
Rain Rain Go Away Come Again Another Day

Dread clung to the rain-soaked air as Bright, a forsaken soul, found solace beneath the rainy downpour. The skies wept in a sinister dance, casting shadows that whispered of ancient mysteries. Bright, shunned by love, sought refuge in the haunting cadence of raindrops, where despair intertwined with the unearthly. The desolate echoes of a rejection echoed in the spectral rainfall, a chorus of forgotten sorrows. In the distance, a spectral choir of children clad in ethereal yellow raincoats sang an incantation, invoking eldritch forces. "Rain, rain, go away, summon darkness another day," their voices carried a haunting resonance, echoing the arcane secrets hidden within the tempest. The world around Bright warped, revealing elden truths. A mysterious figure, cloaked in shadows, murmured, "When the rainfall comes, the veil between realms thins." The boy's disheveled hair and cerulean eyes now reflected not only longing but an unsettling connection to the eldritch energies pulsating through the storm. "The rain..." whispered the ancient voice, now tinged with malevolence. "It's not just sad; it's the lamentation of forsaken souls, the gateway to elden realms where despair and enchantment converge." As Bright delved deeper into the eldritch mysteries, the rain transformed from a mere backdrop to a malevolent force, a conduit to a reality that defied understanding. The refrain shifted to a chilling chant, "Eldritch rain, weave your spell, unveil the secrets we dare not tell." In this unsettling tale, Bright's journey unfolded amidst eldritch horrors, his heart entwined with the arcane, and the rain a harbinger of both dread and revelation. "In shadows kissed by the night's dread, Eldritch whispers, where nightmares bred. Dance with fear, embrace the abyss, Aglorin darok, veshor'kath, kritholis The Dusklings speak of rainy days..." _______________________ ____________________ (TA): There is a reason why the name of the mc in the synopsis differes from the actual story, please don't be confused anyways.I think I'm gonna go far with this story..... Enjoy.

1stDaoistOfReading · Fantasy
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34 Chs

When Skies Turn Grey (2/2)

"KIAN, CLOSE THE DOOR, IT'S COLD!" my mother called out, her voice laced with annoyance. I turned back, a pang of guilt tugging at my heart, and shut the door.

As I pulled it closed, the familiar creak resonated through the house—a sound that had become a part of the fabric of our home.

Outside, the rain persisted, its steady downpour creating a backdrop of gentle whispers.

A momentary silence enveloped the house as the door clicked shut. The persistent rain, with its patter against the windowpane, served as a constant reminder of the world beyond. The chill in the air clung to my skin, mingling with a sense of urgency.

The sound of rain and my footsteps merged into a symphony of movement and nature, blending into the melancholic melody of the moment.

My footsteps melded with the rain hitting the ground, their chaotic rhythm mirroring my thoughts. Cold droplets seeped through my clothing, sending a shiver down my spine. It felt as if the rain sought to penetrate the layers of my being, mirroring the mix of emotions swirling within.

As I descended the steps of the door, the melody of raindrops hitting various surfaces filled the air, creating a soothing symphony. The rhythmic patter seemed to dance with the soft breeze, composing a serene backdrop to the scene unfolding before me.

In the distance, a familiar tune being hummed grew slowly in volume. Curiosity tugged at my senses, drawing me closer to the source of the sound. There, amidst the grey canvas of rain, a group of children stood.

Their laughter echoed through the misty air as they held hands, connected by an invisible thread, spinning around a puddle with carefree abandon. Their voices harmonized, singing the age-old chant, "Rain, go away, come again another day."

Approaching, the scene unfolded before my eyes like a watercolor painting. Flush with excitement, the children's faces were adorned with playful smiles.

Each raindrop clung to their hair and clothes, creating shimmering jewels and transforming their attire into a kaleidoscope of colors.

Their tiny interlocked hands displayed a sense of unity and friendship amidst the rain-soaked playground.

Turning away, I strolled down the damp sidewalk, revelling in the refreshing presence of the rain. The gentle pitter-patter of raindrops formed a soothing rhythm in my ears, blending harmoniously with the distant hum of passing cars and the occasional laughter from nearby cafés.

It was a symphony of urban life and nature's serenade, interwoven in perfect balance.

The crisp scent of petrichor filled the air, mingling with the subtle aroma of wet concrete, awakening my senses. The cold wind brushed against my cheeks, carrying the freshness of the rain and causing a slight shiver to course through my body.

I looked up at the sky, draped in shades of grey—a heavy blanket of clouds stretching as far as my eyes could see. The grey expanse carried a sense of calm and introspection, casting a muted light that gently bathed the world below.

With each step, raindrops grazed my skin, leaving a cool and gentle touch that refreshed me from within. They trickled down my face and hands, their softness slipping through my fingers like liquid silk.

Occasionally, I tasted the essence of rain on my lips—a faint, subtle sweetness carrying the purity of the sky above. It was as if the raindrops themselves whispered secrets of the heavens, inviting me to savour the ephemeral beauty that unfolded in their descent.

In the background, the city hummed with activity. Distant conversations, honking horns, and clattering footsteps formed a steady backdrop to the symphony of rain. It was the bustling rhythm of urban life, juxtaposed with the serenity of falling rain, creating a tapestry of contrasting energies coexisting in perfect harmony.

Engaged by every sense, I continued my walk, embracing the rain's presence. The cold wind, the gentle touch of raindrops, the muted colors of the sky, the delicate taste on my lips, and the symphony of sounds in the cityscape wove together a vivid sensory experience.

It was a moment of connection with the natural world, where the rain became my companion, guiding me through the city with a renewed sense of wonder and appreciation.

As I walked down the misty street, my ears perked up at the sweet conversation between a mother and her child. The little one's voice was filled with innocent curiosity, and the mother's gentle tone conveyed patience and love. Their connection was palpable, stirring a warm feeling within me.

"Mommy, why is the sky gray?" the child asked, her eyes wide with wonder, tiny hand pointing to the overcast heavens.

The mother smiled affectionately, her expression softening. "Because it's raining, dear," she replied, her voice laced with tenderness and understanding. Their eyes met, radiating a love that transcended words.

The child's question persisted, seeking a deeper understanding. "Why?" she asked again, her voice filled with curiosity and an insatiable thirst for knowledge.

I couldn't help but murmur, almost in sync with their conversation, "Rain comes when skies turn gray." The words tumbled from my lips, carrying a mix of awe and contemplation.

It felt as if I had stumbled upon a profound truth hidden in the simplicity of the moment.

The scent of rain permeated the air, a clean and earthy fragrance mingling with the cool breeze. It invigorated my senses, evoking a sense of renewal and anticipation.

The touch of misty droplets against my skin was gentle, leaving a refreshing and delicate sensation, as if nature itself was offering a comforting embrace.

In the background, the soundscape played its own melody. The rhythmic patter of raindrops created a gentle percussion, accompanied by the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant hum of passing cars.

The world seemed to hush, enveloped in a serene ambiance that matched the tranquility of the moment.

"Rain, comes when skies turn grey"

Do you like it?, Please comment if you do its my motivation fr fr, also have a good day

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