
Code Geass

Welcome to another version of Earth, this time with an empire that is racist towards everyone. This world is not that dangerous, if you're away from any battles that happen and annoying people. The only issue right now is that you know where you are and it's not good. You are at Britannia, the biggest empire on Earth and the most dangerous if you're not careful. Being the child of Charles zi Britannia is not something that most people would be happy about, especially his ability to alter people's memories. The only thing that made this situation any better is that you received something you didn't expect. When you were looking at a mirror you noticed that your eyes were a bit different than usual and you immediately knew what it was, a Geass. Surprised by the new information, you tried testing it and realized that your Geass has multiple abilities. You can tell if people are loyal to you, turn invisible, understand things extremely quickly, and cancel other Geass abilities. You don't have to worry about getting your memories messed with, but that doesn't mean you are safe yet. You need to prepare for the future events and you will do everything you can to stay alive. Let's see if this world can handle another Geass user doing what they desire.