
chapter 1

"I dreamt of us, while you were off chasing infinity...

I roamed all over the place, hoping to catch a glimpse of you...

We are fated, but destiny separated us... You seemed so close, yet my whispers couldn't reach you...

I knocked on the door of heaven to find you, yet this fervent wish remained unfulfilled for all eternity..."

In the heart of the rainforest, as Binod heard someone singing, he slowly opened his dark brown eyes.

Birds of all colors and sizes filled the air with their songs, while curious monkeys swung from branch to branch, adding their own chatter to the symphony.

Insects buzzed around in a constant hustle and bustle. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting playful patterns on the forest floor.

A cold droplet of water struck his cheeks, the rain pouring relentlessly.

With uncertainty clouding his thoughts, he cast glances around to discern his surroundings.

"Ouch, it hurts," he murmured, grabbing his head, his expression knitted in pain.

"That Fucker! I told him it was a bad idea and Who the heck is singing in the middle of the forest?" Binod said in a frustrated tone.

In the realm of exceptional talent, the name Binod Malla shines brightly.

In his mid-twenties, he graces the hallowed halls of the world's most prestigious college, courtesy of a coveted full scholarship.

When it comes to his appearance, he is an unremarkable, ordinary-looking individual.

The Malla family's reputation is rooted in its royal lineage, and as a descendant of this noble bloodline, Binod exudes an air of arrogance, superiority, conceit, and boundless egotism. His pride knows no bounds.

As he scanned the surroundings, his eyes fell upon a torn parachute, entangled in the branches of a tree.

A surge of nervousness coursed through him. Never in his wildest dreams had he envisioned finding himself in such a predicament.

He searched for his wallet to retrieve his phone, but his luck had other plans; his phone screen was brutally smashed.

The phone screen lay brutally shattered, leaving him in a state of disarray.

Resentment surged, and veins throbbed in his head as he reminisced about his best friend.

It was all because of him. It had been his idea to charter the Malla family's private plane for their vacation.

But now, in the midst of this turbulent memory, something seemed awry.

The pilot had suddenly fallen unconscious, leaving him no option but to use parachutes.

Instantly, the thought crossed his mind that this might have been a plot to eliminate him, the heir to the Malla family's fortune.

However, he dismissed this idea, knowing there were more pressing matters at hand.

For now, his foremost concern was to find a way out of this rainforest, his mind consumed by the urgency of the situation.

After a while, a distant memory stirred within him; he remembered the subtle echoes of someone singing.

A memory from the moments before he had regained consciousness. Giving it more thought, he realized that the sound had come from the right direction.

With newfound determination, he advanced toward that direction, using a wooden stick to forge a path through the dense undergrowth.

After about 15 minutes of careful navigation, he stumbled upon a tranquil lake.

His eyes widened, and he was so shocked that his jaw dropped, as if he had witnessed something that defied the realm of possibility in the real world.

Before him, with golden hair cascading down to her waist, was a figure with a pure blue fin, and thick, graceful hip bones that smoothly melded into a tail.

Her long eyelashes framed her gaze as she stared at something beneath the water. She was the epitome of beauty, a sight that transcended mere words.

Every detail, from her lips to her nose and her eyes, was a flawless portrait.

As he shifted his gaze downward, he suddenly realized that she was half naked, adding an unexpected layer of complexity to the situation.

"Mermaid!" he cried out involuntarily, his voice echoing through the tranquil surroundings.

In response to his unexpected exclamation, she swiftly plunged beneath the shimmering surface of the lake.

my first book:)

Amrit_Basnet18creators' thoughts