
RAMFALL God of Vengeance

In a planet that is far away from earth, Arnold a poor lowclass Eternal. Who does even fully awaken his powrrs. When he messes with his rich cousin and friends. They sent Arnolds house on fire and accidentally Arnold's parent die. So the planets police thought he killed his parents they put him in the prison.But in the prison he becomes strong and when he glt release from the prison. He made a promise to kill everyone who was behind his parents murder

Golden_Elite_Shams · Sci-fi
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Chapter 1 - The Origin

Planet Viaris is a small planet where Salix are living. Salix are very interesting beings. They got different types of since power they born. But they got some enemies. The enemies are from neighbours planet Tulia and they called Vultoron. They got similar power like Salix. So a civil a happened between them. Where Salix was victorious. During the war both Viaris and Tulia combined to become a new planet. When this happened both Salix and Vultoron makes a deal to live peacefully. They dont have a problem living together because the both species are looklike humans. They are like Human and Elfs. So they started leaving together. When they started leaving together many Salix and Vultoron fall in love with each other. When they get married and their baby comes they called a Eternal.because they are more powerful than any other Salix and Vultoron. After centuries pasted a new baby born in a rich house when the baby was only 3 years old. He mastered sword fighting and unlock many power like superspeed, fire and wind control and superman strength. Everyone was shocked to see the baby. So thats how the baby become so popular. The baby was Noah Namekian. His father was Neil Namkian and Mother was Nama Namkian.They were very rich. On other hand Neil's brother Nichols Namkian is a farmer and His wife Nuna Namkian is a housewife. They also have a baby and the baby was same age as Noah.But Noah was powerful and popular.But this boy was weak does not even awake his powers.So the society sees him as a loser. So thats why Noah and his family mocked this boy and his family.

When they Noah and The boy was 10 year old they got in to fight and

Noah beat the shit out him and said,

"So thats what you got Arnold.You are just a freaking loser. "

After fight happened Neil did some dirty work and throws Arnold and his family out of the town.

"You are a embarrassment to me. Why did your give you birth." said by Nichols.

After incident they start leaving in the forest and Arnold fathet did even said a single word to him.Just like that more 6 year passed. Arnold did not talk with his father for 6 year.He is just working hard for his family. His power is still not awaken. On other hand Noah enroll himself in the best school. He became more powefull.

One day Arnold was going to the river and he did not even see the town for 6 years. In his mind he just want to go to his school. When he reached the river he saw Noah and his few friends was there. They was there for a party.When Arnold sees them and tries to say them hello.

Noah said," Look my old loser cousin. Are you still awaken."

Arnold said,"No."

Noah smile and punch him and said,Friends beat him he is just a loser. "

After they beat the hell of Arnold. But in something was going on Arnold heart. His heart was beating fast….. And suddenly Arnold gives a punch to one of Noahs friend and he flys away.

"So you lie to us. You got Super strength. But u beat him because he was normal salix. Now let me teach you a leason. "

After that Noah beat Arnold in just a second.

After the beating Arnold came home and his mother said, "What happened to you." "Nothing, mom." said by Arnold.

He did not said that he got awaken. He was very pissed at himself after what happend. He was in a secret of his till late night.

When He returning in his home he was fire form the distance. So he running towards it and he saw his home was burning. "

The End Of First Chapter...