
The Blizzard Encounter: Ikki's Awakening

On Ikki's fifth birthday, the atmosphere in the Kurogane household was festive as usual. The living room was decorated with colorful balloons and streamers, and the dining table was adorned with a huge birthday cake. Ikki, however, noticed that his family had ignored him as he entered the room and that there was no seat reserved for him.

Ikki's heart sank as he scanned the room. His parents and siblings were all seated around the table, chatting and laughing with each other without even sparing a glance at him. The noise was deafening, the clinking of utensils and the occasional bursts of laughter from his family.

Ikki could feel his eyes burning with unshed tears as the room seemed oppressive. He took a step forward, trying to attract the attention of someone, but his mother's words cut through his thoughts. "Oh my, we forgot to reserve a seat for Ikki," she said, but her voice was devoid of genuine care.

Kaito, Ikki's uncle, waved dismissively. "It's irrelevant," he answered, his gaze fixated on his plate.

The words smashed through Ikki like a ton of bricks. He'd always suspected that his family didn't think much of him, but hearing them say it out loud was a new low. It was suffocating and he couldn't stomach staying in that room any longer.

He heard the voices of the other family members who were also there at the celebration as he made his way towards the entrance. "Look at him, he's such a letdown," one of them said quietly to the other, their laughter reverberating in Ikki's ears.

As he stood there, feeling invisible and unwanted, his father's voice cut through the chatter. "You can't do anything, so don't try," he said coldly, without even looking in Ikki's direction. The words stung, and Ikki felt like he had been slapped in the face.

He could see the branch family members snickering and muttering among themselves out of the corner of his eye. "Look at that miserable brat," one of them muttered. "He's not even worth a place at the table."

Ikki's heart sank as he confirmed that not even his own family believed in him. He wanted to wail and flee, but he pushed himself to stay motionless, squeezing his fists to hide his trembling palms.

Suddenly, Shizuku appeared by his side, clutching her favorite plush toy. "Don't listen to them, Ikki," she whispered, her eyes shining with tears. "You're special, and you can do anything you set your mind to."

Ikki felt a gleam of optimism as Shizuku's words took hold. He looked at her, his eyes filled with unshed tears. "But what if they're right?" he murmured, scarcely audible above a whisper. "What if I'm actually a weakling?"

Shizuku shook her head fiercely. "No, Ikki, you're not! You're brave, and you have a heart of gold. Don't let them bring you down."

Ikki smiled hesitantly, appreciative of her kind words. "Thank you very much, Shizuku," he said. "You always know how to cheer me up."

But his elder brother's voice slashed through the air like a razor before he could say anything further. "What's the matter, little brother?" he scoffed. "You can't stand the heat. You're simply a wimp who stays in her room all the time. It's no surprise that Dad doesn't even recognize you."

Ikki felt his blood boil as he turned to face his brother. "That's not true!" he said, his voice shaking with anger. "I'm not a weakling, and I'm not hiding in my room!"

His brother simply laughed. "Sure you're not," he said sarcastically. "That's why you never come out and talk to us, right? Because you're just too busy being a tough guy."

Ikki clenched his fists, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over. He didn't want to give his brother the satisfaction of seeing him cry.

But just as he was about to say something else, his father's voice interrupted them. "That's enough, both of you," he said sternly, his eyes fixed on Ikki's brother. "Leave your little brother alone."

Ikki's brother grumbled something under his breath, but he fell silent. Ikki could feel his father's disapproving gaze on him, and he knew he had to leave before things got any worse.

He inhaled deeply and attempted a grin. "It's OK," he answered, barely above a whisper. "I'm used to it."

(POV shizuku)

Shizuku stared in dread as her brother dashed out into the snow, leaving their insulting family behind. She could see the agony in his eyes and the dejected look on his face. It crushed her heart to see him in such pain.

As she turned to face her family, she saw their sneering faces and heard their cruel laughter. She felt a surge of anger and disgust wash over her. How could they treat her brother like this? He was a kind and gentle soul, always trying his best despite the odds against him.

But as she looked around the room, she realized that her family would never understand. They were unable to see the value in someone like Ikki because of their own egotistical ambitions and desires.

Shizuku's eyes welled up with tears as she considered how lonely Ikki must feel without someone to encourage or believe in him. She realized she had to do something to assist him, to show him he wasn't alone.

"Ikki..." she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that our family is like this. But please don't give up. You're stronger than they think, and I believe in you."

She clenched her fists, feeling a sense of determination rising within her. She would do whatever it takes to help her brother, to make sure he knows that he is loved and valued.

As her family continued to laugh and mock Ikki, Shizuku stood tall and proud.

"Ikki," she thought to herself, "I won't let you suffer alone. ""I'll be there for you, always."


Ikki's mind was in turmoil as he stepped out of his house. He had always known that his family didn't think highly of him, but to be ignored on his own birthday was a new low. The feeling of rejection was overwhelming, and he couldn't take it anymore.

As he trudged through the snow, he felt a sense of despair wash over him. He had no idea where he was going, but he knew he could no longer reside in that house. He needed to find a place where he belonged, a place where he could be accepted for who he was.

Ikki felt like he had been living in a shadow his entire life, always compared to his talented and accomplished siblings. No matter how hard he tried, he could never measure up to their expectations. He felt like a failure, like he would never be good enough.

He couldn't face the notion of being shut up in his room for another day with no one to speak to or celebrate his birthday with.

The snow was falling heavily, each flake feeling like a piercing stab against Ikki's skin. He trudged on, his feet sinking deep into the snow with every step. The wind howled in his ears, drowning out his sobs of despair. He felt worthless, like he didn't matter to anyone. His family had made it clear that they didn't care about him, and now he was lost in the middle of a blizzard with no one to help him.

As Ikki wandered aimlessly through the snowstorm, his vision became blurry, and he stumbled several times. He didn't know where he was going or how he would survive. The cold was starting to seep into his bones, making him shiver uncontrollably. He wrapped his thin coat tighter around his body, but it offered little protection against the biting wind.

As he trudged through the snow, Ikki's mind was filled with a sense of worthlessness. He had always felt like a burden to his family, and the way they had treated him on his birthday had only confirmed his fears. He couldn't help but feel like he was better off not existing at all.

The blizzard raged around him, and Ikki felt himself growing weaker with every step. He wondered if anyone would even bother to come looking for him if he died out here in the cold. He thought about Sora, the kind and gentle maid who had raised him like a mother. Would she be the only one to mourn his passing?

The thought was too much to bear, and Ikki sank to his knees in the snow, tears freezing on his cheeks. He felt so alone and helpless, like nobody in the world cared about him. But then he remembered Shizuku's words, and he felt a spark of hope. Maybe he wasn't completely alone in the world after all.

Just as Ikki was about to fall, he heard a voice calling out to him. It was faint at first, but it grew louder with each passing moment. Ikki turned his head, squinting through the blinding snow, and saw a figure approaching him. He rubbed his eyes, thinking it was a hallucination, but as the figure got closer, Ikki saw that it was an old man.

"What are you doing out here all by yourself, little guy?" The voice belonged to an elderly gentleman with a pleasant grin and caring eyes. Ikki had no idea who he was, yet he felt at ease in his company.

"I... ran away from home," Ikki said, his voice trembling with emotion.

The old man nodded sympathetically. "I know how that feels. Sometimes, we all need to escape from our troubles. But you can't give up just yet. "

The old man's words piqued Ikki's interest, so he looked up at him. "Who are you?"

The old man chuckled. "I'm just a relic of the past, he says. Your father may have spoken of me before."

Ikki's eyes widened in amazement. He had heard stories about the legendary samurai from his father, who had always spoken of him with great reverence. He never thought he would actually meet him in person.

"You're really him?" Ikki asked, his voice filled with awe.

"I am," Ryouma said with a nod. Then he said that shook the very core of Kurogane ikki.

"Are you frustrated by the fact that you are the weakest one? If so, hold on to that feeling. That's proof that you haven't given up on yourself yet. Listen, don't give up saying that you're living within your boundaries. Don't be a boring person like that. If you have the guts to not give up, you can become anything you want to be. We're living creatures that don't have wings, but still went to the moon."

As Ryouma talked, Ikki paid close attention and felt a sense of purpose and hope wash over him. For the first time in his life, he felt like he had a reason to fight. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was willing to try.

Ikki felt a fire light within him. Maybe he wasn't as hopeless as he thought. Maybe he could become somebody.

"Thank you," Ikki said, feeling a newfound sense of determination. "I won't give up."

The old man smiled. "That's the spirit, Ikki. And remember, I'm always here for you."

As the snow continued to fall, Ryouma and Ikki talked for hours, discussing everything from their favorite foods to their dreams for the future. It was a conversation that would change Ikki's life forever, and he knew he would never forget it.

And as they said their goodbyes, with Ryouma promising to always be there for him, Ikki felt a sense of warmth in his heart. He knew that no matter what happened, he would always have someone to turn to, someone who believed in him.

"Thank you," Ikki said softly, as Ryouma disappeared into the snowstorm.

And as he made his way back home, Ikki felt a newfound sense of confidence and strength. He knew he had a long road ahead of him, but with Ryouma's words echoing in his mind, he felt ready to take on the world.

And with those words ringing in his ears, Ikki made his way back home, determined to prove everyone wrong. As he walked in the door, he saw his family still laughing and having a good time. But this time, he didn't feel defeated. He felt empowered, knowing that he had a purpose and a goal to strive for.

As he pushed open the door to his house, he saw his family still laughing and joking, completely oblivious to the inner turmoil he had been going through. But this time, Ikki didn't let their words and actions bring him down. He felt empowered and driven, knowing that he had a purpose and a goal to strive for.

"I'm going to make something of myself," he thought to himself, his eyes shining with determination. "And I won't let anyone tell me otherwise."

But as he looked over at Shizuku, he saw that she had been crying, her plushy hugged tightly to her chest. Their eyes met, and she gave him a small smile, one filled with pride and admiration.

And in that moment, Ikki knew that he had at least one person—no, two who believed in him. And that was all he needed to keep going—to fulfill his promise and never give up.