
Random Hero (Boku no Hero Academia Fanfic)

What happens when you awaken memories from your past life? What if the way you died was really terrible. Could you get over it? What if your new life is bad as well. This is the tale of someone that tries make thing right with his Random Transformation ability. --- This is my first story that I have written. I don't own any of Boku no hero academia characters or the world. I am just playing in that world with my own character. Not my Picture, if asked I will remove. Found on Pinterest

Sandman78 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Shopping Trip

After shopping for a time we decided to get a bite to eat before we head back for the day. We stopped at a place for some burgers to eat. Then sat down at a table to talk once we got our food. I was back in my normal form again after all the shopping.

"So I noticed that you got you clothes in a bunch of different sizes. Even you bras and panties that you got. He He." Jirou said snickering at the end.

"Well you know my Quirk. I could become any size or shape with it. I thought I should prepare for it. I hope my quirk doesn't make you two uncomfortable with me having to shopping in the same section as you." I said.

"No, it was fun shopping with you today." Hagakure said.

"No, it was fine. I know why you need to, but can I ask you some questions? They might be somewhat personal." Jirou asked.

"Sure, go ahead. But I may not tell you if it is too personal." I replied.

"I was curious about your Quirk. Dose it make you into a girl or do you just look like one." Jirou asked.

"I am not sure what you fully mean. My Quirk make me fully a girl. As you know I grow breast and every thing when I change transform." I said.

"So you become fully a girl. Do you like guys when you are a girl?" Jirou asked.

"Oh I see what you mean. No I don't start liking guys when I become a girl. I still have my same thought process. I just get there memories when I become them. But only when I look though them do I get the details of it. Other wise I would get bombarded with all the different people memories and I could quickly lose my sense of self if that happed. It is kind of hard to explain how that all works." I said.

"So how long can you stay transformed for?" Hagakure asked.

"When I use the Random Transformation I have 24 hours with that form unless I save its form. Any of my save forms I can stay in them as long as I want I believe. I guess the longest I have stayed in one form besides my main body is a week before. I could probably have stayed longer in any form I guess. I change forms to often to find out my absolute limit that I can stay as someone else." I replied.

"So could you get pregnant in your girl forms?" Jirou asked.

"I think I could seeing as I become them fully. I can do anything they normally could. I don't plan to ever find out though because I find girls more attractive then guys." I replied firmly.

"But if you got pregnant do you think you could still transform back or with you be stick in that form?" Jirou asked.

"I don't know what would happen. I plan to never be in that situation. I may not be able to transform back when I am pregnant but I don't know for sure. Why are you asking these questions?" I asked her.

"I just wanted to know more about your Quirk. It is interesting." Jirou said.

"Yeah, you get to know what it is like being both male and female. Not many people get to know what that is like fully." Hagakure said.

"If you must know the gritty details then I have felt horny sometime as a girl. But it was still about another girl. With all those different hormones it is are not to some times. I haven't had a period as a girl yet but that is mostly because I am never one long enough to." I said.

When I got done saying that I saw Jirou blush when I talked about being horny. I couldn't tell for Hagakure but with the way she moved when I talk about it she might be embarrassed too.

"What are you two embarrassed for? You guy brought up this conversation not me. You two are old enough now that you might have felt a certain urge before. If anything I should be more embarrassed then you two, talking about getting pregnant. I am a guy, why would I want that to happen to me." I said.

"Pregnancy and being horny are two separate thing to talk about." Jirou said.

It was cute how she whispered the word horny. She is now so embarrassed with this conversation.

"I don't see that one thing lead to the nest. We can talk about something else if you want to change the conversation." I said.

"Thanks, it is a little change but your quirk has only made you a female before. Have you ever turned into any male heroes?" Jirou asked.

"Yeah, I was wondering that too. Are your male forms more powerful? Is that why you change don't change into them more often?" Hagakure asked.

"You are a little confused not every one I turn into was a hero. I have become a villains before as well. You guys should know this." I said.

"Sorry it was just a figure of speech. You know what I meant. Now answer the question." Jirou said.

"Well right now I am under someone's Quirk that doesn't allow me to transform into any male forms. Now I can get out of it with Sayumi Tananashi's power, but I can't right now. I need to wait for the right time to do that." I said.

It's true I should be able to get my full powers back with her power. But I need to wait. I knew Sabrina would pull something and not let me go entirely. Now she is holding my male forms hostage so to speak.

To break it I need to truly believe it to get my full powers back because I 'willingly' gave them up. Her power it tricky, it works even on my subconscious beliefs. That's why I can use it on myself and keep all my powers. I believe any power I get with my quirk is my own and not a foreign power subconsciously and consciously that's why I didn't lose any thing when using it on my self.

If I break the contract right now she could tell her father and brother about me getting away and I would be hunted by them. I need to pick the right time to get fully away from them. Once I am strong enough or have something on her then I will try to break a way from her.

"Someone used their Quirk on you? Do you need any help?" Jirou asked concerned about me.

"We can ask All Might to help you." Hagakure said.

"No it is okay. It happened a long time ago. I have everything handled right now." I said calming the two down.

"Well if you say every thing is fine I will trust you." Hagakure said.

"We will help you if you need it." Jirou said.

"Thank I will let you know if I need any help." I said to them.

'They must really want to be heroes if they are willing to jump into a situation without knowing all the details.' I thought.

"Well it is getting late we should probably go back soon." I said.

We were already done eating our burgers.

"Almost I have one last question for you before we go." Jirou said.

"Oh, and what is that?" I asked.

"You mentioned that you got your past life memories. I was just wondering what you were before?" Jirou asked.

"My past life wasn't any thing special. I was married before and had to kids. I worked as an engineer. My life could have been said to be boring. But at the end my family ran across a mad man. I was powerless to save them from him. I didn't have any super power back then to do anything. I wont go into the details for you but it was the must powerless I felt. I said.

"That's so sad. I'm sorry I asked." Jirous said.

"Don't be it is in the past now. That's why I want to get stronger so thing like that don't happen to me again. Once I get strong enough that I can protect my family then I might start another relationship." I said.

"You don't want to date right now?" Jirou asked.

"Not right now I have to many thing going on right now that I am not thinking about that stuff." I replied to her.

"You shouldn't put your life on hold you know." Hagakure said.

"Yeah, you may never feel you are strong enough to protect your family that you chance may pass you by when you do." Jirou said.

"Ha, you two are right but that doesn't mean that I should date right now. Maybe next year I will feel like it when thing calm down or after high school, who knows." I said.

"Well we should get going now. We have a big day tomorrow and I have a ways to go before I get home. We should get some rest to beat everyone else tomorrow at the sports festival." I said putting an end to the night for us.

"Yeah, lets beat everyone and come out on top." Hagakure said all excited.

"Lets do our best tomorrow." Jirou said.

We then grabbed all our stuff and headed home for the day. When I finally got home it was 10:00 o'clock. I put my stuff away then went to bed for the night.


Author's note:

Just so you know the main character will Not get with a guy. There might be a little romance in the story but not much I think. If there is it will only be with one person not a haram story.

I am not sure if I can do the romance part well. This is my first story so my writing is kind of bad. I hope to improve my writing over time as I continue writing this and more stories in the future.

I just wanted you guy to know so you don't freak out thinking that I am heading in that direction with my story. I just think some of this should be said in the story as a gender bender story.