
Raising a Bun with a Daily Life System

Yuanxi had a wonderful dream, but after waking up with great excitement, he realized it was actually a real-life situation with guns and ammunition. Confused and startled, he quickly fled. Who would have thought that he, a grown man, would suddenly have a son? The problem is, who is the child's father? It was too dark, and he couldn't see clearly! Also, what is this life system that is bound to him? There's a long list of skills, including farming, animal husbandry, gathering, cooking, construction, skinning, sewing, and casting... It goes on and on without an end in sight. Wait a minute... What is that "room technique" in the middle?

Marcus_Ren · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


Upon hearing those words, Yuanxi cursed inwardly, thinking, "Could things get any worse? Whatever I imagine seems to come true!"

He quietly moved to a spot where he could see the holographic image of their communication.

It was a three-dimensional hologram, with two scumbags standing in front, and on the screen that appeared out of thin air, there was a man in a silver uniform.

The uniform was simple yet stylish, accentuating the contours of his body perfectly. His hair was pure golden, and his fair skin lacked any trace of color. His facial features were handsome, but his emerald green eyes resembled that of a snake, emanating an aura of ill intent and danger through the screen.

Seeing such a person, Yuanxi's heart skipped a beat. This was probably the Federation official called Fengyun. Just from this glimpse, he felt that this man was definitely not a good person.

Compared to Bazi's rage, the other criminal seemed calmer, but there was a slight glimmer in his black eyes. Obviously, he hadn't expected Fengyun to be so ruthless.

He calmly said, "Colonel Fengyun, our request is simple. We just need you to open the port and let us leave immediately, and we will release the fifty-plus people."

A smirk appeared on Fengyun's lips as he replied with malicious intent, "I've already said it before. Hand over what you took, and I will consider sparing your lives."

The other criminal, with a lower voice, grew angry too. "Do you really disregard the lives of fifty-four Federation citizens on this ship? Or do you think we won't dare to kill them?"

He narrowed his eyes dangerously, but Fengyun on the screen showed no reaction on his face. Instead, he waved his finger and said, "My patience is limited, and time is running out."

He seemed completely unconcerned, which infuriated the criminal. He questioned with indignation, "If these fifty-plus people die, do you think you can keep your position? If we expose your image, do you think you'll have any future?"

The handsome man on the screen squinted his eyes and smiled even more wickedly, sending shivers down one's spine. "Do you think I would give you that chance?"

As soon as he said that, the expression on the criminal's face changed. He looked down at something and his face grew increasingly grim.

Fengyun spoke again, "Well, if you don't want to give it to me, then so be it. You can go down to hell with it."

With that, Bazi became anxious and shouted, "You can't! You dare not! Such an incident within your jurisdiction will surely not go unpunished."

Fengyun remained unfazed and left them with a wide smile before abruptly cutting off the communication.

Yuanxi witnessed the entire process, cursing both the corrupt official and the two despicable criminals in his heart. Why couldn't these three scumbags just perish together? They were nothing but a menace to the common people!

Rescue was no longer possible, and he didn't know what the two criminals had planned next.

At that moment, the starship suddenly shook violently, accompanied by piercing alarm sounds. Fengyun, the scumbag, had actually started attacking!

The two criminals panicked as they quickly made their way to the starship's control room, shouting orders loudly, "Take off! Take off immediately!"

Forcing a takeoff in this situation was tantamount to seeking death, but being threatened with weapons, the operator had no choice but to activate the starship's propulsion system.

The two criminals suddenly ran towards the right rear of the spaceship, and Yuanxi followed suit. That area seemed to be the starship's power room. He noticed Bazi taking out a long tube about the thickness of chopsticks, which Yuanxi had noticed on the flying car. It was that device that had instantly transported them inside the starship. Did they have another trick up their sleeve?

Bazi seemed to be attempting to insert the tube into an energy slot, just like last time. However, the other criminal stopped him, saying, "We can't waste any more energy. Since these fifty-plus people can't be used to threaten the Federation, they're already useless. Let's dispose of them first."

As soon as he finished speaking, they turned around again, and Yuanxi's heart skipped a beat. He knew he couldn't wait any longer; he couldn't let them kill anyone. He touched the weapon that resembled a remote control, which he had found on Vice Captain Li's body. It bolstered his confidence, and he chased after them.

Although these two criminals were armed and more advanced than him, Yuanxi had observed them closely during their journey. He had noticed that their physical abilities were actually quite ordinary, relying solely on weapons. If he could seize the opportunity, he was confident he could take them down.

Yuanxi took a deep breath. Having grown up as an orphan, fighting his way through life alone, he had learned some basic self-defense moves in order to avoid being bullied on the streets. While he didn't boast any extraordinary skills, he was exceptionally fast on his feet.

He ran swiftly, managing to reach the passenger cabin before the criminals. Inside the cabin, chaos had erupted among the passengers, who were trying to escape but found themselves trapped inside the airborne starship. The lack of order made it difficult to navigate through the commotion.

At this moment, Yuanxi didn't have time to comfort them. He quickly took a hiding spot where he knew the criminals would appear.

Yuanxi calmly watched, knowing that he had to strike with precision. He needed to take down one of them in a single blow, giving him a chance to confront the other.

Yuanxi held his breath, disregarding the surrounding screams, curses, and cries. He focused all his attention on the two criminals. Although he had never used this weapon before and didn't know its range, he needed to minimize the chances of failure in this situation. He had to attack when the criminal approached him, catching them off guard.

When the criminals reached the passenger cabin, their attention was drawn to the chaos within. They took out their weapons, preparing to suppress the situation.

Now is the time! Yuanxi aimed at Bazi, pressed the button with force, and a flash of white light struck!

Bazi's face filled with fear and disbelief, as he never knew who had taken his life.

Suppressing his discomfort, Yuanxi quickly locked onto the other criminal, realizing that Bazi's death had shocked him. Yuanxi knew this was an excellent opportunity. This man was now at his most vulnerable, and if Yuanxi seized it, he would surely be able to deal with him!

Therefore, without any hesitation, Yuanxi activated the weapon once again, and the white light reappeared.

But this criminal was no ordinary person. His mental resilience was exceptionally high, especially when it came to sensing danger. His abilities were clearly superior to Bazi's. If Yuanxi had chosen to attack him first, he would have suffered a crushing defeat.

Fortunately, Yuanxi had carefully observed them throughout the journey and knew that Bazi had many flaws due to his impulsive nature. That's why he had chosen to attack him first.

At the critical moment, the criminal activated the defense system on his wrist, and a faint blue light enveloped his body. Although he didn't dodge Yuanxi's attack, the defense system absorbed the impact of the weapon, leaving him unharmed.

Losing the element of surprise, Yuanxi knew that shooting again would be ineffective. He quickly moved to another hiding spot, narrowly avoiding the counterattack from the criminal.

In this situation, with the criminal now protected by a shield, direct attacks would be futile and only expose himself. What should he do? Yuanxi squinted his eyes, quickly devising a plan.

He aimed at the weapon in the criminal's hand! If he could destroy the weapon, the criminal would be like a toothless beast, making it much easier to eliminate him.

But there was a problem. Aiming at a person was not difficult, but aiming at a weapon was challenging. Yuanxi had never received any training, and although his eyesight was excellent, he wasn't sure if he could hit the target under these circumstances.

A bead of sweat the size of a soybean rolled down his forehead. It was impossible for him not to feel nervous. He was just an ordinary person who had encountered so many events in this unfamiliar world. Those with weaker minds would have already collapsed. He could persevere like this only because he wanted to live!

Yes, he wanted to live. He couldn't die, and there were more than fifty lives on this ship. Although they were strangers, they were all human beings, representing families with parents and children.

Thinking of the tragic deaths of his own parents and his lonely life, he didn't want such tragedies to occur again.

Yuanxi silently told himself, "You can do it."

He took a deep breath, disregarding all the surrounding noises. He could only see the weapon, even though the criminal was shooting wildly, but his eyes were fixed on that silver, rectangular weapon with a deep black hole.

The starship came under attack again, shaking violently. Fear was finally revealed in the criminal's eyes. He was scared! Yuanxi pursed his lips and, at that very moment, pressed the weapon's button!

A flash of white light, followed by a loud explosion.

Unexpectedly, an accident occurred. Yuanxi had aimed carefully, and the weapon hit its mark. The criminal's weapon was destroyed, and unexpectedly, a tremendous energy surge occurred. The light blue shield around the criminal instantly weakened, leaving only a thin layer.

Not wanting to miss this opportunity, Yuanxi repeatedly pressed the trigger, shooting beams of white light. However, the criminal, not being an easy target, quickly dodged and moved toward Bazi's lifeless body.

Yuanxi knew that he wanted to seize Bazi's weapon. He couldn't let him succeed! Yuanxi no longer hid; he raised the weapon, eyes unwavering, and pressed the trigger, shooting a beam of white light that hit its mark!