
Random love

_Zakuro_ · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Try To Make Some Friends

Female teacher : Why aren't you serious about your future, don't you have any goals in that head of your's? (...sigh...)


Boy student : Haha!! sorry Ms. Hanabi I'm just trying to have some fun that's all.


Ms. Hanabi : What!? you? want to have some fun? that was a good one. Are you trying make it out as a comedian. If that's how you want persue your future. (..Healthy laughter..)


Boy student : What so funny about having fun, Ms. Hanabi.


Ms. Hanabi : Seriously(blank face)? You don't see the funny part? Ok, let me break it you, Mr. Kisaragi Yuji!! You are an introvert who is always alone and don't have single friend to talk to, got it? Want to have same fun(Mockingly whispered). You are still young, so, how can you waste your precious youth away(..sigh..). I think I'm aging fast because you and I'm not even married yet.


Yuji Kisaragi : What!? no, Ms. Hanabi you're not that old. Infact you're still young and cute. Some of my classmate likes you so much they want to marry you and if your still single to the age of 30. Then I'll come back personally and marry you.

[Ms. Hanabi is 27 year old]


Ms. Hanabi : (Blushes) Flattery won't do any good to you. Ahem! by the way you're a good student, so, why did your performance drop so low this time. Did something happened at home? you can tell me.

Yuji Kisaragi : Nothing happened at home. Its that I was sick that day and couldn't focus on the test. And please, do me favour and don't tell mom about it. She worrys too much.


Ms. Hanabi : (Sigh) Fine! I won't tell anyone about it but in return you have to me a favour too. I'll be assigning to the odd job club. It also will give you the opportunity to make some frinds.

Yuji Kisaragi : What!?(shouted) A club, Why? I don't wanna join a club and why do you think I should join the odd job club, Ms. Hanabi??


Ms. Hanabi : The club will die without any activities to do. If they don't report any activities they'll be banned by the school board. So, I thought that you can help them to achieve they're goals or you can just call it women's intuition, all I know is that at the end of the you'll fit in just fine with club. Oh!! and your welcome in advance, boy.


Yuji Kisaragi : I'm not thanking you!!(screaming)

Ms. Hanabi : Its none of my business. Just go to the club tomorrow and introduse yourself. Oh! and aleast "Try To Make Some Friends", Will ya ??