they recognized what he was about to do.

Bankai. The Final Release of a zanpaktuo and its strongest form. This just only boosts the user's strength to at least 5 to 10 times the amount. Not to mention the ability that comes along.

It was also at this moment that millions and trillions of people across different worlds that have known who the Unknown was felt a shiver in their spines. This one word has sent countless people into despair and destruction. This was because the Unknown would always make known before he was leaving that countless worlds exist out there. And before leaving he would always use this just to flaunt this just to fulfill his otaku dreams when he was still a fourteen-year-old boy. And he had the right to do so as he wasn't allowed to leave a world until he was the strongest. So everyone out there prayed to the Gods even if they didn't believe cause dear Lord have mercy on the unfortunate world that had to witness this. For this was his power. This was his


Imminently afterward a torrent of power ripped apart the very core of this world and if it wasn't for Zeltrech being there to fix everything, dear god who knows what would happen.

"Silence The Everlasting Freezing Void For Judgement Day Has Come."

When the energy clear all they saw was a single spear in Luna's hand. The spear was completely made of ice and unlike his Shikai paodos. This was in the shape of a regular spear and it was meant for only one job.

To Pierce.

And that it will do.

With a sharpness that inflicted Aizen, the man who wields a sword of complete illusion, an illusion of his body piercing countless times with each more fierce than the last.

Luna took a stance typical throwing stance and with each movement of his atoms, the very laws of this world seem to be tearing apart and rehealing only due to the effort of a certain troll vampire.

With the same quotes that he was supposed to tell Urahara, he told Luna instead. Though only with a few words replaced. Aizen shouted in anger and despair at Luna.

"Luna! I despise you! Why, when you possess such power, do you not act?! How can you stand to submit to such a thing?!"

"Oh, the spirit king? I could care less. I am merely traveling across worlds to fight and slaughter armies. I care not of such thing." Luna once again said in his same uncaring and calm voice.

"That is a losers reasoning! A winner has to speak not of the world as it is, but of the world as it should be!


But before he could speak Luna's voice interrupted him. And started his Chant.

"Silence The Void. And Let Judgement Run Free. And Let Judgement Silence Those Who Still Dare Defile Us."

"Silent! Judgment!"

It was at this moment that Luna threw the spear with all his might and forced every atom of his body into one intent. Pierce.

WIth a throw that rendered the entire universe to sliced atoms and was only to be repaired and revived everyone back to life by Zeltrech.

Aizen was no more.

And Luna the Unknown was no more.

For he was now called Luna. Just Luna.

"Sigh, went a little overboard didn't I?"

"A LITTLE?! A FUCKING LITTLE?! HOW MUCH POWER WERE YOU HIDING FROM ME?! I HAD TO REPAIR A WHOLE FUCKING WORLD AND REVIVE EVERYONE! Though not like I care, I'm just curious." Immediately Zeltech yelled out in fury, but the second half he dropped his voice to a normal speaking tone so fast that it freaked Luna out a bit.

"If you have noticed that every battle, I have done is with only my spear and physical body. Rarely did I ever use jutsu, mana, hado, or even any magic. Just pure physical and since this was last I decided to go all out." *Sigh*