
Audacious Burglars (Part 2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"At... At..." The guard was afraid of telling the truth. What if he wrongfully accused the First Young Master...? Right now, he was so regretful that he wanted to slap himself in the face. If only he had kept his mouth shut.

"Speak!" Su Zi'an kicked the guard harshly to the ground.

"It... It belongs to the First Young Master!" Wounded by the kick, the guard threw up some blood. He covered his chest and shouted, "The jade pendant belongs to the First Young Master!"

"What did you say?!" Su Zi'an gave him another hard kick. "Out of everyone, how dare you to accuse the First Young Master and say this is his jade pendant? How is that possible?!"

At that very moment, someone came to Su Zi'an with a report.

"Grand General! The burglar disappeared after running into the Cosmos courtyard of the First Young Master!"

The news saved the poor guard's life, like a timely rain ending a drought.

"What did you say? The thief disappeared after going into the First Young Master's courtyard?" Su Zi'an's face was frighteningly cold. He grasped the guard's collar, a ferocious look on his face. "You say that again!"

The guard didn't know what had just happened. He was only reporting the facts. After being grabbed by Su Zi'an, the guard was shocked, but he still repeated what he had said before in an unsteady voice. "I didn't lie. The thief really vanished in the First Young Master's courtyard. And... and Nanny Gui was killed on a footpath not far from the First Young Master's yard. A maidservant also witnessed it..."

Now, almost all the evidence pointed at Su Jingyu.

Su Zi'an still couldn't believe it.

Su Jingyu was his favorite son and the heir apparent of the Su Mansion as well as all of the wealth that came with it. He didn't have any reason to do this!

Impossible, this was absolutely impossible!

No matter what, Su Zi'an couldn't believe that the son he had personally raised and groomed would betray him.

Nevertheless, the thief had indeed vanished in the Cosmos courtyard. So, he had to go there and get to the bottom of this matter.

Leading a team of people, Su Zi'an speedily marched to the Cosmos courtyard.

He found Su Bowu and Su Jingyu locked in confrontation when he got there.

"Jingyu!" Su Zi'an stared at him steely. "What do you want to do? Are you going to defy your elders?"

Su Jingyu was about to fight Su Bowu. He saw Su Zi'an and hurried to explain, saying, "Father, you're finally here. You have to help me out here! I don't know what happened, but second grandfather kept accusing me of being a thief!"

Su Zi'an looked over at Su Bowu.

Su Bowu sneered. "Who could it be if not you? The thief is hiding in your yard right now. If you're innocent, why won't you let people search for him?!"

"Second uncle --" Su Zi'an began to speak but was interrupted by Su Bowu.

"Zi'an, I saw the thief enter the Cosmos courtyard with my own eyes. Even though Jingyu is your son, he can't deny responsibility." The thief was severely injured and could hardly walk, let alone run any farther. Su Bowu believed he would have caught the thief a long time ago if it wasn't for Su Jingyu's obstruction.

Su Zi'an looked deeply distressed. He eventually closed his eyes and said pathetically, "Second uncle... The Treasure Pavilion was robbed."

"What did you say?!" Su Bowu's expression suddenly turned extremely gloomy. "What was stolen?"

"The Heavenly Spirit Water, and... the treasure map..." Su Zi'an was so miserable that he wanted to smash his head into the wall!

Su Bowu's face darkened. He shook a little and almost coughed up blood.

Only just now did he understand the opponent's ruse!

One person lured him away, and then another person seized the chance to sneak into the Treasure Pavilion. Thinking about what had happened, Su Bowu was itching to beat himself up in regret.