
Random Jump`

We all know the drill if you are reading a Fan-Fic. Dies. Go to another World. Get some OP protagonist cheats. And blah blah blah...Read the first chapter and you will know. *** Disclaimer: The cover is not mine. I own nothing but the OC character in this book. Everything used in this Fan-fic belongs to their original owners.

meatball_san · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Being X

A great blast was heard, alerting every soldier in the vicinity. They did not know the reason for the explosion but the place where it happened—the resting area. Hurriedly equipping themselves with their gears, they rushed towards it.

Reaching close, they realized that it was the area of Second Lieutenant Noah Pelagon and Tanya von Degurechaff. Thinking an enemy has launched an underground attack or a spy has entered this deep to assassinate them. Though they couldn't understand why them. I mean, they are just kids.

Just then they heard another blast and from it, Noah flew out. Taking a flip in the air, he landed on the ground and slides 5 meters.

"Have you lost your fucking mind, Pipsqueak?!"

Noah shouted in the direction of the blast. All the soldier looked towards the pipsqueak—I mean, the blasted area. From there, Tanya, with a gun in her hand and a crazy grin plastered on her face came. Soldier hurriedly made a way for her as they saluted.

"You fucking molester! How dare you try to sleep with me!" Tanya shouted as she aims the gun in his direction.

"Initiating the interference with the reality"

Different magic circles form in front of her gun, scaring the soldiers away.

Noah seeing the circle points his hand in front of him.

'This pipsqueak has lost her mind!'

"Interfering with the reality"

Small magic circles form on the tip of his fingers. They merged together and formed a big golden shield from nothingness.


<Single Shot: Precision>

Noah and Tanya activated their magic at the same time as a bullet or beam was released from her gun and hit <Aegis>, creating another explosion in the vicinity, destroying the structure around them.

"Stop it! As I said before, I just slept and did nothing. I am not interested in little peoples! Anyway, I am way too big for your short body." Noah shouted her way.

Tanya's brows were twitching, "I am a fucking MAN! I have told you that before!"

"Accept the reality, Little Tanya. You don't have what it takes to be a man, an essential organ. Just start to act more like a girl now, find a partner, and live the remaining life." Noah said shaking his head as if disappointed in her.

"That's it, you are dying!"

"Oi! —" Before he could finish, he saw everything around him stopped moving. Whether it was smoke caused by explosions, or debris falling, or the soldiers around. Every single thing stopped moving as if time was stopped.

Noah's and Tanya's expression changed as they hurriedly closed the distance between them and stood side by side.

"Someone is controlling <Time Laws> of this Universe. At least, High God!" Noah said to Tanya who grits her teeth.

"It's Being X!" Tanya said.

And just as she predicted, a small portal opened before them. They could see flouting islands on the other side. Suddenly, they found themselves in a totally different environment. Looking around they found themselves in a totally different position—no, a different dimension.

"We were teleported. This doesn't seem good, Tanya-chan. Ready yourself, I am going to activate World Travel." Noah said. The way he was right now, even a sneeze of High God could kill him or them. He didn't want to take a risk so he thought since they cannot go back, they can use cube to send them to a different world. At least, their lives will be saved.

Tanya nodded.

"An irregular has shown!"

Both of them heard a slightly aged voice. They saw an old man standing in front of them with different aged people surrounding both of them.

Noah looked at him and narrowed his eyes, "An Advance High God?"

"Precisely. I am an Advance High God! Now tell me human, how did you know that? No, in the first place, how did you enter this low-level world? People of your world shouldn't care about this low-level world."

"Am I obliged to answer your question, old man? You may be a High God but that has nothing to do with me."

"Indeed. That's why we will have to torture you to get the answers."

Noah hurriedly took Tanya's hand and used the cube.

<Seek: World Jump>

A mystique and exotic energy released from his chest. Soon it covered the whole dimension in it.

Being X and people around them wide-eyed looked at the tattoo on his chest, "Origin?! Why do you have it, human! Stop them! Don't let them completed the <World Jump>!" Being X shouted.

Other hearing him, activated their attacks. Most of them were seals to seal them. But before their attack could reach them, huge energy was released from his chest, creating a shield covering them in it.

""This…"" Tanya and Noah looked at the shield with wonder. They were closest to the shield so both of them could tell, "The energy of this shield is even greater than Being X!" Tanya said. What she said was true as the shield was releasing energy even greater than the Being X.

Before they could think further about what to do, a blinding light was released and Noah and Tanya vanished in the light.

As Noah and Tanya vanished, the whole dimension regained its calm "What should we do, Lord? Should we tell the Supreme that we have to find the Origin?" A person who had different ornaments of different shapes on his body asked.

Being X thought for a moment before answering, "Leave it. Instead, send out a man to capture those two. If we can get our hand on Origin, then we can definitely become the True Creator!"

Other hearing him had greed flash in their eyes. Nodding the man informed others to get Noah and Tanya.

Being X kept looking at the position where they stood as he thought, 'That kid… where have I seen him before?'


Japan 1200 hours, Tokonosu City, Fujimi Academy.

A normal day was going on at Fujimi Academy when suddenly a loud boom was heard, alerting others. Teachers stopped their lectures and looked out of the window, towards the P.E ground. Most of it was covered in dust as if something heavy dropped there.

"What is happening?" A student looking out of the window asked.

"Who knows? Maybe someone is pranking." Another student answered.

"Someone must have lost their minds if they think pranking in daylight is a good idea." A bespectacled girl—with furrowed brows and long pink hair, tied into two ponytails with two thin, long bangs at the sides, two thin strands of hair over the left side of her forehead, and a spiky larger portion of hair covering the right side of her forehead—said.

"Takagi-san, what you mean by that?" a girl with long brown hair said.

"Are you an idiot Rei? Isn't obvious? Doing prank in the daylight is a different thing and doing it at the place where everyone can see you is a different thing." Saya Takagi said.

Rei understanding her looked towards the smoking area with everyone as it clears.

They say two kids standing in the center of the blasted area. They were wearing sleeping trousers while one of them had a gun in her hand. They all looked wide eyes at them, "What are kids doing here?"


"Cough* Cough* Damn you, Noah! Can't you create a smooth landing!" Tanya said as she came out of the smoking area.

"Ma~, little Tanya. At least I saved our lives. Who knows what would have happened to us if Being X caught us." Noah said as he also walked out of the affected area, dusting the sand off.

Tanya clicked her tongue since she knew he was telling the truth. She looked around her, "Where are we?"

"A new world?" Noah said rubbing his chin.

Tanya saw people gathered around them. She ignored them and checked their clothing. She looked behind them and saw the academy building.


"Hell ya! This seems to be modern Japan with no wars!" Tanya shouted towards the sky, startling everyone around them.

"Oi! What are kids doing here? where are your parents?" a teacher of Fujimi Academy asked. Other teachers also gathered around him and looked at them curiously.

Tanya who heard him calling kid looked towards him, "Huh? Did you call me pipsqueak?" she glared at him as her aura started to overpower her surroundings.

The teacher who asked the question felt like he was carrying heavyweights. He could barely have stood for a second before falling to his knees. Other teachers looked at him with puzzlement and asked him if something was wrong with him but he could not get a word out of his mouth.

Noah poked Tanya's shoulder, "What are you doing, pipsqueak? You are destroying your peace if you kill a human in this world." He said.

Tanya had her eyes open when she realized that they were, indeed, not in the previous world where war was going on and she had the authority to punish others.

Realizing it, her aura vanished as her personality changed into that of a cheerful young girl, "Are you alright, mister?" she asked the teacher with worry laced on her face.

Noah who saw her had goosebumps all over his body. 'I never thought that if she acted like a girl, she would be this creepy.'

The teacher, who could finally breathe, looked at her. 'Angel…'

"I am alright. Can you tell us, where your parents are?"

Tanya had tears gathered in her eyes as she said, "Mama… Papa… Tanya doesn't know."

Other hearing her and seeing her cry hurriedly came forward trying to pacify her.

'What a poor child. She must be lost.'

Noah kept quite behind. He was trying to feel the limit of this world.

'Advance Rank? It seems my initial guess of the next world being higher level was wrong.'

"Come with us to the staff room; we will call the police for the search of your parents."

Tanya nodded and followed after them. Noah just shook his head and also followed. Even if they called police, they would not be able to find their identity since they were not registered as a citizen of Japan.

'I need a PC to hack into the government server.'

Noah had tried using the cube again but found out that he could not. He thought it was probably on cool down.

If no one has guessed yet then let this one enlighten ya'. This is the World of High School of the Death.


meatball_sancreators' thoughts