
Rainbow Dash goes to The Averages Tower | My Little Pony

This story narrates a short adventure of Rainbow Dash in the city of Manehattan. "The special day that Rainbow Dash was preparing for her friends finds herself on the brink of disaster. With few options, she leaves for the Averages Tower. Will she find the ones to save her day or something else?" Warning: REFERENCES TO THE AVENGERS 1963 AND UNIVERSE MARVEL My little pony FANFIC mylittlepony

Khampostel · TV
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Dash had left the building minutes ago, but Magi was still leisurely sipping her energy drink.

She was lost in thought, reflecting on how things had turned out so well. She had considered using some of her mind control magical artifacts on Dash, but in the end, they proved unnecessary. Dash had signed quickly and without further scrutiny, seemingly unconcerned about what Magi had mentioned regarding the binding document and its attachments. After a brief farewell and an agreement to meet again in two days, Dash had left with a smile, cradling the Daring Do manuscripts in her arms like a mother with a lost child.

"What a mare..." Magi chuckled quietly. While she didn't personally know the princess or her friends, if one were to judge ponies based on those around them to determine who they were, she had already formed an idea.

"This will be interesting... I'll have to be prepared," Magi said, carefully placing the empty energy drink can in one of her desk drawers. This was no ordinary can. Though it looked like any other, it had been modified for durability and preservation. Plus, it was refillable, a detail Magi used to her advantage, pretending to drink that commercial product while enjoying other beverages.

She swiveled in her chair and glanced disinterestedly at the bustling cityscape visible from her office.

"I have my own establishment, I have a great sponsor, and now I have a valuable product. Fortune is smiling upon me. Is it time to celebrate?" Magi pondered with a smile, quietly considering her recent achievements.

The Pegasus gazed at the sunset for a few minutes, then yawned and stretched her limbs. She spun in her chair, checked her desk, and retrieved a pair of carved stones from one of the drawers. She then went to the adjoining room and carefully opened the hidden safe behind a painting. She placed the stones inside and returned to the document Dash had signed. Taking it, she headed to the reception area.

Despite the late hour, the diligent receptionist pony was still there, engrossed in her work.

"You're still working at this hour; I don't pay you to be so dedicated," Magi said with a mischievous look.

The receptionist seemed unfazed and continued her work.

Suddenly, Magi pushed the receptionist's chair back and embraced her, pulling her away from the desk. They struggled for a few seconds until the receptionist finally dropped her limbs in surrender. They remained like that in silence for a few minutes, not making any further moves.

"Magi... I need to finish Miss Dash's transfer documents," the secretary pleaded, her gaze fixed on the floor and her voice timid.

"Forget about that, I'll finish your documents later tonight. Let's take a break now," the smiling Pegasus said as she continued to hold the receptionist.

"Okay," the secretary replied, reciprocating the embrace.

Magically, the lights in the room dimmed, leaving only the twilight filtering through the windows.

"What do you plan to do to the princess's friend?" the secretary asked.

"I plan to drive her mad," Magi replied with an even wider grin.

"Hehehe..." The secretary chuckled for a moment but then moved away slightly from their embrace. Bright scarlet eyes peered from beneath her chestnut mane. Their gazes met. "Isn't this dangerous? Will it work?"

"Trust me, my dear, everything will turn out fine. We have all the cards in our favor. And most importantly, I have you," Magi said, her face hidden in the darkness. A moment later, shy kisses landed on her cheek, followed by another embrace.

Slowly, the light dwindled in the room, oblivious to the whispers of the restless night that bloomed on the top floor of the Average Tower. The weary construction workers left the unfinished building and disappeared into the streets of the bustling city.