
Raised By Vampires

This is about a female vampire named Destiny who's trying to change the world. In this world everyone lives by rules, and labels. she wants her enemies as allies and her friends/family as her equals. in the long run she discovers things about her father and things about the other creatures. soon she'll live her dreams unless there is a bigger power out there.

Miss_Unicorn1505 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 4: Charlotte

(Back to the part where Dun leaves Charlotte's room. She now is alone in her lab.)

Charlotte's POV

After Dun dropped off my requested things and left, I walked to my labs counter where the metal box rested with my new mice in there.

I went to grab it and I've suddenly gotten a surge of power through my fingers and hand then it buzzed up through my arm, directly to my brain. Causing me to latch onto the metal box, my eyes rolling in the back of my head leaving my eyes open to only whites and keeping a drowned out expression on my face as my brain aims into instant dream like mode. The events unfold in my head something happening in the very moment.

I seen Queen Cilla sitting at the dining room table, with a wine glass of red liquid and a bottle next to the glass. Destiny entering the room and moved from one side of the room to another where she now stood across the table from her mother. Hearing the tone of their voices indicated an argument. But neither of them were aiming to lay hands on one another. Not able to really hear their voices, all I could hear was tones and muffled, blurred words.

Suddenly Destiny turned to the door with unhidden fear and nervousness resting on her expression, Cilla slightly smiled with the enjoyment of 'I caught you both red handed' read up on her face, then she turned to look at the two figures that entered the room, it was Dun and Isabella had hers in front and fidgeting. Cilla suddenly watched confused. Isabella also shared a mixture of fear and confusion, while Dun had a calm look to him.

Isabella and Cilla only see the magic cover up but Destiny, Dun, and I see his new form. Destiny was smart not to say anything. Cilla was speaking, moving closer to Dun, not being able to understand her body language, nor understand her words had me frustrated and trying all I could to understand. As they responded to one another, Dun's expression suddenly changed and he began getting nervous, before anything could continue, Cilla raised her hand and signaled her power in the room, suddenly Dun falls to the floor on the first small gust of wind. Destiny ran to his side and blood slipped through Dun's hands onto the floor. They walked out the room.

The vision ended, the tingling shock faded from my body and my eyes went back to normal. I was teary eyed, annoyed, afraid, and hurt by Dun.

But deep down my vision changes so chances are they probably wouldn't happen. I began picking up the metal box and entering in my exotic pet room. Even though I had two rooms, one was a lab/animal and a plant room with a small office that once was a medium walk in closet. Then in the room area next door was another made like studio. Sort to say I was lucky given two studio rooms side by side. Two mini houses inside a mantion. I place the two mics carefully into a tank big enough for a rabbit. They looked around their new surroundings then peered up at me curiously.

"H...hello?" The small male said. "Hello little guy. How are you? Like the new place?" He stopped looking at me then looked around a moment. Seeing two wheels, food dishes, water bottles, beds, hidy places and underneath his feet was soft bedding. "I... It's nice for sure. Are you going to eat us?" His small voice was shaky and nervous. "No. You will love your new life, your partner, and you'll both serve me for the rest of your lives. No harm will come to you or your partner. Your purpose in my hands is breed and allow me to use your children for my work. No pain to their deaths nor yours when you've hit the limit. In return whatever you need you can get. Pampered, loved, and all the food and drinks your little hearts content to. Can we make a pact on that?"

His eyes shifted to me then to his new partner. "Can I give an answer tomorrow?" He squeeked softly. "Yes. Now may I know your name?" He started wiping his face with his paws and squeeked another reply. "I don't have a name." Then turned to his girl mouse. "Hey sweety what's your name?" She let out a shy sigh then responded while looking to him, then me, then the hideaway she took interest in. "Daisy.... because I'm yellowish brown." Then she took off running to the hide.

"Can I make a name for myself?" He turned his look at me then I smiled to him, beginning to adore these two. "Sure. Take your time on it though. Cause you only get one name for the rest of your life, buddy." He then looked around doing what mice do when thinking.

"I'll give you an answer tomorrow with that as well then." I watched as he walked around for a bit then climbed a driftwood I left in there for them, standing up on his hind legs and reached up to me while doing a meerkat stance. "Up?" I reached my hand down to him and he crawled into it, he then moved as close as he could to me, crawling from my hand up my arm and stopped at my shoulder. "Thank you for giving us all this and a better chance in life." Then he moved back down to my hand and looked at me questioningly. "Whats your name?" I smile and booped his nose with my other finger on the other hand. "Charlotte, Char, mom or miss is fine to call me." I said softly. "Mom it is for me the other words are big and hard to... pro.... uhmm.... say." Thinking how cute he was, I kissed his nose and placed him back into his new home. He did a slight wave then scurried to the same hidy as Daisy.

Before I said my goodbyes I checked on all the others, asking my pets if they needed anything. But to my surprise no one needed anything or wanted anything, so I left the room and headed to the lab to place away my jars for work tomorrow, I knew it was coming to that time where we had to be ready for the awakening party. Just as I was getting ready to go out of my work studio, a loud and urgent knock at the door startled me.

"On my way!" I said and opened the door, standing aside, Destiny with Dun under her arm rushed in, leaving loads of blood on the floor upon entering. "W

..what happ-" before I could finish, Destiny helps him up on the labs low counter and forcing Dun to lay down. "My fucking bitch of a mother." Was all she growled out. Sensing her angry energy, I rushed to grab towels and handed them to Destiny. "Pressure on the wound, I have to finish the healing potion." I said quickly. Destiny did as instructed and continued to speak as she moved Dun's hands and placed the towel fast over the spewing and gushing bloody wound across his face.

"My mother found out about him consuming blood from that lazy, mooching, whore of a maid my shit ass mother owns." Mixing a few drips of rats blood, and throwing in hyaluronic acid, yeast, and vitamin E supplements, while mixing super well along with adding some drips of honey and small tsp of water. I throw it in the stove in a small pot, boiling it and listening to Dun groan in pain.

"My barrier to cover up his change didn't work?" I slightly turned to speak to Destiny while stirring the pot. She was so focused on keeping pressure on his face that the towels were soaked in blood. "It did.... I think? I couldn't tell he had one... but from what I know of, elves is their magic blocks bad and welcomes good, Dun was covered in magic so he had bad choices covered and only showed bad people something else. My father had me study many mythical creatures and others. As soon as I was done after the five minutes, I poured the now white clouded liquid back into the mixing bowl.

I went into the labs freezer and grabbed icecubes to cool down the liquid medicine. I filled the second bowl with water and grabbed two rags, placing them both on my shoulders and picking up the two bowls in my hands, walking towards them, I laid them down beside Dun, Destiny took the hint and moved away from Dun. "Well your father was a smart man. I remember him in the forest and studying about our creations. I miss him, he was like a father to me..." I trailed off, trying to hold back my tears. Destiny smiled then softly spoke.

"You've always like a sister to me. Father loved and protected us. I'm glad you view everything like I do." I smiled back as one tear dropped from my face, I was soaking one rag in water and the other rag in the medicine.

Destiny slowly removed the towels from Dun's face, the bleeding slowed and some was dried up and caked on his face, clothes, hands, neck, and shoes. Alot of blood loss like that for a lesser vampire is usually fatal. But because he had human blood, he can afford this blood loss and still thrive. Hopefully Destiny gives him more blood, if not this blood loss may lead to him going farel... or worse... one of those... vampire monster things...

I took the rag with water and cleared as much as I could from his face, handing Destiny the now blood soaked rag water for her to clean up whatever I missed. I spoke urgently. " be sure to clear up whatever I missed, and be sure to feed him while he's healing... he may change if you don't..." I said sounding more concerned than I did urgent.

As Destiny was cleaning the blood she nodded to me. I took the medicine soaked rag and began wiping it along and into his wounds on his face, the bleeding immediately stopped. The slash in his face tore through his eye lid, eye, and across the bridge of his nose almost to the other side of his cheek. His nose bridge looked puffed out and gashed open, almost like he was punched really hard there.

The healing potion began working, closing up his wounds super fast. Noticing he wasn't in pain anymore, he just quietly watched me with his only good eye.

"I won't change... loss of blood won't make me feral nor change me into one of those ghouls..." that made Destiny look at him confusingly and I also gave the same questioning look.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Not knowing the vampire ways fully. "You see... Eric used me as a test subject. I allowed it of course. He mixed ghoul blood, werewolf blood, and higher vampire blood, into me for many years. Some results came back astonishing while the other tests were... well um not what he hoped. I'm surprised you never asked me how I survived more than 700 years. I'm going on 809 years now." Destiny was shocked by everything by everything. But I sorta knew Eric's science projects... I knew because I also was one of the test subjects along with knowing everything he taught me as the next in line continuing his work.

Destiny was confused and at the same time annoyed. "What else don't I know about my father?" Dun quickly went silent and I looked at her. The water bowl was now filled with blood, her clothes were drenched and her hands stained. "Is this why you didn't go crazy trying blood for the first time? Why you never go crazy when a human was wounded around you?" She finished cleaning him up and placed the rag back into the bowl and leaving it all there.

"Yes..." Dun said softly. "I also began aging just a few years before your father died. He stopped suddenly testing on me. He said that he was teaching someone and didn't want to keep risking my life."

Destiny stayed silent and was in her own world suddenly, drowning herself in thoughts. Then she walked to the sink and washed her hands, before fully walking out she stopped at my door and turned to us.

"Dun... does father have any information about his work?" He sat up after the healing was done. "That I know of everything was lost I'm the... fire..." she turned to the door again and spoke before opening it. "Dun I have a special request.... if you could find my father's work and who he was teaching about his work, please bring me the answers I seek for. But for now heal... I have other matters to take care of."

Before anyone could reply anymore she already had opened the door and walked out quickly. Dun and I gave eachother a terribly worried look.