
Rain meets ocean


Everything happens very quickly, Niharika was not ready for this. So when the Dean calls her in his office to announce that her application is approved, she just stands there for full two minutes, taking in the information.

Well she did apply for that exchange students programme in South Korea and completely forgot about it because in her defence she never thought she'd be accepted. Because nothing ever happens in her uneventful life. She's almost forgotten what rush of adrenaline feels like if not for driving into fictional fantasies at 2 am at night.

"Ms. Dutta you're accepted in the university you applied for! You just need to go through some procedures here before we can let you go! Congrats btw!" Dr. Meheta , the Dean repeats again smiling warmly.

"Yes sir! Thank you!" She replies mechanically, unable to process.

Niharika's parents aren't rich, they are not exactly poor as well. And it's the worst kind of socioeconomic status in an indian family, Niharika has come to understand in the 21 years of her life.

Even worse is, Niharika is an academic scholar. So she can't even throw away her life in idle and wildness of youth because 'what a waste of talent' they'd say. 'You could've lifted up your family' her conscience would say. And honestly to be liberated from everything holding her back she needs to keep going, until she can have enough to not give a damn about anyone, even herself. She needs to consciously push herself up enough so that when she falls she's already grown wings.

So she signed up for med school, even though it was not her passion. 'Med school is tough, it's for the best among the bests, people are dying to get a chance, so why not when you're capable of!' Her parents and teachers would say.

"What is your dream?" In moral science class the teacher would ask every student.

"Doctor." Niharika would say(lie). And the satisfied hum of the teacher clearly showed 'as expected of you'. So, even though she wants to sit on a space shuttle and run away from earth, Niharika would chug it up and smile in response.

Somewhere along the end of second year in med school, she came to know about the scholarship and exchange students programme. Because Arohi has all the necessary and unnecessary informations in the world. She casually shoved the leaflet on her face, saying she needed to apply for this because her newest crush was a k-pop idol from Korea. And everything Arohi does she involves Niharika into it.

She applied for two reasons.

1. She engaged herself into delusion that once out of this country everything about her life would change for better.

2. Out of sight of every known scrutinizing gaze that shaped her life up until now, she'd finally be liberated, of all tha shackles she caught herself up into.

Ok, there's a tiny 3rd reason too...

3. Korean medical infrastructure is good. And as much as it is a people pleasing thing, Niharika is actually serious about her career. Survival of the fittest, it's ingrained in her character now. As much as she hates it she cannot but give her best in everything she takes in hand. It drains her out.

So, the lil bit of procedure Dean sir told her about took about 2 months to be complete which included persuading her parents.

Mom was at first totally against it, foreign country, safety issues, you're a girl! But Niharika managed to convince her, with a little bet.


Now she's at Indira Gandhi National airport with mom dad and Arohi, yes she came to see her off.

When she got the news of her approval, Niharika's first thought was Arohi. They applied together after all. She found Arohi at the corner of a hallway.

"I heard you got it! Congrats" she said smiling.

And something hurt Niharika, like she betrayed her only friend, even though it's not her fault.

"I'm not sure if my parents would approve though..." She started uncertain.

"Hey! Don't feel guilty, " Arohi put a hand on her shoulder, "we both know who among us is 'the smart best friend' here".

And Niharika started laughing. Arohi joined.

"Hey you can't use my words against me!"

"Why not! You have to know there are moments where I'm the looser, have more confidence in yourself duh!"

"That's definitely not making me feel better!" Niharika rolled her eyes, but she was in fact feeling better.

"Also I'm already over that crush of mine, so..." Arohi chuckled and waved her hand dismissively.

Back to present...

They hug eachother and cry. Niharika knows she'd cringe about this drama later but at this moment she's feeling overwhelmed with emotions.

Mom is crying too. Dad is pretending to be strong. Niharika hugs them.

And finally on board.

Honestly she's nervous more than excited, she's never been to foreign countries before. Plus there would be language barrier. Though she knows Hangul roughly which might be one of the reasons behind her getting this scholarship.

Like everything else, this is also all thanks to Arohi. 3 months into 1st year Niharika found herself 2 am at night addicted to Korean dramas that Arohi introduced to her. Heck! That was the first thing they bonded over. And Niharika has this knack of perfection, so she decided to learn korean language in winter break because there was nothing else interesting happening in her life and she had all the time in the world.

Someone is supposed to pick her up in the airport.

There they are. Niharika notices an indian looking man with a signboard of her name.

"Hello! I'm Kushal Singh, I work in Indian embassy here!"

" Hi! I'm Niharika! Nice to meet you!" Honestly she's a bit relieved to see indian face here, ironic because her reason for applying for foreign studies was apparently contradictory.

"Well miss Niharika, could you please wait for some time, we are expecting two more students today!"

" Oh yeah! Sure!" She almost forget that she's not the only exchange student here.

"Um...I think total 20 students are supposed to come, isn't it?" She asks because the silence felt uncomfortable.

" Yes, most of them are already here. Only 5-6 including you are left!"

"Ow..." She doesn't know what to say, other than feeling a bit embarrassed for arriving among the late ones but what can she do, only if her mom would agree sooner! That reminds her of the stupid bet. Hope mom didn't take it seriously.

Soon the other two students came. One is a second year medical student from North-East, and other is a 3rd year like her, from South India. Both are guys.

It turns out she's the only girl in this temporary group of theirs. Again that creeping feeling of being out of place is growing under her skin. She smiles and nods occasionally as the three guys keep chatting.

Her expectations of a brand new life here is already starting to vanish.

"For now, you guys will stay in the embassy, after the admission procedures are complete in your respective universities, you can shift to your dorms." Kushal says.

They reach there in 30 minutes. And it takes Niharika about 5 more days to complete all procedures of admission.

Her and 4 other students have applied for the same college. Out of them only one girl is in the same year as me. She's from Delhi. Sonakshi, very cheerful, outgoing, extrovert kind of girl. It's very hard to match her energy and Niharika being an introvert on top of that.

"Let's go clubbing! It's our first day here!" Sonakshi suggests.

"I think I'll pass!" She tries to avoid her invitation politely. It's only the first day and she's already exhausted with all the classes and clinics. Upcoming schedule for the week already looming like thunder clouds over her head.

"Please please please! See we don't know anyone else except each other, so we should hang out more, don't you think?" She tugs on her arm.

" Yeah...but yk, I'm not really the clubbing type," Niharika states honestly. She's never been to a club before, college fest would be the closest experience with drunk boys and girls making out in every corner.

" Oh, there's nothing as such"clubbing type", you don't have to drink or dance, just accompany me...pleaseeee! "

She finally makes her to agree. Niharika hates confrontations, so she agrees. She's too tired to logically decline her offer. Just sitting in the corner right? Doesn't sound like a big deal.

She's wearing a flared jeans and black crop top, not really the ideal dress to be in a club, but then again she doesn't really have an ideal dress of that sort.

People are drinking, dancing wild. 20 minutes in and she already feels suffocated, nauseated.

Sonakshi has already found herself a dancing partner. So Niharika just sits in the corner arms crossed, brows furrowed, one leg upon another, being the epitome of "don't you dare approach me". Not that she intentionally does this, this is just her general attitude towards the world, her self defence mechanism. People who don't know her often perceive this as arrogance. Niharika doesn't bother correct them, this is her armour.

Boys mostly walk past her after taking a look. Firstly because she doesn't give off the typical 'pretty and vulnerable' vibe and also her stance is not very welcoming.

Niharika is anything but thankful. The intensity, the madness, the absolute commitment she's looking for ,none of these guys can offer. They lack the depth of ocean.

Nobody, not a single soul has moved her heart to this day. Niharika sometimes suspects she's becoming a stone day by day.

She's lost in thought when suddenly everyone starts cheering. Confused, she looks around trying to find the source of this stir.

"Rex! Rex! Rex! Rex!" That's what she can make out from the noise.

Who's Rex? She wonders.
