
Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons

# RELAXED Young Kane looked at the Book of Adventure in front of him. The moment he opened it, he realized it was a gaming system. That was the moment he knew his life was going to change. He became an unlikely explorer, embarking on quests in search of treasure and relics hidden in the fantasy world of dungeons. In each quest, he had to battle, explore, gather magical power, and level up in experience. Wealth, power, and authority could be obtained through exploring these endless dungeons. But lives, relationships, and even freedom were the price for entering them. And things could go dangerously awry when he ran afoul of deadly monsters.

Drink Coke? · Games
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40 Chs

Spider Nest Weaver

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Book of Adventure

Kane began to chant silently to summon the system.

An ancient and plain-looking book slowly condensed in the air. It was hard to tell its thickness. The words 'Book of Adventure' could be seen on the book cover. Other than that, there were no decorative patterns. It looked ancient and imposing.

He waved his hand over the cover and the pages began to turn.

However, because of the Magic Stones, only the first two pages of the book were opened. They were the skills extraction page and the skills page.

The pages beyond the first two pages were about functions after the game tutorial for beginners.

He was looking forward to unlocking the pages.

The skill-extraction page depicted a gorgeous magic circle with a pentagram and a few smaller circles. Its function was to produce empty magic stones which were then used to extract skills.

The strength of the skill extracted was related to the color of the Magic Stone.

Magic Stones were divided into: copper, silver, gold, and multi-color.

A magic stone could only absorb magic of the same color, and Kane could see which creatures possessed magic, how much magic they had, and what color they were.

This enabled him to assess and avoid some dangerous creatures.

He turned back to the skills page.

[Skill slot 1]

[Name: Eagle Eyes]

[Type: Active Skill]

[Color: Copper]

[Description: Use magic to transform the eyes into eagle eyes. See further and clearer.]

[Introduction: This is only the first step forward—Lexhorn, Human Enhancement Class]

[Skill slot 2: Empty]

[Skill slot 3: Empty]

[Skills Inventory: Spider Nest Weaver]

Right now, there were three skill slots. He did not know if they would increase in the future. The skills in the skill slots could be matched or changed at will, but there was an hour's cooldown time after each skill replacement.

Eagle Eyes, which was already on the skills bar, was in the skills inventory when he transmigrated. It was a reward for beginners.

And it was that skill that made Kane the best hunter in the town, and helped him through the toughest times in the early days of transmigrating.

Of course, it could also be that there were only three hunters in this town.

Kane dragged the long-awaited Spider Nest Weaver from the skills inventory into skill slot 2.

The system's prompt sounded:

[Do you want to install Spider Nest Weaver?]


[Installation successful]

[Please start the skill setup.]

[Select skill accessory: installation location of the jet holes]

A picture frame appeared in front of him. It was a scaled-down 3D model of Kane's body. It could rotate 360 degrees.

Kane thought for a moment about placing the two jet holes on his wrists. This position would give him a better aim and release.

[Click OK]

[Installation successful]

In that instant Kane felt a sharp pain. His wrists began to shake with the pain.

Just as he gritted his teeth and was about to scream, the pain suddenly weakened and disappeared.

Exhaling, he closed his eyes and began to feel the changes in his body and the way the skill operated.

The jet hole in his wrist was not an imaginary hole, but an occluded white dot. Touching it was no different from touching the skin.

After feeling it for a moment, Kane aimed his hand directly at the ceiling and flicked his wrist. A thin white thread shot toward the ceiling, and multiple strands of silk spread out and stuck to the ceiling.

"Ha ha. Now please call me Good Neighbor of Kara Town, Spider-Man Kane."

After saying that, he pulled the spider silk and flipped it onto the floor.


He turned around and shook his right hand at a glass of water on the table. He shook and tugged at the glass. Then he flipped his left hand to throw spider silk to pull a stool over.

In a flash, he tried a series of maneuvers. By the time he came back to his senses, he was sitting on a stool, drinking water.

The sensory experience of the Spider Nest Weaver far outweighed that of the Eagle Eyes of the same skill level. All the panic attacks he had about strange places, strange lifestyles, and the future dissipated completely.

All that remained was hope for the future and the anticipation of more skills.

Feeling settled, Kane began shaking his wrists at various parts of the room to perform various fancy maneuvers.

By the time the magic ran out, the room was an unrecognizable mess. It was obvious from the spiderwebs stuck everywhere who had made them.

But no one could blame a man who'd just gotten a new toy. Kane was just like a boy who'd passed by a rapeseed field and picked up a straight branch.

He sat down on a stool to rest and recover his strength.

Then he snapped his fingers, and the spiderwebs everywhere turned to ashes as if a fire had swept through the room.

This spider silk spun by Kane's magic could even be controlled by him remotely.

He could also maneuver the silk nimbly and spin it into other shapes as they formed.

After cleaning up the house, he lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

The effect of the skill made him think about the power of the system and its future direction.

Outside the house.

Crescent moon, gentle breeze, insects chirping.

And the distant howl of wolves.

… .

Dawn, the first glimmer of light before the sun rose.

Kane was awakened by a series of rapid knocks on the door.

"Knock, knock, knock."

"Coming, coming."

Kane opened the door and looked out. The visitor was a half-grown child with a slightly freckled face and a mop of blond hair. He had a more athletic build than his peers. This was Uncle Gorm's child.

"What brings you to me so early, young Gorm? I didn't get any bird eggs this time."

"No, no. My father sent me to look for you. He wants you to hurry to the bridge by the river. He said it's urgent."

At this, Kane quickly returned to his room.

"Give me a moment to get dressed and we'll be there."

Shortly after, Kane shouldered his bow and headed out.

He hurried along with Little Gorm.

"Did Uncle Gorm say what it's about?"

"No. The night watchman came in a hurry to see Father this morning. After hearing what he said, Father sent me to look for you. He went over to the bridge first. I haven't even had breakfast."

There were not many pedestrians on the road at this time, but as the largest town in the vicinity, various shops and stalls were already open.

Kane bought two white honey fruits from a nearby stall and handed one to Little Gorm.

"Hurry up and eat. Don't let your father see you later."

Kane hadn't eaten breakfast and was hungry.

This fruit was like a snack from his previous life. It was liked by children but disliked by adults. However, it was indeed delicious.

He took a bite. It tasted like apple and pear with a hint of honey.

When the fruits were finished, they could see the little river in the distance. They could vaguely see a large group of people gathering on the other side of the bridge.

Uncle Gorm was waving at Kane from a distance.

Even from this distance, Kane could smell the faint scent of blood drifting through the air.

He walked quickly toward Uncle Gorm.

The uncle came over and threw his arms around Kane.

"Come quickly. We need your help as the First Hunter. Of course, young Gorm, you will now have to turn around and go back to Mother."

"Ah ~"

Young Gorm cried out, trying to fight for a little freedom of movement. But seeing that his father was gesturing with his fists, he felt compelled to leave.

After watching Little Gorm enter the town, Uncle Gorm began to lead Kane in the direction of the crowd.