
Random Hero (Boku no Hero Academia Fanfic)

What happens when you awaken memories from your past life? What if the way you died was really terrible. Could you get over it? What if your new life is bad as well. This is the tale of someone that tries make thing right with his Random Transformation ability. --- This is my first story that I have written. I don't own any of Boku no hero academia characters or the world. I am just playing in that world with my own character. Not my Picture, if asked I will remove. Found on Pinterest

Sandman78 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Cavalry Battle

"The next event is a cavalry battle. Let me explain this event." Midnight said.

"The participates can form teams with two to four people as they wish. It's basically the same as a regular cavalry battle, but the one thing that is different is based on the results of the last game, each person has been assigned a point value." Midnight said.

"In other words, each team will be worth different points depending on who is in the team." Uraraka said.

"You guy's don't hold back even though I am talking, huh?!" Midnight got mad that some people said what she was going to say.

She moved on and continued, "Yes, that's right! And the points assigned go up by 5 starting from the bottom. So 42nd place gets 5 points and 41st gets 10 points! And the point value assigned to first place is…"

"Ten Million!" Midnight said.

Once she said that I felt everyone start to look at me. If they can take my team down they have a chance to come out on top no matter what their rank is now.

I was excited. This way I can get better with more pressure on me.

"It's a survival of the fittest, with a chance to overthrow the top!" Midnight said.

"Those at the top suffer more. You'll her this many time as you attend U.A. This is what 'Plus Ultra' means! Jamie Tao, who placed first in the qualifier, is worth ten million points!" Midnight said.

"Now for the rules of this cavalry battle. The time limit is fifteen minutes. Each team is worth the total of it's members points. And the rider will wear a headband with that number of points on their forehead. Teams will try to grab each other's headband until time runs out, and try to keep as many points as they can."

"Stolen headband must be worn from the neck up. The more you steal the harder it will be to mange them. And the most important thing is that even if your headband gets stolen, or your team falls, you are not out."

"During the game, it will be a cruel fight were you can use your Quirks. But it is still a cavalry battle. You'll get a red card if your attack are trying to make people fall on purpose. You'll be removed immediately."

"Now you have fifteen minutes to build your teams. Start!" Midnight said.

After Midnight's long speech everyone started to look for teammates. I know a lot of them won't want to be on my team so it will be easier for them so they can try to take me down.

'I hope the people I want will join me though.' I thought.

I know Bakugou will never team up with me now. He wants to show that he is the beast so I didn't even try to get him on my team.

I went to find my future teammates. I didn't take me long to track them down. It should come as no surprise that I went to find Hagakure and Jirou. They are both in front of me now so I can ask them if they want to be on my team.

"I'm sure you both realize I want you both on my team. With the training we have done together I think we have I good chance at winning this thing. Will you both join me? I know that it means we will have to fight off most of the people coming for us." I asked them.

"Of course Tao-san! I would love to be on your team! It will be fun!" Hagakure-chan said.

"I would like to have went against you, but with our training together I know that with your transformed forms that you have saved it will be hard to get the headband from you. I want to make it to the next round so I am in too." Jirou-chan said.

"Good, thank you for teaming up with me. Now lets go over the plan." I said after thanking them.

We then went to planning what we will do during the battle with the remaining time we had left.

The time was almost up and everyone was in a team. Our team consisted of Jirou, Hagakure, Me and Yuuga Aoyama. When planning we decided we didn't have someone with a good deterrent Quirk with us. Aoyama's Quirk is Naval Laser so it is a nice attacking Quirk that will balance or team well. Luckily he didn't have a problem joining our team.

For our rider we have Hagakure riding on top. She isn't wearing anything on the top half of her body, the only thing she is wearing is the headband with ore team value on it. This way no one can tell were her arms are to defend against her. Jirou is on the back left side and I am on the back right side. Aoyama is the front horse, this way we won't get in his way when he uses his laser. He had a bad stomach pain from over using his Quirk in the preliminary round but I healed him up before we start the match.

"Alright, you made your teams right?" Pricent Mic said letting us know that the match was about to begin.

"Now lets go! Counting down to the brutal battle royal! Three!"




Everyone enter the field at the same time. They all headed for us. I was already transformed into Shirai Kuroko, thinking we may need fast maneuverability. I can teleport us all at once the only problem will be the time lag between teleporting. Because I haven't mastered her ability yet with me teleporting all of us I will need two seconds after each time we teleport again be able to do it again, if by myself I could do it under a second.

When I saw everyone come I call out to Aoyama.

"Aoyama-san do it." I said.

"Right, Everyone watch me." He said before he fired of his laser from his belt that he needs to wear towards the teams rushing at us.

They had to dodge it so they slowed down for I second before come at us again. But that is what we wanted, anything that can stall for time.

"That wont work get them!" yelled a man with weird eyelashes as his team came toward us.

The lead person of their team did something that made the ground under our feet become soft. We started to slowly sink into the ground.

With more then one team heading for us I decide to teleport us out of there.

"Here we go!" I said to let them now that we were teleporting. I then teleported us to a free area with less teams around.

We were now behind everyone that came charging at us. We started to run away to increase the distance between us.

"Damn you! Don't run away!" Bakugou shouted at us.

"Ha, Ha, Ha, catch us if you can." Hagakure said while laughing, it looked like she was having fun in this situation.

"Tooru-chan don't encouraged him. It will just make him madder." Jirou said to her in her teasing tone. It looked like she was having fun as well.

"Don't worry ladies. With me hear we will win this!" Said Aoyama.

"Watch me sparkle!" he said then fired off a few lasers to discourage them chasing us.

His lasers hit the ground in front of them making it explode causing dust to fill the air in front of them.

It slowed the weaker teams down but some just went though the dust clouds. Bakugou and Todoroki's teams were still after us. And is that Midorria, I guess he wants to beat us to.

We started to run away again. But Bakugou flew toward us with his explosion Quirk though the air. Seeing as he was the only one close to us at the time, this was our chance.

"Jirou-chan do it!" I called out as I transformed into Kitty Pryde.

"Got you!" Yelled Bakugou as he went to grab the headband on Hagakure.

But his hand went right though it. We started to run away at that point. We didn't want him to close. Besides we already got what we wanted.

Before Bakugou could fall to the ground he got pulled back to his team by Sero's Tape. Apparently it's legal to leave the horse if you don't touch the ground.

"Dame you! Go after them!" We heard Bakugou yell.

I smirked a little. He must have found out we took his headband after he failed to take ours. While I am Kitty I can have other people become intangible as well if I am touching them. So while I made Hagakure intangible so Bakugou couldn't get our headband, Jirou extended her earjacks to get his.

As we were running away Todoroki's team got in front of us.

"I'll be taking that now" Todoroki said.

Other teams were surround us as well. I saw Momo make a blanket of some kind and I knew what they had planned with Kaminari on their team.

"Don't worry just keep going." I said to my team.

We turned to head away from Todoroki's team. As we did that we were covered by electricity from Kaminari. I already made everyone intangible right before he attack so it didn't effect us. But the other teams around stopped do to the shock of being electrocuted. Once they stopped they were frozen to the ground by Todoroki's Quirk.

We were gone by the time that happened so the ice never came close to us. But Midoiya's team and a few other that I don't know the name of were stuck.

Bakugou's team easy broke out of the ice and was still after us. But because they were stopped for a few seconds they were behind Todoroki's team. But Todoroki made a wall of ice behind him, the to the sides of us blocking us in.

I was happy it is much easier to deal with one team then a bunch of teams, especially if I don't know the Quirks of some of them. The only other person on Todoroki's team beside Momo and Kaminari is Iida. His Quirk is engine in his legs witch makes him a speed type. Momo had made rollerblades with her creation Quirk before the match started so they can go faster.

I notice something Todoroki hasn't use his fire side. If we stay to his left side it will slow them down. I told this to my teammates. We were able to by time by doing this. He can't freeze us because we are keeping is teammate Iida in the way of attack.

I am not sure what is going on with the other teams. They haven't broken in here yet. But that is better for us. The longer we stall the better. It should be getting close to ending.

"Are you sure you want to do this Todoroki? You could get a better score if you go after someone else. You know that you won't be able to take our headbands right?" I asked him.

If I get him talking it would stall for time. That's all we need.

"I already got some from when I froze the other teams earlier." Todoroki said.

I could see that, but that didn't mater to me. I saw Iida say something that I didn't hear. I thought something was wrong and I made us all intangible.

And not a moment to soon, because Todoroki's team was already passing us. Todoroki's hand went right though the headbands. They kept going and were far away from us again. They came and passed us before we could react at all.

"Count down start!" I heard.

Good just a little more then we win.

"Keep you guard up everyone we almost got this." I said.

Todoroki's team turn to look at us. It looked like they wanted to make another move against us.

Once there were four seconds left I made us intangible again. I didn't want anything to happen at the last second. Todoroki's team started to come towards us but they weren't as fast as before.

"Time's up" We all heard.

"That's the end of the second round!"

Todoroki's team stopped. They were about half way to us when time ran out.

We won. We kept the ten million point the whole time as well as got some more. We did a good job.

Now we just need to find out who also passes this part.