

Ikke was chilling on the deck, the salty sea breeze messing up his hair while he dialed the cops on his badass phone. Meanwhile, the ship's sorry-ass captain was sprawled on the ground behind him, blood gushing from his busted nose and his sliced Achilles tendons. Ikke shot the captain a "serves you right" look as he waited for the call to connect.

Finally, some police operator picked up. "Emergency services, what's your damn emergency?"

Ikke responded, "Yo, there's some human trafficking happening on this ship. You better check it out."

The operator chuckled. "Really? Sounds like a kid's talking. You pranking us?"

Ikke rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I'm a kid. Big deal. Now send some help for these poor bastards on this floating hell, will ya?"

The operator, sensing Ikke wasn't bullshitting, decided to push for more info. "Alright, kid. What's your name and where's the ship?"

Ikke smirked. "Nice try, but I ain't telling you anything. Just send some help, got it? I'll stay on the line in case you need a play-by-play."


The cops stormed the ship like they owned the place, giving the sickly sailors the side-eye as they passed by. Some of the poor bastards were in the toilets, shitting themselves senseless, while others were spread out on the deck like they'd just fought a sea monster. The officers shot each other "WTF" looks as they searched the ship from top to bottom.

During their snooping, one of the cops stumbled upon a locked room hidden in the bowels of the ship. Inside, they found a bunch of sailors and a crazy-ass blonde chick with a broken leg, screaming her lungs out. "I swear, when I get my hands on that little shit, I'm gonna rip his head off!" she howled.

After a thorough investigation, the cops figured out the whole shebang was caused by a sneaky little punk who'd spiked their dinner and turned the ship into a floating disaster. One officer reported back to his boss, "Boss, it's all down to one kid. He took out the crew, locked 'em up, and left that psycho blonde girl with a broken leg."

The detective raised an eyebrow. "Anybody catch a glimpse of the little bastard? Anything we can work with?"

The officer shook his head. "Nope. The kid was slick. Covered himself in soot so nobody could get a good look at his mug."

The detective groaned, rolling his eyes. "Seriously? A little shit-stirrer running around making our lives miserable and we don't even have a face to put on a wanted poster? Just our luck."

The officer chuckled, shaking his head. "You got that right, boss. We're gonna have a hell of a time sorting this mess out and hunting down that sneaky little punk. But hey, what's life without a few curveballs, right?"

Ikke watched from a distance as the police swarmed the ship, taking in the chaotic scene with a hint of amusement. As the officers continued their investigation, he knew it was time for him to make his exit. Flashing a cheeky grin, he whispered to himself, "Goodbye, officers. It was fun while it lasted." With that, he slipped away from the scene, disappearing into the shadows and leaving the bewildered police to clean up the mess he had created.


Ikke, Yui, and Yuto emerged from the water, completely drenched after their daring swim from the ship. Yui, the girl with the false blonde hair and an optimistic outlook, and Yuto, the quiet redheaded boy, stood at Ikke's side, gasping for air.

Ikke scolded Yui, his hands on his hips. "You almost drowned out there! I had to practically drag you to the shore!" he said, clearly frustrated.

Yui laughed it off, flashing a mischievous grin. "Well, I knew you'd come to my rescue, so I wasn't too worried."

Yuto chimed in, also scolding Yui. "You didn't even need to come with us. You were useless in taking over the ship! It was just the boss and me."

Unfazed by Yuto's criticism, Yui asked, "So, where do we go now?"

Ikke hesitated, unsure if he should bring them along. "I'm not sure if you two should come with me..." He began to say goodbye, but Yuto and Yui grabbed his legs, determined not to be left behind.

Yui pleaded, "You have to take responsibility for us now!" while Yuto insisted, "I'm not letting my boss go without me."

Ikke finally relented, warning them, "Alright, you can come, but only if you promise to be useful."

The trio arrived a vibrant city with a rich history and diverse culture. The streets were filled with people from all walks of life, going about their daily routines or browsing the many shops, cafes, and markets that lined the thorough fares. Architecture from different eras blended seamlessly, with modern skyscrapers standing tall next to well-preserved historic buildings, showcasing the city's ability to embrace both tradition and progress.

At the heart of the city stood the magnificent Heavens Arena, an architectural marvel with a colossal, circular design. Its towering exterior walls were adorned with intricate engravings depicting famous battles and legendary martial artists. The arena itself consisted of multiple floors, each hosting a unique fighting ring and viewing area for spectators. The higher the floor, the more prestigious and challenging the battles became.

The atmosphere within the Heavens Arena was electric, with the energy of the competitors and the excitement of the spectators creating an almost palpable sense of anticipation. As Ikke and his companions ventured inside, they were captivated by the sights and sounds of the bustling arena, eager to make their mark on this world-renowned stage.

The trio arrived at the scenic capital of the Republic of Padokea in the world of Hunter x Hunter. As they strolled through the bustling streets, the impressive Heavens Arena caught Ikke's attention. Maintaining his calm and composed demeanor, he turned to Yuto and inquired about the purpose of the grand structure.

Yuto, eager to share his knowledge, began to explain, "This is the Heavens Arena, one of the most famous landmarks in Padokea. It hosts the renowned martial arts competition, where fighters from all around the world come to test their skills and earn fame and fortune. The arena has multiple floors, and as fighters win matches, they advance to higher levels, facing increasingly challenging opponents."

Ikke's eyes gleamed with quiet determination as he listened to Yuto's explanation. Intrigued by the prospect of challenging himself and honing his skills, he made a decision. "It seems like a place in which we could amass money," he stated calmly, Yuto nodded and, Yui let out a beaming smile.

Ikke, Yuto, and Yui approached the registration counter at Heavens Arena, ready to sign up for the competition. The line was filled with a diverse array of fighters, some displaying their impressive physiques and others showcasing their unique abilities. As the trio waited their turn, they couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by the competition, especially since they hadn't known each other for very long.

A group of muscular fighters standing nearby noticed the newcomers and began to snicker among themselves. One of them, a burly man with bulging biceps and a smug expression, stepped forward and addressed Ikke directly.

"Hey, kid," he sneered, "you sure you're in the right place? This ain't no playground, and those scrawny arms of yours won't get you far here."

His companions chuckled, clearly enjoying the opportunity to belittle the newcomers. Despite their taunts, Ikke remained composed and responded with a subtle backhanded compliment. "Oh, I appreciate your concern, but I've always believed that true strength isn't just about how big your muscles are," he said, giving the guy's biceps a nod. "But hey, they make for great eye candy, right?"

The muscular man frowned, trying to decipher whether he had just been complimented or insulted.

The burly man, resembling a Viking with his thick beard and powerful stature, furrowed his brow as he finally caught onto Ikke's subtle insult. His face turned red with anger, and he clenched his fists tightly, clearly feeling disrespected.

"Listen here, punk," he snarled, his voice dripping with fury. "If we end up facing off in that ring, I'll snap you in half like a twig."

Ikke remained unfazed by the man's threat, simply raising an eyebrow and smirking. "Well, I guess we'll just have to see what happens, won't we?" he replied, his confidence unshaken.

The rest of the group watched the exchange nervously, unsure of how far the confrontation would escalate. But as they witnessed Ikke's unwavering composure, Yuto and Yui couldn't help but feel a newfound respect for their mysterious companion.


Itsuki Kurogane's office was an interesting contrast of light and shadow. Sunlight streamed through the large windows, bathing the room in a warm, golden glow. However, the dark wooden furniture and dimly lit corners created an atmosphere of intrigue and secrecy, reflecting the dual nature of Itsuki's dealings.

The bodyguard who had reported to Kenzo earlier approached Itsuki, nodding in affirmation. "Everything has been handed over to the detective, just as you instructed," he said, his voice low and discreet.

Itsuki gave the bodyguard a satisfied smile, the sunlight casting a dramatic shadow across his face. "Excellent," he replied. "Now, we just need to sit back and wait for the pieces to fall into place. The elders won't know what hit them."