
Rain of the Restless Spirits

We all have nightmares, the best part about it is that nighmares are not real we can just wake up and everything will be alright, but what if ur life became a nightmare itself and u encountered a demon (duppy) everyday. It could be a missed loved one or even just one from the horror movies you will always encounter the demons even if you dont sleep. So join johnny in his quest l revenge on his dead cousin and any other demons that stand in his way of cleaning the earth of those filth.

Jeffrey_Richards · Horror
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3 Chs

The first restless slayed

Johnny: *crys* he wasnt supposed to die so early

Mrs Richards: Johnny, we cant do anything about hin now, i just hope his soul is right with God.

Pastor: johnny before we fully bury this body would you do the honors of placing this shroub ontop of your cousin, he wanted you to do it...Remeber place it upside down

Johnny: ok Pastor *place shroub*

Workers: *throws dirt on in the hole*

AFTER FUNERAL (on a wednesday)

Mrs Richards: Im going to stay with my brother and so will the other, Johnny go with your father and i will be back by tomorrow. Remeber to complete ur assignments for thursday, love you honey *waves*.

Johnny: *waves back* *leaves uncle Roy's home*

Johnny: *wakes up and look at the clock* "wow its 1:30 am, damn im hungry im going to make a snack", said the young boy. *takes 2 slices of bread and with butter to make a quick snack*.

Shane: Hello cuz, did u miss me

Johnny: *turns arround* Impossible you should be dead i was at your funeral...I.....I....I saw your body....how are you..alive?

Shane: The funny thing is im dead but i always wanted to visit you and aunty, by the way where is aunty and your brothers

The boy felt fear as his cousin face turns 360° while his body morphe into a skinny black figure with skin stretching down his elbow and then his eyes began to glow red.

Shane: Come on cuz didnt u say u wanted me to live now come with me *voice gets deeper and more demonic*.

Johnny: your not my cousin ur now twisted, u arent the kind person i once knew ur a demon

The freightened boy look up to see an angel phasing though the kitchen window, he took a look at the female angel he saw that the angel had a slash on her face, she had 4 white wings, long golden hair, and golden eyes with the symbol of a cross in his eyes.

Warrior angel: so, u came for this family huh demon, or should i say shane. Wait kid you can see me? ah what eves, anyway kid u might not wanna watch this but hey its ur life so do what u want, just dont get involved. Im about to show Shane how we deal with demons.

Shane: Enough talk *goes for a slash attack*

Angel: *Backflip and dodges*

Shane: *goes for a slash barrage*

Angel: *Block his move and returned with a piercing barrage*

Shane: *tries to block but the light from the sword make a few holes in his hands*

Angel: *grabs sword and throws it into his chest*

The demon was stabbed in the chest with his rage he slapped the angel through the side of the house, the angel broke her right hand (sword arm) she told the boy to run. Jeff (the boys father) ran out of his bed room and sees this thing towing over the angel, he through a rock in the demons head. Shane got even angrier and started to grow larger and with one quick swing he had the boys father in his grip

?????: Dad nooooooooooooo....

Jeff: Take care of your mother Johnny, dont tell her what happened to me. Pls son just dont, my final request my son..

Jeff's soul was eaten by the demon and his body was thrown to the ground. All of a sudden a shard floated out of the house and towards Jeffreys he grabbed the shard and accidentally broke it. The wind blew arround Johnny as his body began to float, then a light shined out of his body.

With anger in Johnny eyes and tears down his face, Johnny looked up at the demon and looked in demon's in the eyes as he said the words "you...are...dead".

Shane: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....Thats the funniest thing i have ever heard since being dead, u are a weak child, you can kill me, i had to help u with that fat kid and his 2 other friends when they stole your money..Huh... no this is some kind of trick..what is that over your body?

A yellow aura appeared over johnny's body, his skin became a darker brown, a mark appeard in his forehead and his eyes became white

(Blank state)Johnny: I will make u pay

Shane: no, no, no, no, no, no, I cannot die

Johnny ran arround the demon at an and abnormal speed, with one kick the demon was launched into the air. He dove after the demon kicking him higher and and with one clean punch to the face he hit the demon towards the ground. He vanished behind the demon and hit him straight through the house, he hit the demon again towards the angel, then he teleported and hit him in the face, shane has had enough and once johnny teleported the demon slash him in the chest and they both fell out of sky

?????: *pulls out sword and stabs the weak shane* That should take care of him. Wow look at you, you were beaten badly Mike, I told u to never underestimate those demons.

Mike: Ok i should have listened, now help me up and help that kid aswell.

?????: How about i heal you and you carry the kid im lazy so...*heals Mike* (the angel)

Mike: *grabs johnny* ok lets fly *flys away

?????: your catch phrase still sounds stupid mike *flys away*

An: Hello guys it me again I was planning on releasing it May 7th but screw it, i had nothing better to do. I hope you enjoyed the full chapter and i will be releasing chapter 2 in like a week by (April 18th).