
Raised by Eevee

I grabbed my bag and walked out with Buneary hopping behind me. I'm a collector of human things as you can see, whether it be a dropping that the human didn't pick up, or a raid at a Pokemon trainer's camp. Just...like...this one. "Look at this shelter. It looks like an Abomasnow attacked. Oh Buneary, look at this! I think these humans were collectors too! Look at all these...Pokemon...heads?" No, no, no! This was a Pokemon hunter! "Mother Eevee," Buneary called. I turned towards Buneary, who's ears were turning every which way. "What's that crying sound," she asked. Hm. So I'm not hearing things then. I put my bag down and begin searching around. "You search too, Buneary." "Okay." Buneary and I looked, well I looked in every place around the camp. Honestly Buneary, do you have to look at every bush you see? Unfortunately all I could see were Pokemon heads and skins. The noise. It was somewhere around here.

Raven_paw123 · Others
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18 Chs

Artemis (Epilepsy Seizures)

I wiggled myself out of Charizard's grasp, then ran to the bag of pokeballs. Buneary was in one of these. I just had to find out which one. "HEY," the trainer shouted, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" "WHERE'S BUNEARY," I asked panicking. I began hyperventilating, throwing every pokeball out of the bag, and at the ground.

None of them had Buneary. "Hey kid, chill," said the trainer. "Not til I find Buneary!" My hands started shaking uncontrollably and started to get dizzy. "Hey, are you okay, kid," asked the trainer. Shinx ran in front of me, his eyes were wide with concern.

"YOU HAVE TO FIGHT IT ARTEMIS," he roared, "FIGHT IT!" I can't... I can't....I dropped to the ground and curled into a ball, closing my eyes tightly. That usually works.

Did it work? Where am I? What happened? Why am I in this strange place? There were voices around me. None of them I could recognize. I opened my eyes, and the world slowly faded from blurry to clear.

My eyes looked around. There was no one around. I have to find someone. I have to find Eevee. I sat up and rubbed my head.

Ugh...oww...my head hurts. What did I fall on? I took a small step, but I forget every time. When I have these pass outs, I loose all my strength. So, you could probably guess what happened to me then. Yeah. I fell. And now my head hurts even more.

The door slowly opened, and a boy, looking much older than me, came through with a blank look on his face. "Are you okay," asked the boy. There was no tone to his voice. As much as I wanted to respond, I couldn't. I could barely mutter any words. All that came out of my mouth was a bunch of drool.

"The nurses said you had a seizure," said the boy. A seizure? So, I'm not being possessed? "My name is Timothy. Me and my sister brought you here." "Ee...Eee..." If you wanna talk to me about how easy it is to say 'Eevee', let me remind you that with these 'seizures' comes paralysis. And it takes time to wear off. So, yeah, don't tell me it's easy.

A girl, who seemed to be the same age as Timothy, then came through the door. She was holding a huge bag. I wonder what's inside. "Hey Iris," said Timothy. "Hi Timmy," said Iris almost sounding happy, "Is she okay?" "Ye-es, but I don't think she can stand up right now," said Timothy hesitantly. "Well that's a shame. I bought some really good clothes for her to try on. I even brought her Eevee along to help me pick them out!"

I was finally able to stand on my own two feet after a while. Iris led me to a room where I could put on the clothes that she and Eevee had picked out. They had picked out some blue jeans, a lavender-colored long sleeve, some boots, and a flower bracelet. She also gave me a bag leather bag with the pokeballs that held Eevee, Charizard, Shinx, and Buneary. There were also some empty pokeballs. I took one offense the full ones and pressed the button. Eevee! I took out another one. It was empty. I stared at it curiously.

"Really, Iris," Timothy asked Iris, actually sounding annoyed, "She's not catching Pokemon with us!" "She's not?" "N-no!" There they go arguing again. You should have seen their last argument. It was horrible. "We're taking her home and that's it," said Timothy angrily. "Umm...I don't know where my home is," I said quietly. Iris and Timothy both looked at me. "Do you know who your parents are," asked Timothy. And there he goes back to his monotone voice. I shook my head. "I don't even remember them. Eevee said I was very little."

Timothy looked more annoyed than he already was. Iris looked as curious as a Litten. "You were Raised by Pokemon," she asked squealing. "So maybe we can go find them," said Timothy. Eevee began shaking her head quickly. "What's wrong, Eevee," I asked, "Eevee?" "Maybe she's just too scared to travel...," said Iris. I looked at Eevee who was nearly having a heart attack. "She'll be okay."

I'd like to say that what Artemis experienced is a real thing. However some people may have had it worse. Some people lose control of their bladder, and well, yeah. And as for some, although it's a rare case, they die. I had epilepsy seizures and I lost two years worth of memory because of one I had in eighth grade. Epilepsy seizures are not a joke people. Stop laughing at it.


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