
Everything pizza

As I was counting the stars I felt bored again,that's where I heard a mortal ask for an everything pizza and so I thought of making mischief.

I isolated that reality for a few aeons to personally gather everything to put on that everything pizza.will it destroy the fabric of that universe?maybe but it will be fun.

As I ran through the multiverse to gather all the ingredients.I travelled to planets that hosts life forms so advanced they could construct entire planet in a few years,USING ONLY TECHNOLOGY. Truly unbelievable.

To universes where the big bang hasn't occurred yet so I waited for the explosionto to begin to isolate it and collect it.To universes on the brink of extinction due to gigantic blackholes which weren't dealt with before they grew too big.

It was alot fun to say the least It was the biggest adventure I had in hundruds of aeons.I should do things for the mortals more often. They have such wild demands.So selfish yet entertaining.

So to even contain everything into the pizza I had to enlarge the dough to 5 univeres⁸.And when I unleashed such a behemoth of a creation the entire universe imploded and some universal branches got damaged in the process too.Mm that explosion was one of the best explosions to exist.