
Random Craft System

A man transmigrated into a cultivation world with a crafting system, but his system seems to be random, too random maybe.

SizzlingCoal · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Minor Sect's Elemental Beast

With the hunt concluded, the protocol dictated that all manuals be surrendered to Lex for cataloging and further study, ensuring the accumulated knowledge was centralized and accessible to all. Conversely, any weapons discovered during the excursion were rightfully claimed by their discoverers.

Despite their victory over one queen, the Disciples remained vigilant, understanding that the threat might not be fully extinguished. With this in mind, they continued their vigilant watch, ever ready to confront any additional threats that might lurk within the shadows. The hunt persisted unabated, their determination unwavering as they remained on high alert, prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

They didn't leave any rat survivors, the extermination was relentless. They hunted and searched for more rats but didn't find any. This hunt had taken 5 days in total, meanwhile, they were hunting their minor sect had been completed, and they were left with a choice, what to name their minor sect?

Many names were put into consideration but the one selected was.


Within the confines of the minor sect, various occupational buildings stood as bastions of productivity and progress. Among these establishments were a forge, where weapons and armor were crafted and maintained, a pill concoction room for the creation of potent elixirs and medicines, and a storage room housing essential supplies and treasures.

The recent expedition into the rat's nest had yielded three invaluable additions to their arsenal of knowledge: [WIND SLASH], a technique harnessing the power of the wind to enhance their attacks; [SPEAR TECHNIQUE], providing refined methods for mastery of the spear in combat; and [FIRE MOVEMENT TECHNIQUE], enabling swift and agile movement imbued with the element of fire. These newfound manuals offered the disciples a wealth of techniques tailored to their current capabilities, promising to augment their combat prowess and strategic versatility in the battles yet to come.

These techniques were not that powerful because all the disciples that had died were poor. After returning all the disciples were assigned to their new residence where they went to sleep immediately because of the mental and physical exhaustion. A meeting was arranged for the next day to assign all the disciples to their jobs and responsibilities.

As dawn broke on the following day, all the disciples congregated in the expansive training ground of the minor sect. This vast expanse of land could easily accommodate tens of thousands of disciples, a testament to the scale and size of their burgeoning community. In stark contrast to the cramped urban settings Frank had grown accustomed to on Earth, the minor sect boasted luxuriously spacious surroundings, offering ample room for training, sparring, and honing their martial skills without constraint.

Surveys were placed on tables in the training field and every disciple was asked to fill in their respective fields, frank wasn't that interested in hunting, for now, he filled the Forging and Qi technique development squad.

The meticulous organization required for the smooth operation of the minor sect consumed nearly the entirety of the day. A total of 15 disciples were selected for each specialized field: forging, pill concoction, and hunting and security and 60 disciples were selected for Qi technique development,. These positions were deemed critical and were to be consistently occupied to ensure the sect's efficiency and prosperity.

Each disciple chosen for a role was expected to dedicate themselves fully to their primary assignment. However, in cases of urgent need or exigency, they were permitted to temporarily assist in a secondary capacity. This secondary role, however, could only be undertaken once the requisite hours in their primary duty had been fulfilled, ensuring that no aspect of the sect's operations was neglected or understaffed.

Frank had selected the Qi technique development squad as his primary while forging as secondary, their respective jobs started from tomorrow, and were allowed to do whatever for today. Frank not wasting time went to the forging hall, immediately starting forging subpar weapons.

Many other disciples had also come to the forging hall, striking of metal sounded all over. The forging hall had 30 or so furnaces in the middle with 6 anvils surrounding each of the furnaces.

The night ended with a dozen or so weapons being created by all the disciples, some good and some bad.

On the ensuing day, every disciple dutifully reported to their assigned tasks, with Frank positioned within the Qi technique development hall. The hall itself exuded an aura of simplicity, devoid of a ceiling and featuring a central area where a meticulously crafted engraving adorned the ground. Surrounding this central space, hundreds of desks were meticulously arranged along the walls, each serving as a workstation for the disciples to immerse themselves in the study and refinement of Qi techniques. Despite its unassuming appearance, the hall represented a crucible of innovation and mastery, where disciples would labor tirelessly to unlock the boundless potential of their Qi.

With introductions exchanged, their initial task was a synchronized cultivation session, intended to activate the effects of the combined elemental Qi absorption technique.

As the disciples congregated, they synchronized their breathing and began their cultivation in unison, channeling their Qi energies with precision and focus. Together, they harnessed the collective power of the elemental Qi absorption technique, feeling the surge of energy coursing through their bodies as they communed with the natural forces around them.

Once the session was complete, the disciples halted their cultivation and dispersed to their respective desks, eager to record their observations and insights gleaned from the experience. With diligence and attention to detail, they meticulously documented their findings.

Throughout the day, the disciples diligently repeated the process, engaging in synchronized cultivation sessions aimed at activating the combined elemental Qi absorption technique. However, they were cautious not to allocate too much time to this practice, understanding the potential risks involved.

It was crucial for them to refrain from relying solely on this technique for their cultivation. Overindulgence in its practice could lead to stagnation and hinder their progress in the long run. They were acutely aware that failure to develop this technique successfully could have detrimental consequences on their cultivation journey.

Therefore, while they explored and refined the elemental Qi absorption technique, they ensured that it did not dominate their cultivation efforts.

As the day drew to a close, the disciples gathered once more to share their observations and insights from the day's cultivation activities. Each disciple took turns reading out their summaries, while their peers listened attentively, ready to identify common points and address any uncertainties or areas needing clarification.

During this session, three major noteworthy points emerged from the collective observations. Firstly, it was noted that the engraving on the ground played a crucial role in facilitating the flow of liquidized Qi into the central well. However, there was a concern that over time, the dissipation of Qi into the atmosphere could lead to an increase in the density of elemental Qi, posing potential challenges or hazards.

Secondly, there was an observation that the dantian, the energy center in the body, tended to fill up rapidly during cultivation, limiting the duration for which disciples could effectively cultivate and improve their skills.

Lastly, the environment itself presented a significant hazard, particularly in the event of someone attempting to manipulate Qi in a manner that could potentially result in explosive consequences, posing a risk to everyone present.

Identifying these common points allowed the disciples to recognize areas of strength and areas in need of improvement within the elemental Qi absorption technique. By collectively addressing these concerns and uncertainties, they could work towards refining the technique and mitigating any potential risks, ensuring safer and more effective cultivation practices in the future.

These points were widely known by everyone but picking one point at a time could lead to a higher chance of success. This strategy was designed by the strategists and Frank working together, Frank was respected by everyone because he had come up with the engraving on the floor only from the first use of the technique, so everyone preferred his opinion before anyone else's.

Everyone had left the technique development hall late last night so nobody had time to join in on their secondary job. Three days went by did finally the development sect come up with a solution to their first problem.

"So somehow putting something to absorb the excess Qi will eliminate the first problem?" asked Lex, as the assigned leader all relevant development were to be reported to him.

All the disciples nodded in unison.

As everyone was thinking of something to solve this problem Frank piped up making a suggestion.

He had realized the Elemental beast egg he had crafted had started absorbing Qi from the surrounding, the only problem he felt this could bring up could be solved with a little lie. He asked to bring something from his residence and left the development hall.

With purposeful strides, Frank returned to the development hall, bearing in his hand an elemental beast egg of significant intrigue. As he entered the hall, all eyes turned towards him, curious gazes fixated on the mysterious object he held. With a sense of anticipation, Frank unveiled the elemental beast egg, revealing its unique properties to his fellow disciples.

Explaining its capabilities, Frank revealed that the elemental beast egg had the remarkable ability to absorb elemental Qi from its surroundings. This revelation sparked a wave of excitement and intrigue among the gathered disciples, who recognized the potential implications of such a discovery.

With the elemental beast egg now a focal point of their attention, the disciples eagerly discussed and brainstormed ways to harness its power effectively. They recognized the opportunity it presented to further enhance their cultivation techniques and refine their understanding of elemental Qi manipulation, Incorporating the elemental beast egg into their research and development endeavors.

Upon being questioned about the origin of the elemental beast egg, Frank shared a tale rooted in his family's history. He recounted how his ancestor had once aided a fellow cultivator in a time of need, rendering invaluable assistance that earned their family profound gratitude in return. As a token of appreciation, the cultivator had bestowed upon Frank's family the elemental beast egg as a gesture of thanks for their assistance.

Frank further explained that, among his family members, he was the sole individual to exhibit a natural affinity for elemental Qi. Recognizing the potential significance of the egg's properties in his cultivation journey, Frank had chosen to bring it forth and share its capabilities with his fellow disciples, believing it could prove instrumental in their collective endeavors.

This revelation imbued the elemental beast egg with an even deeper sense of significance and purpose, as it symbolized not only a token of gratitude but also a tangible embodiment of ancestral wisdom and assistance.

As the elemental beast egg was placed within the central well, a palpable sense of anticipation filled the air. Despite the awareness of something stirring within the egg, none dared to voice their reservations or concerns. The potential for a breakthrough in their cultivation journey outweighed any apprehensions they might have harbored.

With a collective resolve, the disciples settled onto their respective platforms and began their cultivation practice once more. Drawing upon the elemental Qi surrounding them, they focused their intentions and channeled their energies with renewed determination. The presence of the elemental beast egg in the well in the middle of the cultivation field served as a focal point, infusing their efforts with an added layer of significance and purpose.

The subtle shift in Qi density was immediately noticeable to the discerning senses of the disciples as they delved deeper into their cultivation practice. Unlike previous sessions, where the increase in elemental Qi density had been more pronounced, this time the growth seemed tempered, yet more refined.

This newfound development signaled a significant improvement in the elemental Qi absorption technique. The disciples couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and satisfaction at the progress they had achieved. However, they remained mindful of the adage that with progress comes greater challenges.