
Rance Series Fanfiction Collection

Several months after the town of Custom was saved and Ragisis had been killed, Rance and Sill began to enjoy their lives at the town in the Free City of Ice. That was, until a red haired girl came knocking on their doorstep and asked (threatened) Rance to join her. But for what? Not to mention Kanami being here earlier due to something important. ~~~~~~∆~∆~∆~~~~~~ This is a Fanfiction about Eroge. Expect dark shit sometimes, or Rance going the H-route towards some females. (Now a collection of stories about the Eroge series) (Psst. It's optional to bring me power stones. This book doesn't need them. Not anymore)

CaveSquirrel · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Episode 17 - Battle in the Free City of Red (Part 1)

[ ~ Chapter • Start ~ ]

Rance was having the time of his life right now, manning the [Tulip 3] while Maria watched in either surprise, awe, and fear.

Surprise due to how quick he got used to the [Tulip 3]'s mobility and other things, maybe due to several test drives earlier.

Awe in the fact that sometimes he had loaded the massive shells with ease and fired at will to the opposing Helmanian Soldiers who tried to get too close.

"Rance!!!! Please stop, you'll break TuliiIIIIPPPP NUMBER THREE!!!"

Fear, at how absolutely reckless he was driving [Tulip No 3] (eg. drifting it around), he was making it crush the opposing soldiers by speeding it up to its absolute limit and using magic to enhance its speed along with its durability while everyone stays away from it while defending it by attacking the enemy Helmanian Soldiers that try to surround and blindside the tank.

Meanwhile, outside the tank.....

"Wow.... boss is really good at using that thing...." Bridgette spoke, looking at the raging tank from the distance. "To be honest, it's actually much better now that we're under his command, right guys?"

"Yeah!" Her fellow Rebel Soldiers roared out, charging forwards to a Helmanian Soldier to pierce their flesh with heavy spears while she slammed her boot towards the arm of a Helman Knight before shifting around to cut off his arm with her spear.

Before the knight could scream, a merciful spear was lodged to his neck before being violently swung aside, cutting off his spine.

"Ready the arrows!" She commanded, as a group of soldiers wielding crossbows lined up before her to aim at a certain angle. "Fire!"

After that command, several arrows were shot from said crossbows, hitting a few Helman Soldiers and Knights who almost shook theur states of panic at the sight of their own allies rebelling against them.

With swift movements, the Rebel Batallion carefully fought and killed several Helman Soldiers.

At the other sides, both Leazas Soldiers of the Black and Red Armies had begun to surround the Free City of Red. Killing their opponents with low difficulty.

Rick Addison dashed forward, with Byroad gripped tightly on his hands, he swung it at full force, debilitating and cleaving through several soldiers at once after extending it long enough. A small smirk was beginning to show on his face, before he suddenly stopped and took on a stance.

"No way, commander is about to use his signature technique, By-la-way!" One of his soldiers shouted, before all of them began to cheer.

"Haaa!!! By-la-way!"

In the blink of an eye, unseen by most (if not, all of his soldiers), he was suddenly behind a large dozen of Helman Soldiers, Byroad being brandished before blood began to flow out of said soldiers, dropping down and dying, barely able to comprehend what just happened.

"ChaaaAAAARRRGEEE!!!" Rick roared out, and his soldiers followed his orders, moving through the hundreds of soldiers blocking their path to infiltrating Red.

The same happened with those on the side of the Leazas Black Army. Though theirs was a more tactical one.

Back at Rance's location, half of his body showed itself out of the hatch as he observed the ongoing battle.

"Everyone! Move forward! To the Free City of Red!" He spoke at the moment he noticed that the number of their enemies were declining at a rapid rate.

And he was quite confident about it.

But one of the crossbowmen from Helman noticed that Rance was completely open to any attacks, so he took the damn shot.

When the arrow was about to be near him, a small fireball intercepted it. Looking at where the fireball came, he noticed Shizuka who had glared towards him before firing another spell to end the said crossbowman.

"Don't thank me. Next time be more careful about your surroundings!" She spat out, which Rance just shook off.

"Hey, I was just about to dodge that effortlessly you know?" He replied, spreading his arms and shrugging them before going back inside the tank to equip an empty [Tulip 1] to assist in defending the tank.

How does he fire them, you ask? It's as simple as using magic, and using it similar to firing the RPG-7 in CoDMW1 with the unlimited ammo cheat.


"Grrrrrr....!!! This is bad! We have to retreat back into Red!" Fletcher yelled, running back to the Free City behind him, his troops doing as told.

While Ithere followed, he frowned while glancing at the man who violated his apostle, though kept his cool afterwards to follow the soldiers inside the Free City.

And while the Helmanian Soldiers retreated, the Leazas Liberation Force's troops pushed forward with even more efficiency than earlier.

"Gahahahahahahahahahahahahaha~! Now's our chance! Everyone! Follow the tank!"

With one command, his troops who had just finished killing their opponents began to march forwards. However, when they are inside the Free City, it was unusually quiet, and the sound that can only be heard was from the tank and the marching of soldiers.

It was empty, yet they moved forward.

[ ~ Chapter • End ~ ]

Extra Note:

Bridgette - Level 45 / 62 (will change)

Spare EXP: 1,482

Skills: [Unarmed Combat Level 1], [Spear Combat Level 1], [Leadership Level 0]