The rain poured upon the dormitory, giving the feeling of being stuck, sadness, loss of hope. at least to some, that is. Rain to others can feel like peace and at home. And a little stumble on her exclusive turf may have led to an interesting relationship.
Rain. Such feelings can vary when it appears. Hearing the sound of it tapping the roof and windows inside the dormitory, it's satisfying to the ears of the green-haired boy.
Laying on his bed, he closed his eyes and listened to the sound of tapping. Nothing on his mind, actually for the first time this has happened. There was nothing much to be thought. Maybe more ways to use his quirk, yes, but relaxing the mind can help him later.
After a few minutes by himself, he got up from the bed and made his way out of his room.
" Hey, Deku-kun!" a bubbly voice greeted, at which he jumped from the surprise.
" U-uraraka-chan!" he blurted out after seeing the round-cheeked girl.
She giggled from the weirdly loud and shocked greeting. " Yup! Also, you can call me Ochaco. Lots of time has passed since we've been friends."
It's been about a week or so since they got into dorms. What happened prior, was the training camp. An ambush lead by the league. It was a true tragedy, flames were everywhere, villains attacking any students or heroes that saw. But their true objective was to capture Bakugou.
They did indeed get him, but not even a day later, a group of five tried to save him: Yaoyorozu Momo, Todoroki Shoto, Iida Tenya, Midoriya Izuku, and Kirishima Eijirou.
In their attempt to save him, they failed and say they only got in the way. Wrong.
After the event, All Might had retired and it was a catastrophe. But in a good, He saved the world once more.
" oh, R-right... Ochaco-chan..." He muttered.
She nodded and span around, " Anyway, I finished making dinner, could you go get everyone for me?"
He nodded and let her go off downstairs. He took a stroll down the hallway and knocked on doors and told the starving news.
A few minutes later, he had gotten everyone out of their rooms and downstairs. He got downstairs as well after making one more round check and counted. " 14...17...18... what a minute, someone's not here."
" Yeah, that might Tsu." Uraraka told from the kitchen, " I forgot the mention she went out."
" B-but it's raining outside! S-she could catch a cold!" he stuttered uneasily.
He hears an audible sigh from the couch, which he turns to. " What's her quirk Deku?" A fed-up Voigt asked.
" O-oh uh, Frog. She can do whatever a frog can!" Izuku started with an intellectual smirk.
" now let that sink in dipshit." He replied, then going back to Kirishima's attention.
' let that sink in...?' he thought. Uraraka stared at him with disbelief but with a giggle to shake it off. He looked at her and tilted his head, " Is there something funny?"
" Think about it a bit harder Deku-kun. Her quirk is a frog. Soo..."
He gasped, " Ohhhh, so she has a higher immunity... T-that makes sense." he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.
" mhm. But anyway, could you go get her? Just one more favor."
He nodded, " Understood". He grabbed his umbrella, put on his iconic red shoes, and head out the door to find her. She couldn't have gone far, that's what Uraraka said.
The light rain poured down as he walked on the pavement. Something told him she would be around here, which she was. He found the frog quirk standing still, looking up at the gray sky as it rained onto her.
" A-Asui!" he shouted softly, running over to, but careful not to slip and fall like at the start of school.
She turned around, unknowingly revealing something in the Midoriya did not want to look at. Sliding and stopping, he tried to avert his eyes away from the spot and at Asui. " I-I erm ura- Ochaco made dinner for the class. She t-told me to come to get you."
She simply nodded and went back to the same thing she did earlier. Was this her being rude and not caring? Or too distracted by the rain?
He took a deep breath, forgetting about what he saw for a split second, and tried to start a decent conversation. " S-so you really must like the rain huh?"
The rain flowed down her face, then down her hair, where it dripped to the ground. " I guess you could say that. I've always had a connection to it, " she softly chuckled to herself, " well that may be due to my quirk. Either way, you are correct about that Midoriya-chan."
Another question crossed his mind, but he didn't pay any mind to it for right now, it isn't important. " T-to be honest, I-I have a liking to the R-Rainy season..."
She turned her head, " you do? I didn't take you to be a fan of it, no offensive ribbit.".
He shook his head, " none taken. I'm surprised myself."
She turned her whole body to him, " care to explain?"
He blushed, looking at her with a higher arch, " Pr-probably around when I was a kid. I-I would normally get beat up or bullied and rain would show up. At first, I'd call it bad luck. It brought at the wrong time, making me oh bloody, worn out, and wet.
" After a couple of years, the bullying lessened, the rain continued to happen without delay. I started to enjoy it. Some say it makes them feel depressed. Others just don't like feeling cold and damp. But to me-"
"It feels like at home. Peaceful and relaxation from all your stress."
He nodded, " exactly... But what give you stress?".
She looked down and put her index finger on her lip, " As for your story began, mines is somewhat the same, minus the bullying and beating up. Though I'm concerned about it, however, I'll get into that matter later.
"As I said, it started when I was a kid too. My mother and father were very busy with work. And when they have three children, the oldest has to take care of little ones. Me being the oldest, I filled that spot. Schoolwork, siblings, and trying to avoid being an outcast in school, stress would naturally stack up on me. But embracing the rain made it better for me to bear, excluding I made a friend."
' siblings? Outcast? That seems worst than what I've gone through... Only the outcast part, having siblings could be a blast.'
" Midoriya-chan, you're muttering," Asui said, tapping his shoulder and bringing him back to reality.
His eyes snapped back to her, then wondered again. Then saw the same thing he wanted to avoid seeing. But now he realized it's no use.
He looked up at the rain, which was only getting worse by the second. His face turned red, " A-asui... C-could we head back?"
" hmm? What's the rush ribbit ' she asked, rain pouring onto her top.
His face only turned redder after he started to confess, " b-because y-you're erm clothes...!
She croaked confused, then looking down. Her clothes were drenched, her green bra seeped through. Turning slightly red, she looked back at him and turned around, covering her upper body. " I-I'm sorry Midoriya-chan to miss comfort you. Let's go, please?"
" Hai!", he put the umbrella over them both and walked back to the dorm, silent on the way.
They opened the door to the dormitory and Asui sprinted without a word to the stairs. Only a couple of peers saw the sudden dash.
" what's her rush?" Kaminari asked sitting at the kitchen counter. Jiro leaned back from kamianri's side, " What happened to her?"
" w-well her clothes are s-soaked when I found her and umm-"
" Did you see her boobs?" Mineta came out of nowhere, eyeing down Midoriya.
" That is not an appropriate question to Mineta!" Iida waved his robotic motioned arm at him. The grape shrugged, " It was a serious question. Water plus clothes equal transparent."
" Serious question my ass! You're just asking that so you can perv out." Jiro started with a disgusted look, staring daggers at him. " the fuck is wrong with you?!"
" There's nothing wrong with having an interest in the opposite sex." he shrugged.
Jiro scoffed, " There is when it's you.".
" Are you disturbed because you lack sex appeal?", Jiro was stunned dumbfounded by his remark., " Based on that reaction, That might be it!"
She got up from her seat and stomped toward him, radiating murderous intent." why you little-"
" Hey hey, calm down Kyoka-chan!" Yaoyorozu said, " whatever he said isn't true."
Jiro looked at her and stared. Then sighing and shaking head, " Okay Yaomomo.", and sat back with Kaminari.
The sudden commotion between Mineta and Jiro made Midoriya question Mineta's behavior. He's a girl crazed boy. Though, he only cares about Boobs and butts. Mainly boobs. And yet, showing lots of disrespect to Jiro, was it because she's a tomboy? That only questioned his friendship with him.
" ahem, A-anyway, let's say I-I saw things I didn't want to see..." Izuku said to end the back and forth.
"it's alright Midobro, things happen," Kirishima told. He felt a bit of relief.
" wait a minute, what-"
A long object came from behind Midoriya and slapped mineral across the face, just before his sentence could come out.
" I already know what you're going to ask Mineta. So don't ribbit." the froggy girl returned.
" Also, " she walked next to Midoriya, " I told you not to worry about it, even if it's sorta embarrassing.".
He nodded slowly nodded, " H-hai...". She nodded as well and walked away.
Mineta was then given a lecture about his behavior from Iida and Momo. Others gave comments to it as well. It seemed like purifying Mineta from his bad habit was a top priority.
" Now that everyone's here, let's eat!" Ochaco exclaimed, " and it's someone's favorite~"
" I wonder who that might be," Midoriya questioned.
" It's your idiot. I can smell it from here." Katsuki told from the couch.
He took a sniff, then it filled his nose. The smell of the best thing ever, to him at least. He glanced at Ochaco, who gave a guilty smile. " that's right, Katsudon!"
In a split second, he made himself a plate and got eating. The class got back to normal things, and the time went away.
Closing her door, she sat on her bed and a blank face stared. Flashback to the encounter. Having an enjoyable conversation with Midoriya made her happy. It helped her learn more about a friend.
Without realizing it, she flashes back to the one scene. Rain bleed through her clothes, causing things to be visible.
She grabbed her pillow and buried her head in it. Burning up for remembering it. " ' sorta embarrassing'? That wasn't even close..."
She lifted her head, with a confused look." Why am I having a high problem dealing with this? It's not like this had not happened before. In a different.
" Mineta had done something similar two times back at USJ. Which I solved quickly. Drowning and simply slamming him down. And yet, Midoriya-chan didn't even touch me. Now I'm a blushing mess...
" Could it be... No no. I've always liked Midoriya as a friend. That's why I call him Midoriya-chan. Same for Iida-san... Wait, why do I only call him that?
" I don't call any of the other boys that... Have I acted in this manner before?"
Flashing back to all possible moments she had interactions with Midoriya, she saw a connection in them. Saying it's embarrassing, Trying to avoid any possible outcome, even admire him.
She exhaled long." It's official...
I have a crush on Midoriya."