
Raised by Eevee

I grabbed my bag and walked out with Buneary hopping behind me. I'm a collector of human things as you can see, whether it be a dropping that the human didn't pick up, or a raid at a Pokemon trainer's camp. Just...like...this one. "Look at this shelter. It looks like an Abomasnow attacked. Oh Buneary, look at this! I think these humans were collectors too! Look at all these...Pokemon...heads?" No, no, no! This was a Pokemon hunter! "Mother Eevee," Buneary called. I turned towards Buneary, who's ears were turning every which way. "What's that crying sound," she asked. Hm. So I'm not hearing things then. I put my bag down and begin searching around. "You search too, Buneary." "Okay." Buneary and I looked, well I looked in every place around the camp. Honestly Buneary, do you have to look at every bush you see? Unfortunately all I could see were Pokemon heads and skins. The noise. It was somewhere around here.

Raven_paw123 · Others
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18 Chs

Umbreon (Anxiety)

This is my longest chapter by far...I think.

Umbreon's POV

The Zeraora paused, "What is it now!" he growled. "You said you wanted a fair fight," The Lucario yells. The Zeraora grumbled then nodded. What is he going to do now? My trainer marches up to the Zeraora. I want to go back inside my pokeball.

He is grumbling, but then his mood quickly changes when he gets close to the Zeraora. He puts his hands on the sides of the Zeraora's head and smiles. "Zeraora! It's been so long! How are you my good friend?" Phew.

Zeraora's POV

Hold up, I recognize that voice. "Ren," I exclaimed, "It's so good to hear your voice again!" "Welcome home," he says, giving me a hug.

I smile happily but then drop my head a bit with a sigh. "What's the matter Zeraora," Ren asks. "It's nothing…let's just finish this fight," I said standing more straight now, my fur sparking a bit. "Alright, alright," Ren laughed, "You will get your fight. But let me put up Umbreon here first."

Umbreon's POV

Oh no! I knew this would happen. "I'm sorry! Just let me have another chance!" My trainer pats me on the head. Then the Zeraora walks over tapping my trainer's shoulder. "What is it Zeraora," he asks. Zeraora smirks. "let umbreon fight I'll go easy," Zeraora says giving me a slight smile.

I stare at Zeraora with wide eyes. "Okay," said Zeraora, "what if I stayed still and did nothing? Sure it would aggravate my team. But at least you don't have to worry about anything. Here's the plan okay? I'm tougher than you think. So just hit me with all you got, and I'll pretend that you beat me. Ok?" "O-o-ok," I said, shivering.

Zeraora gave a small laugh then pat my head walking back to his side of the field running into several pillars on the way. This…actually made me laugh. Kinda. "I CAN HEAR YOU," Zeraora shouts from the other side. He sits down in the center of his side, eyes closed as if focusing on something. I take a deep breath. I can do this. I quickly darted towards Zeraora only to skirt to a stop, throwing dirt and dust at Zeraora.

He didn't move nor flinch, that's when I noticed Zeraora was asleep! "ARE YOU KIDDING ME," Lucario shouted. I charged up a shadow ball and rammed into Zeraora's stomach, sending him into the wall. He's awake now. He coughed a few times from the dust then yawned.

"Sorry I haven't slept today yet." he said. "Oh," I said, "well, did I..did I beat you?" Zeraora gave a wink and intentionally let himself collapse as if saying yes. I looked at my trainer with a big smile. I did it! I finally won! After the rest of the match Zeraora came and found me and my trainer near the locker room "good job there umbreon" he said one of his eyes was now a blurry yellow the other still pure white. I bounced happily.

Zeraora's POV

"How would you like to go back home Zeraora," Ren asks. I looked back at Lucario who followed me and gave a sigh "I-... I don't know…," I said hesitantly. "I for one would like to see your home," said Lucario. "Yeah," I scoffed, "so you can talk smack about it." "No, really," said Lucario.

I smirked then nodded to Ren. Ren takes me by the paw and leads me out. "Let's go, Umbreon," he calls. Once back home I sigh happily, being surrounded by the familiar smells and noises. I then hear a voice so familiar but I can't remember the name of the voice. "What did she do to you," a voice asks. "What did who do to me," I asked, confused. "Come on, let me take you back to your room. I'm sure you've missed it," the voice says.

The person takes me by the paw and leads me to the room. The walk is quite long. And I assume Ren and Umbreon followed after. "There's no need to be scared, Umbreon," I said. There's nothing scary about this place. The desk clerk opens the door. It feels so familiar. But there was also the slight stench of a dead person in here. Ugh. Spirits are back. One thing I forgot.

This hotel is haunted by ghosts. I walk around reaching out to the nearest object and touch it. This feels like a toy. I feel for another object. This feels like a couch. I reach for another object... It felt like... a medallion. A memory suddenly came to me, and my eyes opened wide.

2 years ago…

I rested on the couch peacefully, holding onto the medallion. My trainer's niece and nephew gave it to me for Christmas. And I will cherish this medallion forever. Number one. I felt pride in myself. I feel a little tap on my shoulder. I opened my good eye to see Timmy looking at me.

"What'd Ya need kid," I ask. I can hear Isabel crying. I sighed then stood up. I walked into Isabel's room, picked her up, and cradled her in my arms. She looks so beautiful like her mother. I just hope she doesn't become her. Timmy walks into the room and looks at me. I smile at him, giving a glare.

Timmy sighed then walked back out. I listened as his door opened then closed. Good boy. Rose coughed and wheezed loudly. I became worried. She's been like this for months. I sat in the chair, and closed my eyes, trying to relax.

I woke up the next morning and Isabel was gone. I looked in the other rooms. Iris and Timmy were gone as well. I gasped as I heard a sudden thud. ROSE! "DON'T WORRY! I'M COMING!"

Rose's POV

Zeraora runs to me, then holds me in his arms. "Zera...," Zeraora says softly. "She took them, Zeraora," I said in a raspy voice. I place my hand on Zeraora's cheek. "You have to find them." Zeraora grunts and nods. And he takes off like a lightning bolt.

Zeraora's POV

I ran for miles. I am their guardian! I will not stop running until they are found! I then roar loudly As a blade cuts me across my only good eye. I look around, and I try to hit whatever it was that hit me...but instead it took me out. I woke up days later hearing voices. I tried to jerk up, but something held me down. This isn't right. This isn't fair.

Lucario's POV

Present time…

Tears form in Zeraora's eyes, and he drops to the ground, covering his eyes. "I failed her! I failed THEM," he cried. I take the medallion out of Zeraora's paw and look at it curiously. "Zeraora…number one," I said in a sarcastic-sounding voice, "We love you…Merry Christmas." I tried not to laugh.

Zeraora gave me a glare as if to say 'what the heck?'. "Oh no," Umbreon murmured. Then he got up his fur sparking more than ever before and what appeared to be lightning shooting from the corners of his eyes. Iris then snatched the medallion out of my paws.

Iris's POV

"THAT'S NOT YOURS," I yelled. "Lucario," Lucario growled. I held the medallion close to my chest. "It's Zeraora's," I whispered softly, almost crying. "Umbre," Umbreon asked curiously. Zeraora then looked at me silently then back at Lucario. I run to Zeraora and hug him tightly. I missed him. Zeraora sighed hugging me closely. "Zer," he says quietly.

I begin sobbing, with my face in Zeraora's fur. Zeraora gave a small sigh before wiping away my tears and giving me a warm smile. Timothy hugs Zeraora from the side. Nearly knocking us over on to Umbreon. Zerora gave a small laugh before picking Umbreon up carefully.

Umbreon's POV

I immediately screamed. And five seconds later, so did Lucario. "Aww what's wrong Lucario? You scared of a little Joltik," Zeraora teased picking it up "GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME," lucario growled. Zeraora held the Joltik closer with a laugh. Lucario screams like a little human girl. And I thought I was scared…

"Why are you scared of some Joltik," I asked, "You can literally make it explode with a single aura blast." "I. Don't give. A RATTATA'S TAIL," said Lucario, "GET IT AWAY FROM ME!" Zeraora laughed hysterically before letting the joltik outside then went back to Lucario, "Y'know you are pretty cute when you're scared," Zeraora said with a smirk before flicking Lucario's nose. Lucario growled. Oh great. Now they're going to start fighting again.

Zeraora sighed lowering his head not seeming happy and playful anymore. My legs began shaking. Zeraora then punched a wall before walking outside. "Sorry," I said quietly. "It's not your fault, Umbreon," said Lucario. Zeraora sat outside, and I walked out and found him crying.

"Oh no…," I whimpered, "This is my fault…" "No it's not Umbreon…" Zeraora muttered. "But it is! If I didn't hesitate to defeat you, we wouldn't be here in the first–" "Umbreon," Zeraora growled. "Sorry," I whispered. "Please stop saying 'sorry'," said Zeraora. "Sorry," I then said. Zeraora gave me a glare. "Sorry," I said quietly. Zeraora sighed then did a face palm. "Did I make you…uhh…mad," I asked.

Zeraora rolled his eyes. "No, you're fine, it's just… I still just always have that feeling I'm not good enough despite me being nearly undefeated in a real fight," Zeraora explained. I walked back into the apartment, and carefully took the medallion from the human girl's hand.

I then walked back out to Zeraora. And I read the front. "Zeraora. Number One," I said, smiling. Zeraora suddenly perked his ears. "The back says 'Merry Christmas'," I then said. "Yeah. I loved that gift. It made me feel very prideful when it was given to me," Zeraora said with a smile, "but ever since I failed her… I've been struggling to feel that pride anymore." a tear rolled down his cheek as he began crying again. I placed the medallion over Zeraora's neck.

Perfect. "I wish I had a medal like that," I muttered, "But then everyone would stare at me. And I don't want everyone staring at me. And if everyone's staring at me, I can't do anything!"

Zeraora's POV

I looked in Umbreon's direction, listening to him as he hyperventilated, and muttered lots of words. I sighed then picked him up petting him, calming him down. I felt Umbreon paw at my medallion so I took it off and stuck it on Umbreon with a smile. "Am I safe," asked Lucario. "Yeah" I said, still petting Umbreon. I twitched my ear, listening to the sound of Lucario sliding down the wall to sit down.

Lucario took a deep breath and sighed. I looked over at Lucario and smirked, flicking a pebble at Lucario. "OW," Lucario shouted, "What was that for?" I felt Umbreon lean against me like Isabel did when I held her in my arms. I sighed. "GIVE. IT. BACK," one of the voices shouted. My head immediately dropped. "Uuuugh."

Umbreon's POV

Zeraora took back the medallion, and the three of us walked back into the apartment. A boy and a girl were fighting over a blanket. But it's just a blanket. Zeraora cleared his throat, and then roared loudly, making me jump. Zeraora marched to them and took the blanket from their hands. "It's mine now," said Zeraora. Zeraora then motioned for both of them to sit on the couch. By the look on his face, he really seemed to have missed doing this.

Zeraora walks to the kitchen, saying not a word. A Buneary hops after. This makes me scared. "This is all your fault," the boy mutters. "What's this," the Buneary asks. "It's…well, something," said Zeraora. I peeked inside the kitchen, still shaking. He was feeling around the counter and cabinets as if looking for something edible. "Ah, here we go," said Zeraora. "Are those herbs," I asked. "Eh, in a manner of sense, can you help me find a mug or something," Zeraora asked. I looked around in the kitchen. I walked in circles. We're never going to find it.

"Here's one," said Lucario, "I mean…it's kinda small." "That'll do," said Zeraora. Zeraora started up the stove. He put some water and the herbs into a pot and a few minutes later turned the stove off. Zeraora grabbed the handle. Clearly he still remembered where it was. And he carefully poured it into the small cup. "Tea anyone," he asked.

All of us remained silent. "Well, I guess that means more for me," said Zeraora, shrugging. Zeraora walked back into the living room and sat on the table with his cup of tea in hand. A Rockruff leaped onto the boy's lap. Zeraora slowly sipped at his tea, seeming more tired now.

Zeraora stared into their eyes directly. I can only imagine how scared they really feel right now. "Come relax, get your mind off things," Zeraora said with a smile. Relax? RELAX? "Nononono," I muttered, "This place smells of the dead, and I am going to get to the very bottom of it." I can feel Everyone staring at me, and I quickly run down the hall to hide from their eyes. I wandered around. There are a few doors. My curiosity tells me to look, but the smell…why should I go in when either of the rooms could have a dead person inside?

I slowly open the door next to me. My eyes filled with wonder. I saw a room like this actually… My trainer when he had a human child of his own called this kind of room 'the baby room'. Huh. There's a can in the corner of the room. My curiosity takes over. I have to see what's inside. I looked inside the can, and it smelled horrible! How long has all this been here? NEXT ROOM! I walk to the room across from this one. It looks interesting. I think this room belonged to the human girl. There are small glasses full of strange liquids. They smell nice. There's a box next to them. I pull it down and open it. What is this stuff? It smells weird. Make—up….make up for what? Okay I've seen enough. I look to the side of me, and I see another me. I scream. But I realize, it's just my reflection. Next room. The next room. It's a mess. Looks like a storm came through.

"Ahem…" Zeraora said from behind me. I jump and scream. "Oh, Zeraora, heheh. It's just you." "Yeah… mind explaining why you're rummaging through people's rooms," Zeraora asked. "I was just curious." "Hm…," said Zeraora, "lemme come with you." Zeraora and I slowly walked to the room that was at the very end of the hallway. "The smell of dead people is getting stronger," I muttered. "It sure is," said Zeraora.

I slowly pushed open the door, and there was a rotting human corpse laying on the floor. I began hyperventilating, my heart began racing. The sight had me paralyzed in complete fear and shock. Zeraora didn't even need to see it before he began gagging and turning away. I took a deep breath.  I will not be paralyzed! I screamed loudly. Letting it all out.

Lucario and Shinx come running our way. "What's the matter–OHH, what is that HORRIBLE SMELL?" I motioned to the corpse on the floor. Lucario walks into the room carefully, somehow unbothered by the smell. I peek in. "Is it real," I ask. Lucario lightly taps on the corpse. The corpse suddenly jumps up screaming in what seemed to be agony making Zeraora and Lucario jump back in fear. Me, however, I screamed loudly and, well, I guess I fainted.

"Umbreon? Umbreon are you okay," Eevee asked. Lucario was carrying me and Eevee running from the building but I didn't see Zeraora anywhere. We all met each other outside the apartment. The boy was laughing. Zeraora was clinging to the ceiling. "I scared you all good," said the boy, laughing. Zeraora glared at the boy with a raised brow. He dropped down before covering a gash on his back with a towel. "Huh," said the boy, "I guess I made the claws a little too sharp."

You think? "That wasn't funny, Timothy," said the girl. "Since you caused this, you're gonna help clean up this mess," Zeraora growled at Timothy. Timothy sighed. "Sorry Zeraora." "Yeah right" he said. Timothy came back with a small medical kit. Zeraora gave a loud hiss as Timothy cleaned and stitched his cut. "Sorry," Timothy said quietly. Soo… "Was it fake," I asked. "Yes," growled Lucario, "It was fake." Zeraora could hardly move from his wound right up to his spine so he just sat down being careful not to touch the wound. I look outside. It's dark.

Iris leaned against Zeraora's arm, wrapping her arms around him. Zeraora sighed and passed out. My trainer, with the help of Lucario, carried Zeraora back inside, and laid him on the couch. I looked to the side and saw a caterpie staring at me. I stared back. They're staring into my soul. I don't like this.

I quickly ran back into the apartment. The others are also going back in. "You all get some rest," said my pokemon trainer, "Come on Umbreon." I sat. I've decided I'm going to face my fear. I'm staying here. I mean, we do live next door after all.

The only fact I have: There is actually a huge difference between Anxiety and being nervous.