
Battle Trial 1

The next day

I went to sit in the seat that I had the day before. I decided to rest a little before class started because of my morning work out. I fell asleep a little bit before I was rudely woken up.

"TAO-SAN!" I heard. I looked up to see who it was and found Iida in front of my desk.

"What?" I said in an annoyed voice.

"You shouldn't sleep in class. It is disrespectful." Iida replied in a loud righteous tone.

"You are right, but class has not started yet and I am resting before it so I don't fall asleep during class." I said to him.

"Oh, sorry I didn't think that was what you were doing." Iida said with a sorry face for misreading the situation as he went back to his seat.


The class started and it had all the normal lessons for all required subjects.

I was bored with the classes as I remember all this stuff from my last life. So I was reading law books looking for loopholes. I was also studying this world history. I found that it is similar to my old world but Quirks show up in it so it went down a different path. I did find out that someone had a Quirk that let him steal Quirks from people and he could give them to someone else. That person seems to have disappeared for now. Maybe he died or is in hiding.

With how greedy people are I can see people teaming up to get rid of him out of fear. His power was overpowered. That why I didn't tell everyone exactly what my power can do. It will probably come out that I can save some of my transformations. I don't think I will tell them the total amount I can save. I will also tell them that I could only use the full power of the person that I turn into only on the first time, which is true. If I switch to my normal self or one of my saved forms and go back to it later, then I will have to train from there weakest state. If they were weak in the being that will be were I will have to start from. I will know how they trained there power so that is good. I will start with the powers as they were first introduced with. Right now I only have Sayumi Takanashi saved.

If they found out, I can see them trying to watch what I do 24/7. I don't want to live like that, so I am happy that they aren't watching me yet. I do know that they are nervous of my power. I mean I could turn into someone and do a crime and it will be hard to know if it was me.

To keep them off my back I will probably have to register who I have saved and what their powers are. That is why I won't tell them how many I can save.


It was noon break right now. I was happy that the food is vary good here and cheap too.

"How is it? Did you find anything?" Bakugou asked.

I shook my head no, "Nothing new from yesterday. I am pretty sure that someone gave him his strength Quirk from how he suddenly didn't want me to help him anymore, after I told about Sayumi Takanashi's power. But no idea who gave it to him yet. It is only the 2nd day so we have time."

"So that girl's power can really take someone's power from them?" Bakugou asked.

"Yeah, she could if it was not their power. But we are born with the Quirk gene so I could do nothing about that. If someone gave a Quirk or stole one her power could get rid of them since it was not theirs's to begin with." I replied.

"What are you talking about?" Kirishima asked as he joined us at our table.

"We were talking about Midoriya's Quirk and I thought that it was powerful enough that he could throw the ball into a similar distance to Bakugou with a flick of his finger," I said.

"No! I'm better than him by a few meters!" Bakugou corrected me.

"Yeah, his Quirk is a bit similar to All Might's," Kirishima nodded while eating his food.


Me and Bakugou looked at each other and felt dumb to not realize it but also thought that we had found something incredible.

"Oi, Bakugou, What do you think? I asked.

"Tch, this is troublesome," Bakugou said. He started to feel that this thing wasn't simple in his opinion.

We went back to eating the good food they have here.


I was back in class wondering what we will be doing for the hero curriculum. Everybody else was the same waiting for the teacher when the door suddenly opened.


I was surprised that the most popular and strongest hero is our teacher.

"THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!" All Might said with his trademark smile.

"I can't believe it! All Might's really going to teach us!?"

"That design's so silver age! That art style clashes so much it's giving me goosebumps!"

I could understand that everyone was excited since All Might is very poplar.

All Might stood in front of the class and said, "Foundational Hero Studies! For this class, we'll be building up your hero foundation through various trials! You will get a lot credits from it!"


I knew we might fight each other. I hope that I get a good person this time for it.

" To go with your first battle…."

I saw the wall suddenly open and a cabinet popped out from inside the wall in a sliding motion of mechanical movement. The cabinet look like the ones you wound find in a bank safe, each one was made from metal.

Everyone was excited because we all could guess what was in them.

"We've prepared the gear from the requests we had you send in to match your Quirks!" All Might said with a wide smile.


Everyone wanted to grab their costumes as soon as possible.

"First, take the costume by lining up according to the class order," All Might said with his smile.

We all nodded when we heard his voice since it was All Might, everyone was very respectful and took their hero costumes by lining up. As everyone had grabbed their costumes I heard.

"Get changed and we'll be ready to go! Everyone gather at ground B! The garb you bring into the battlefield is vitally important, boys and girls!" All Might said as he did a pose, "Then, I will go first goodbye!" He said and moved very fast out the door.


As I was opening my case in the boys changing room I was excited to see how my costume turned out. It was hard to come up with an idea when I don't really know who I will be. So I went with a black spandex like suit with some dark covered armor for protection. I have a utility belt that will hold a bunch of different equipment that I will add to it later once I figure out my main three forms that I will save.

Right now I have a couple flash grenades, some injectors filled with some sleeping agent, some to paralyze my opponents, with a gun to fire the injectors at them. I also have some metal wire, and a gas mask just in case. I have reinforced combat boots to wear and gloves. I have a black mask that covers the top portion of my face with only my mouth and jaw showing, with a hood attached to the suite.

The suit should be able to stretch or shrink to fit my size. I was able to get it on and took a look in the mirror. I saw that the suite gave me a mysterious combat look. The only thing that stood out on it was a symbol of a die with the 3 side showing.

The die represents the randomness of my Quirk, and the number represents how many saved forms that I will tell people that I have. When really I can save 6 forms right now.

"Hmph, mine is cooler," Bakugou said while crossing his arms.

I looked at him and saw that it was made to support his Quirk, especially the grenade part in his arms, "You look like a battle maniac."

"What did you say, bastard?!" Bakugou yelled at me.

"Don't fight! Don't fight!" Kirishima said as he joined us. I saw that his armor only consisted of black pants and boots, quite simple hero costume but I knew that it was enough to support his hardening Quirk, "Kirishima, your look good." I said.

"Thank you," Kirishima smiled.

"Everyone, when you are done, let's hurry up and go to the field since Sensei is already waiting for us," Iida shouted.

We nodded and walked out from the changing room to go to the ground.


As we all arrived at the field I saw what everyone in the class was wearing. I almost laughed out loud when I saw Midoriya's costume that resembled All Might. 'If Midoriya really did get his Quirk from All Might he is not doing a good job to keep it a secret.' I thought.

"Sensei! This appears to be the same field in the entrance exam will we once again be performing cityscape maneuvers?" Iida asked while raising his hand.

"No! You will be moving on to step two! Indoor anti-personnel battle training!" All Might said and explained, "Villain battles are most commonly seen outdoors but statistically the most heinous villains are likely to appear indoors."

"Between confinement, house arrest, and black market deals in this hero filled society of ours, ahem…" All Might coughed and continued, "The cleaver villains out there lurk indoors!"

"You'll now split into villain teams and hero teams and face off in two-on-two indoor battles!" All Might said.

"So no basic training?" Tsuyu the girl that has frog like features asked.

"Practical experiences teach you the basics!" All Might said while raising his hand, "The distinction here is that you won't be fighting disposable robots."

"What determines victory?"

"Can I just blast anyone away?"

"Are you going to threaten to expel someone, as Aizawa-sensei did?"

"How do we proceed to divide ourselves into teams?"

"How fabulous is my cape?"

I saw that All Might was still maintaining his smile but his mouth was twitching really hard, "One at a time!"

"Listen up! Here's the thing. The villains will be hiding a nuclear weapon in the hideout and the heroes have to go it and take care of it!"

I raised my hand.

"Yes." All Might said.

"What type of nuclear weapon is it?" I asked.

"Dose it matter?" All Might replied.

"Of course, is the nuke set to launch to its target or is it set to blow were it is. Are the villains ready to die for their cause or do they have some thing that will keep them safe if it is set to blow?" I asked him.

"We will go with the scenario that the villains are ready to die for their cause." All Might said.

I nodded in response.

"The heroes will have a limited amount of time to either capture the villains or secure the weapon. The villains must either capture the heroes or protect the weapon until the time is up." All Might explained.

"Your battle partners will be decided by…" All might took a box and said, "Drawing lots!"

"Is that really the best way?!" Iida wanted to complain.

"It's find because you wont always have to best team for the job." I explain to him.

"That's true." Iida nodded.

"Good! Now, let's go to it!" All Might said.