
Rain and Sky

The world gets attacked by the Future Cadets. Different alliance forms, One World Organization, Tomorrowland , Future Cadets, Zeda-Land , Underworld. Rain, a troubled seventeen years old , is the second chieftain of the Future Cadets.The Future Cadets, an organization who desperately needs power under them so they attack the most powerful organization ,One World Organization (OWO). But later she gets rescued by the OWO Rangers from a fire started by herself . She was saved accidentally . Knowing her status in the Future Cadets , she is made to stay with the OWO. There she meets Sky. Sky, the daughter of the leader of the OWO. A respected person. Rain starts to get close to the girl but is this really love? However Sky is already engaged to the leader of the Zeda-Land. Together they must face many organizations whether they have fallen for each other or not.

Hydra_BLUE_snail · Teen
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5 Chs

Tiny Ears

Target secured!" I hear a voice over head of me.

I slowly open my eyes to find myself flying with a chopper overhead of me. Everything is blur, I try to feel myself, each time I touch my arm it hurts as sh*t.

I look to find it my skin burned . I try standing but my legs numb ,wait wasn't I drowning?! I look around once again to find fire burning in a far distance and me flying on a net supported my a chopper.

But seriously, wasn't I just drowning?! How come I am burnt instead?I try once again to stand up or at least sit up , but my legs doesn't cooperate.

"Ma'am , would you please for just once, stop wiggling like an earthworm?" I hear a voice shouting from the chopper.

Worm?! What is his problem?! One person here, me, am stuggling to move and he calls me some filthy insects.

Argh! I shake the net harder. "Ma'am would you please stop! All the other rescues are asleep." The voice shouts again.

"Well how you like that you cowsh*t?!"I shout back at him.

"Ma'am ! Wait let me come down there!" I look up to see a soldier climbing down the net towards me .

"See if I care!!" I laugh like a maniac. The soldier climbs down faster. "Wait let me help you , kind sir." I say and wiggle even more.

The soldier falls straight on top of me and his cloth covering his face comes off.

Wait! He's not he! " You are a girl?!"I ask.

" Of course. Now ma'am if you will please cooperate and stop wiggling, I will stop myself from injecting you this sleeping dose." She says.

Her golden hair flies along the wind.She tries tucking hairstrands flying on her face but fails terribly because of her small ear.

I chuckle watching the cute scene before me. "Ma'am please don't laugh at me." She narrows her brows as her face blushes pink and her soft lips twitches with anger.

I laugh harder. "Don't make me inject you ma'am." She warns me.

U was able to at least move my back , so I raise myself to look at her face to face (as she's still on me* don't be such a pervert thinking other stuffs) and whisper to her, "Try me."

The girl shivers a bit and replies, "I won't tolerate this kind of behavior ma'am." And Dap* I am injected.

Before I fall asleep I hear myself saying, "Don't tuck away your hair...you look cute this way.....