
Raised By Vampires

This is about a female vampire named Destiny who's trying to change the world. In this world everyone lives by rules, and labels. she wants her enemies as allies and her friends/family as her equals. in the long run she discovers things about her father and things about the other creatures. soon she'll live her dreams unless there is a bigger power out there.

Miss_Unicorn1505 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter5: Isabella

Isabella's POV

After the ride encounter with Cilla. I walked straight to the maids room, as I approached the rooms door, I pondered it all for a moment then punched the door and growled under my breath. "Fucking bitch..." Then sucked in the air surrounding me, forgetting that I don't need to really breath... I guess this has always been my 'calm the hell down' reaction throughout my human and vampire life. Not realizing  how much damage I've done to the door, I just opened the door not really caring, knowing I didn't use any strength since I knew I could destroy the door fully, I entered the maids room leaving the door wide open like I always do. I began prepping the food. Prepping for vampires was always fast but the cooking was always slow. But the great note was the oven, stove, microwave oven, and deep fryer were large, so I made sure everything was made at the same time. While everything was cooking, I placed timers on everything. After all the timers were set, I walked across the hallway to my room and got dressed into a fancy dance gown with glittery blue heels, then walked back to the maids room and went under the kitchens main counter to grab one small box, then went to the kitchens large closet that had two larger boxes, I grab them out and stacked then on top of eachother, then ran them down to the entrance just to go through then to decorate for the party. I knew some of the timers were gonna go off so I ran back to the maids room.

Once I entered I sigh softly "man, I wish Dun could do all of this shit... But he's a fuck up."

I spoke to myself since the only lesser vampires in the Carlson family was Dun and I.

For all the appetizers the Alarm goes off just as I walked fully in to view their timers.

I switched the buttons to warm mode and walked to a push-in, pull-out cabinet at the bottom of the counter and out popped a bunch of trays with lids on them.

This cabinet is detachable from the frame and it has wheels that pop out the bottom so you could roll it around. But there's more to this cool contraption....

It plugs into a wall and keeps the food in the trays heated. So when people/vampires come to the party.... The food, blood, and others can stay hot or cold. What's so much more cooler was that you can adjust the temperature settings to each tray.

So I rolled it over and put all the different appetizers in, leaving me with still four empty trays for the meals. Stuff like salad, cheese, crackers, hand chopped deli meats, and sushi will be placed on a different tray that I stuck toothpicks in some of the selective foods and mini plates per sushi.

Chips were placed in a bowl and placed on the food cart along with the tray, another bowl filled with punch and a huge jug of bloodwine. I waited patiently at first for the main meals to be done, seeing I had plenty of time to put makeup on. I go to walk back across the hall to my room, suddenly something quick slammed into me and had me pinned to the wall.

I had my eyes shut and I winced from the sudden strong rush, then opened my eyes to see.... It was a pissed off Destiny. She had her forearm against my throat and me pinned against the wall, holding me firmly. I could easily get out of it.... But as much as I wanted to, I also knew my place in this family, along with knowing how strong she is against me. I was shocked her force didnt break the wall, she wasn't aiming to draw attention to areas that would make people question 'what? And why? Did this happen?' Smart girl for sure.

But she also knew I would tell her mother about why she threatened my life.

"You ever tell on Dun again..." Her voice was so light and angelic but also stern, serious, and venomous along with it. "I will be sure to rip you to ity bity pieces and feed you to the next party guests... Am I loud and clear for you... bitch?"

I nodded. This position she held me in, I knew for sure I would be gasping for air of I breathed it. All I know was it did sting a little.

She released me. She stormed off trying to hold back on her anger.

"Fucking bitch...." I said to myself in my head cause I knew she had super good hearing. Once I knew she was fully gone, I tried to regain myself, as I went to fully stand up from the wall, my heel snapped. "For fucks sake!" I yelled in anger. Either I had to now fix these bitches or I had to change and deal with it all later. Instead I went to my room and grabbed me a new pair of heels and placed on some light make up. The heels I chose were a silver pair with gold going through them which matched more with my light blue and gold dance gown. The timers to the meals went off so I rushed back to the maids room and placed them in the heated trays to stay warm. I pushed the cart to the guests dining hall.

The guests dining hall was really large, even had a stage with tables and chairs around it and a large chandelier above it that switched from bright to dim lights. From inside the guests dining room looking back out to the entrance door there was a medium looking glass window peering towards the stage which had a large light that poured through this glass window to the stage that also brightened and dimmed. On the stage were rows of lights towards the audiences and rows of lights to the people on stage doing their shows. I placed the cart closest to the wall and plugged it in, adjusting the nobs to the temperature of each food in those trays then I went to the guests closet to pull out a few of the folding tables that sat in rows inside the closet then I unfolded all the table clothes putting them all over guests tables, I placed up the folding tables against that same wall where the food was and put down table cloths on those folding tables as well. I began setting up all the plates, glasses, food from the bottom part of the wheel tray, and drink bowls. I left the guests dining hall to the entrance of the door going in and out of the mansion where I placed our awakening party decorations. I began decorating the entrance, stairs, guests dinning room, then entering the other dining room area where Cilla slashed open Dun's face, I cleaned up the mess of blood then I began decorating that room also despite no one really passing through here.

I realized no one was in the dining room, Cilla may have left to her room so I walked up the stairs looking for her, as I was going towards her room I noticed Dun roaming the hall. He seen me then turned around and went around the corner, I followed just so curious as to where he came from and what he was doing around this area. I turned the corner and only glimpsing a small part of him turning another corner. I kept pursuing him and once I turned the second corner he was fully gone. I was confused and walked further to a two way part and looked both ways not seeing where he went. So I walked all the way back to Cilla's room and knocked on the door. I heard no response. I called out from behind the door to her. "Queen Cilla! You in there?!" I waited a moment but wasn't greeted with a voice back. Usually I would walk away and leave it alone. But time for the party was almost upon us. I entered the room hoping she was in a better mood. But as I entered there was no one in the room. The only thing I looked around the room and noticed was the empty bottle of wine, and a few dresses laid along the bed, I slowly walked over and brushed my hand along the gorgeous royal dresses and smile to them wishing I could wear them. Realizing I hear a singing voice from the bathroom door that's shut, I moved closer and listened to the gorgeous, melodic tone in her voice. Not noticing the shower was turned off but I stayed close enough to the door for it to suddenly swing open and seeing Cilla in a robe. The rooms were dark with no lights on. She entered her room only being a few feet from me, she was tying her robe when she walked out of the bathroom then when I moved back some she stopped singing and was startled and raised her arm placing it outwards and it somehow transformed and turned into a sword, all I see was a glow of red along the sword form of her arm and she went into a fighting stance before realizing fully that it was me. She calmed down and moved her arm again towards herself, making it form back into her arm and hand. She smiled at me then spoke softly. "It's just you Isabella... I'm sorry." My reaction was fear and shock all at once and my hands rested against my mouth. "H...How did you do that?" I stuttered between my fingers then moved my hand away from my mouth, looking at her now with confusion. "I've never seen a pureblood vampire... do that." Cilla walked past me and towards her outfits, at first not responding to my shock and confusion. "We will talk about that later. Which dress should I wear tonight?" I walked over with her and chose the gorgeous red and black dress. I knew her favorite color was red. "I love that choice to. I was stuck between the black one and red one." She said and smiled. "I got this from Eric after we won the war from our 3rd land." The dress had blood feathers and black diamonds along it. It was so gorgeous. I seen her tearing up while holding it, she then began putting it on and I spoke softly. "I miss him too, Cilla... he was like a father to me. Just like you are like a mother to me." I smiled back to her. She looked up to me shocked and saddened by my words. She turned around and showed me the zipper. Without words I zipped up her dress knowing what she meant. She walks over to her makeup vanity, she sat down and began putting on make up after clearing up her tears. "I needed to hear that Isabella.... thank you. I've always loved you like a daughter also. I always will love you like a daughter. I mean I spoiled you compared to Dun... Eric spoiled Dun.... I think atleast but he never spoke about what he does with Dun. All I know is they always were together with wars and other things." I bowed to her and spoke up some. "Sorry Mrs. Cilla... I must welcome the guests. We shall speak again I promise." She continued putting on makeup and smiled as a gesture of 'ok carry on', I then began leaving the room and she suddenly stopped me. "Isabella wait.... I have a special guest coming tonight. Dr. Foster. Please do me a favor, get him drunk and make sure his last drink is spiked... bring him to the dungeon and tie him up in a chair... but as the party goes be sure to give him whatever he needs. He's special. " she said. I nodded and spoke in a responsible answer knowing ans understanding the orders with no question added. "Yes ma'am" then left the room. I hurried to the front door and patiently waited for our guests to arrive.