
Chapter 5: Farming and planting.

A system alert sounded as Sachi opened system panel.

Quest: Plant Phoenix fruits and create a farm land.

Quest Reward: EXP * 10, gold coins * 50."

She quickly opened the panel and purchased the seeds for the fruits and farmland. It cost her 100 gold coins for the farm land and 50 coins for each seed, She saw some roots as well which were edible which was also at 50 gold coins.

The interesting thing was it is edible by both the owner and the pets. The seeds and root were costly however she thought a little as she read the description "the fruits contain powerful energy which helps in the growth and increase in level of the pets."

So she purchased 5 of each after checking them from the farmland panel.

250 for seeds and 250 for the roots it was a total 500 deduction. Sachi only signed as the coins decreased. "Think of future, think of the future Sachi" she consoled herself.

"Hey system, how much time will it take for it to bloom?"

"It will take 24 hours" system replied. "It was good decision to go out for the fruits" as she placed another into her mouth.

She remembered that there were some farming and city building games which people used to play and the games were pretty famous. She played the game a few times as well, though she did not complete and dropped in the middle, she did have fun for sometime playing it.

Now she felt the same as she placed the seeds and selected the trees and farmland. It brought a smile on her lips.

She sat down and started meditating. Queen was sound asleep in her lap. The ice elements in the air surrounded her and the magic molecules entered her body slowly strengthening her.

After some unknown time she opened her eyes. And she felt completely refreshed. She walked into the cave along with queen on her shoulder and washed herself in the river. She took bath and then came out.

She walked towards a reflecting surface in the cave which showed like a mirror and carefully studied her face and other parts of the body, as she did not get the change previously.

Sachi was dumbfounded as the image infront her felt like it was a different person. The image was very beautiful with smooth and subtle shine to her skin. The figure was flawless with no scars and delicate features.

However she knew that she is not delicate and can feel the power inside her which is rising slowly. Her average talent is completely gone. She doesn't even know what the limit of her potential is now.

She dressed herself and walked out. Queen shifted herself onto Sachi's head. The fruits were ripe now and the roots were formed.

She walked to the farmland and plucked some of the fruits and gave it to Queen while she took a bite of the roots. It smelled like rain and mud but the taste was like sweet potato.

After taking two bites she felt energy surging inside her, she quickly sat cross legged and stabilized herself. The roots had rich energy as described in the panel.

These roots were like cheat codes in games, which increased her magical energy in the body. She doesn't need to worry about running out of magical energy as long as the roots are available.

Meanwhile Queen ate two full fruits and fell asleep again.

Mission complete, Quest Reward: EXP * 10, gold coins * 50." System notification sounded.

For each phoenix fruit the growth value will increase +10

Owner also received 10 EXP * and 100 gold coins for creating the ice nest.

With a clatter sound gold coins started falling from the sky.

Sachi opened the panel and purchased some trees which were 3 to 5 gold coins, which immediately appeared on the four sides of the island. Then she purchased two mountains which cost her 200 gold coins and placed on the east and north of the island.

She also checked for small house with furniture. The least was a wooden house with 160 coins, which she purchased. There was a bed, two chairs and a coffee table, along with a washroom inside.

"Hmm this will do for now" she though checking the house. Then she opened her attributes.

Name: Sachi Carlie Poalm.

Title: Rebirth Island owner

Class: Apprentice mage (9/10)

Warrior: Beginner level (9/10)

Clan: Ice Phoenix (Queen)

Building: Ice nest, wooden house

Item: gold * 1320

Experience points: 30

Sachi signed as she saw the gold left "It's okay, think of the future" she tried to cheer herself. After that her eyes lit up seeing the magic and warrior levels. Only 1 more point and she will level up.

"This is frigging awesome. Should I use the experience points?" she thought for some time. "Nah, let it be, the exp is less any ways. Also it's only one point."

Then she checked Queen's panel

Name: Queen

Type: Ice phoenix

Level: 2

Strength: Tier 2

Skills: Ice magic, ice breath, phoenix cry

Coins: yields 20 gold coins per minute

Growth/ Experience: 2/100

Personality: Very loyal to the owner, cold

Habitat: Phoenix nest, cold places or mountain.

"This girl, she is already at tier 2" Sachi was amazed.

"I think it's time to go back home and check the situation" with a though she exited out. "I think I got a hang of it" she thought as she stood under the tree from where she disappeared.

She slowly walked out to check for a walking path to a nearby village.

Sachi felt a lot of energy and vigor inside her, so she quickly started to run. As it was getting dark not many people were around. Her speed was increasing studly and she felt like she a superpower like the books on earth. The trees were passing by and the air whooshed past her, it was a thrilling experience.

She felt ecstatic at this new experience.