
Random Protagonist A

A very nice and good collection of stories that are definitely most absolutely written coherently. Stories about cultivation and other stuff. The most unique and most extraordinary story you'll ever read frfr. Great plots and great "plots" and even greater face-slapping. Definitely does not seem like it was written by a 13-year-old. (The first 2 chapters were written when I was like 10 and I just found it there and decided to expand on the story) INSPIRED BY INVINCIBLE DRAGON (great novel go read it) [Each volume is a new main character and maybe if a certain main character is like really loved by everyone ill make a sequel to that character and make the next volume about that and yeah]

AGuyWhoReadsStuff · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Seven Tips To Conquer The Hidden Mountain Sect

Zhou ling had ransacked the Heaven Palace's martial arts library.

He learned many skills, and also sword skills too. Zhou ling knew that he had only learend Elementary Sword Intent and not Master Sword Intent. But zhou ling planned to like learn the MasTWE SWORD inTenT BECAUSE he was awesome!!!!!!1!!11 nobody could defeat zhou ling!

zhou ling always learned the 'flying on sword' skill and was able to reach the entrance of the Hidden Mountain Sect and he mets sum like cool guard guys at the entrance.

"HAlt! Who goes dere!!!!"

"Bro its me brother ZHou Ling!"

"Oh ha! Brother zhou ling, i uh, of course i know of u cus uhh.. I dont own u money do i? If i do i promise ill pay the money back i just know that my drug cartel can suceed!"

"Uh?? Bro no you dont owe me money."

"Oh! Uhh.. ignore everyting ive said about everything."

"kk "

Then zhou ling was granted passage..

"Wait do i know that guy? Isnt that guy on the bounty must kill paper? No way it is! I must alert the elde-"

a short sword stabbed the guards neck and zhou ling used sword intent to shred his neck into shreds. Luckily nobody totally noticed ez.

Zhou ling then sneked up to the disiciples training in the courtyeard, deez doods were outer court disiciples and werent very valuable. except all of dere cultivation were at the peak of the 5.0 Realm… luckily zhou ling had advanced to a Grade-2 Poison maaster so now he can effciently make poison gases that can even fell Origin Bronze Realm cultivators!!

Soon everyone in the courtyar fell down to death and zhou ling absorby the soulsies and becoome even MORE powerful!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!??! So now the guards were alerted and headed to the outer yard but the poison gas was still there so all the guards at Origin Bronze Realm died instantly!! Then the rest got sick and disoriented from the poison gas, that was ZHOU LINGS time to attack!

Flying Head Strike!

A lot of heads flew up and everyone fell down 2 teh ground deth!@@!!

Soon the nearby elders were alerted!!!

"Who dares raid our sect! We are the best in the continent!!!"

Then the zhouling quickly fashioned a quick wooden mask answered the question..

"I did!"

A masked warrior appeared before the elders. The elders tried asking what the meaning of this was but before tey could finish sentence he striked! With a single Dragon Buddha Palm he had flattened the elder in front of him!!

The other elders panicked! They elders were extremely strong. Most of them were at the Origin Gold Realm and above. One of them was even close to breaking through to the Qi King Realm!!!

However zhou ling wa shaving none of that! He punched them into mists of blood within seconds and quickly absorbed there souls and stole there skills. Some of them had comphrenedned a rudimentary, broken, watered-down version of sword intent. Zhou ling was fusing them with his current sword intent and he felt like with just a bit more of enlightenment he could potentionally learn Master Sword Intent :OOOO

However the King Elder atatcked him with such fierceness!! He didnt even notice him standing there, and his attacks hit like a truck!!!! But the thing was.. He was only in the Origin Destiny Realm!

'This guy defintietlymy has some very strong skills'! Zhou ling thot

Zhou ling had some exchanges in pointers with him and he won every single exchange. Seeing the elder king get slightly fatigued he unleashed his new move!

Red Jade Crusher!

His fist curled up and was glowing blood red and his arm was as tough as jade! Finlly his fist crushed the king elders body into a pulp and with 1 hit he was down. 2 hits and he was like a noodle. 3 hits and he didnt look like a human corpse. 4 hits and he just looked like some red crunched up piece of tissue. 5 hits and his body couldnt take it anymore and promptly disintegrated into dust :(((

Soon the Mountain Kings had awoken. it was rumoured thet dey were at the Qi Emperor Realm. However, rumours were just de rumors rite?

And Zhou Ling was right!! They werne't at the Qi Emperpr Realm!

They were at the Qi Overlord Realm…


Jkjk were gona find the out now!! So Zhou ling realized he was about to be ganged upon nooooo but then he absorbed the King elders soul and comprehended…


And using the Heavenly Divine Godly Void Ancient Deity Poop Sacred Golden Earth Origin Dragon Veins of Pee Diamond Overlord of Qi Reincarnation Heaven and Earth Scripture and the tier 5 artifact he cultivated to the Qi Emperor Realm!! Then he summoned a God Sword which took up a huge chunk of his qi reserves, but now he was redy to fite!!

There were a total of 7 Qi Overlords!! How is he planning to defet these doods? WITH SPIRIT OF CURSE!

With a god sword in hand and Tian Explosion in the other, the Mountain Kings didnt stand a chance!! The 1st mountain king was distracted by the explosions everywehre was a stabbed but the God Sword.. However! He had Sword Resisteance II which meant he couldnt be kild by a mere sword! However thats where he thot wrongly.. [Crescent Moon Slash!!!?!?] the Mountain Kings body was cut in half!! The remaining 6 who just managed to get rid of the Tian Explosions were surprised when they found there comrades ded booday@@

"How could you des and troy our friends!!"

This time all 6 of them attacked however zhou ling still ha something u; his sleeve!

Wind Knife!

All of a sudden very tiny sharp things surrounded the 6 masters! Only 2 escaped from the tornado, but these 2 started focusing on zhou ling1! How is zhou ling gona handle TWO at once!?!? However, he is th amazing zhou ling! He quickly used Dragon Buddha Palm to fend off the attackers but they were too strong!

'ARGHH1! Is this what a Qi Overlord is like?'

He started feeling that his body was tearing apart! ZhOU lING didnt k ow what to do!! However, during tims of desprado he was fully enlightened!

O.N.E. S.T.R.I.K.E.


A feeling of embodiment ingulfed him. A great blight took over. And a awesome shining struck him.


Within that instanto the two martial matser overlord qi dudes were blown to bitS!

The 4 other overlords finally broke through from the Wind Knife attackonly to witness the horrific death of thee frends.

The 4 overlords went beserk and tried to kill zhou ling however zhou ling comphrended something new from the newly absorbed souls of those 2 overlords, there skills, experience, and most importantly.. EMOTIONS.

The hatretd, the rag, the overlords destruction and unwilling rage.


In that moment his body turned red and everything ws SUPA boofed! He once again utilized his Nirvana Strike which combined with Beserk Body, had struck through al 4 bodies of the overlords. They had died.

Victarious! ZHou ling had finally mad it bruv and he was gona conquer the waorld. unfortuntely he still had one opponent left.

A sleeping titan has awoken.

The patriach of the Hidden Mountain Sect has awoken from his slumber only to witness a scene of carnage. The destruction of his sect. Rage blinded him immdeitely.

'Surely if the rumoors were de Qi Overlord for him so he must be at.. GASP the Surface Lord Realm!'

But once again our very smart protgonist was wrang. He was at the Sky Lord RALM!

In that instant a blurry figure appeared before zhou ling and punched him so hard he burst through every protective barrier an formation in the sect. NRPPPP BROOO HES SO STRONKKK!!??

Zhou ling was vary injored and his Beserk Body had just worn off. Dere was no way he was gona winn!! Afterall, no man has managed to defeat a person 3 realms above dem!

With each strike zhou ling kept bursting with blod and was very mooch dyang! His glitsening flesh i men sweat kept dripping off his forehead and mixing with the blooood belloO and was barly hanging oon! 112211!!!!

he kept loking for da way for like the way to defeat the partriach (in a pear tree) and thats when he got an idea! It had been a long time since he had used this.

"Eat my Phoenix Destruction Darkness Moon and Sun Emperor Universal Sword of Pee!"

A sword of unparalled destruction appeared even scaring the patraich! Then coupled with his master sword intent it was a weapon to be feared. However, that wsant all! From absorbing the 7 Mountin kings he turned his master sword into..


His legendary sword coupled with his intent absolutely dominated!

Crescent Moon Slash!

Flying Head Strike!

However, even after all those mooves the patriach was only bleeding a bit. Then the patriach kept pummling him with high-quality moves!

During the punching he felt something awaken inside of hem. Not anything strange ik what ur tinking -_-

It was.. ENLIGHTENMENT and that strange enlightenment once eganfld tihw engulfed his booday and toaught him the sec rets of the seord !



Piercing Sun!

Witht ehe energy of a flaming sun he pierced the partriach right in the chyrnsanan and nearly ended him! howeveer de patraich has life-saving measures and managed to faught bac!!!!?!? But luckily zhou ling had won more tingy up the slevvies, NIRVANA STRIKE! He smacked the patraichs head into oblivion leaving only dust behind.. And also a vengufu l spirito

BUT GUESS WHAT! The vengeful spirit was sentient and atked him! He needs to keel the vengefulness spirto to get his soul so zhou ling absorbed all of his backup souls and contained it into one attack: Tian Explosion.

All of a sudden the ghost was blown into bits and bits and continued to get blown up by the explosions until it could no longa stand the hail up cuz is was not disicplinto and so the zhoul ing took his awaited and prize of his special and totally amazing primordial celestial-like golden thingy diamond sparkly god and titan-like monstrous delicious scrumptious SOUL!

When he absorbed the patraichs soul he felt overwhelming power!





Zohuling collapsed to teh ground tired dos and asleep… ten he woke the hail up. His sword intent was evolving!


But another strange ting. He abosrba the physique fom da partriahc.

Revolution World Physique! However it was only in the infant stage. If the partrach had it in the fully awakened phase he wouldve been destroyed within blink. Now dat zhou linga has it he can now conquer the warld with these physique. It maesk yo body supa tuff and also it steals qi from your enemy while fighting, and also you have a talent with building stuff now.

Another thing he got from the partriach soul is..


THough its only Beginner Alchemy Intent. But with dis he could even make a Tier 3 Pill or potion.

Now next was the partiachs spatial ring, so manny goodies in that ting

When he open the spatial ring there were spirit stones in there. SPIRIT STONES :OO

It was said only the supreme-like individuals own spirit stones. This was a Lowest-Grade Spirit stone and there was only 1 but you can like buy half of the continent with dis. And other stuff were in the ring too like a manual for a bunch of skillz an stuff. And also a training area where time moves slower. Zhou ling decided to train in there. but before that there were 2 strange objecto? One was a shiny orb. It contained something. When it tried to use qi sense on it he felt boundless power from it and it almost consumed him and killed him! With cold sweat dripping from his head he decided to check the other strange ting.

It was a old map. Hmmm… nvm must not be important.

So he decided to start training in the time area for a llong time. He upgrad everything and even cultivated using the tier 5 artifact and went from Astral Spirit to Forbidden Spirit! Then when zhou ling got off he felt satisfied…

That is until he saw the ancestry staring right at him filled with rage.

With unbridled power he dodged the punch from the ancestr and tried to consquatavely dodge the ancestors power-filled punches.

'This guy must be at the Forbidden Spirit realm too! I didnt even know such strong cultivotrs were hiding in the Hidden Mountain Sect dis entire time! Hmm.. i do wander why de sect is called Hidden Mountain Sect.. ahhg@! Nows not the time to tink, time to fighte!!'

Zhou lings qi reserves before he fought the partiach were like a leak in a pipe, now its like a vast ocean.

He could use several Niravana Strikes without geting de tired! He use his Phoenix Destruction Darkness Moon and Sun Emperor Universal Sword of Pee to slash straight through the ancestors life-saving measures.. With his grandmaster sword intent, he was unrivaled!

Crescent Moon Slash!

Half of the sect was cut in half! All builds reduced to dust, no, nothing even remained!

Flying Head Strike!

All of the remaining and surviving disiciples from both outer court, inner court, and the core disicples all had there heads cut off in an instant!!!!

The ancestry was puking blood out but he had a hidden attack!

SPIRIT TIGER!! The spirit tiger attacked him and mauled zhou ling but he used tian explosion to disperse the spirits away! Next he used Beserk Body and basically spammed Dragon Buddha Palm until the ancestry broke his bons..

The ancestr wanted to avenge de sect members butt he new dat if he continu the fight he will die!! He cannot die!! He spen 1000 years cultivating just to die by tis talented youngsta.!!

Alas, the ancestry could not escape Piercing Sun.

He helpless fell to the ground where a bunch of poison bugs had burrowed into his body which zhou ling had planted there before and cornered him dere.

"Wh-why have the attacked us??"

"Becuz u keel my motha and de fatha!"

"Wait r u talking about Zhou Meleng and Zhou Bu?"

":O those are my parents name!"

"Wait we didnt kill dem.. They volunteer for mission"

"Huh? What mission?"

"A mission to intercept a dark organization in the continent of Eastbound."

"So ur saying that you didnt kill dem?"

"Yea the mysterious organization did, or at least we think they did. We didn really see it for ourselves we only saw there life stone shatter but its only 74% accurate"

"So dey could still be alive!?!?!"


"whats the mystery organ ization nam?"

"Oh the organization? Its name is-"

Then the ancestor puked blood and thousands of poison bugs burst out of his skull, killing him.


With a huff zhou ling absorbed his soul and knew his next destination:

Continent Eastbound.

woahhhhh mega power boost i dont even remember writing this chapter

anyways now were gonna get closer to the mystery of zhou lings parents death and now this volume gonna get super duper good!!! read more cus you'll like it (source: trust me bro)

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