
Rain Again: Rescuing My Soul From The Mob

Love is about healing, cure but it pains More than ever imagine... He was my first love that betrayed me but then I found the man I saw my future with, he had shown me a path of life and happiness. I chose him and he chose me. Until the ashes from the past dusted our fantasies. Forever doesn't last longer than I once thought.

PNewmi · Urban
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19 Chs

Tainted Memories


The rainy season is not my favorite but not utterly out of love. some use to believe it brings the most romantic feel with whom you wanna stay under the duvet and cuddle, spoon, hug, kiss, spread warmness with.

Well, before him I never had a chance to feel them nor I was craving for those cringy feelings but he is the one who made me feel wanted meanwhile trashed,

Rain only brings my worst memory back, the day all shattered, the day I lost my love and trust.

I witnessed my crazy best friend Brielle and her boyfriend Beckhett's undying love for each other. I used to love someone different, someone perfect, cute, handsome, possessive, caring, and my boyfriend, my first ever love at sweet 16.

Mason Samuels.

The biggest mistake ever in my life but still when you love someone from your heart you can't forget easily. Love is life yet pain, agony, lie, full of betrayal.

He was my father's employee and eight years older than me, it didn't matter to me or I should say was the least of my concern.

When I met him we immediately liked each other from the first conversation and after two months we started dating. He was sweet, caring, and loving.

Our first kiss together, asking me for being his girlfriend. My tears swelled up the day he promised to be with me for my whole life showing how much he love me.

I wish I knew how fake those feelings were, countless times he lied to my face, and how made me believe every word he said and promise he made were merely jocks and fake.

Days became weeks, then months, and a year passed but my love never came, I was beyond broken still I was longing for him. My nightmare became worse and I cried every night in pain till my eyes dried,

until all of my hope shattered.

All my dreams were snatched away from me.

Brielle was helping me to move on it's been a long time. But there will always be only in my heart.

Perhaps my madness and unconditional love couldn't bring me anywhere

I loved him till I discovered this dating was a cruel plan played on me. The whole theme was a set-up, I was the field and the goal was my cousin, Ashley.

I was waiting for him in our usual meeting place, being a punctual gentleman he never gets late but that day he never came. I waited till dawn, called him, and texted him but no answer. being panicked and extremely paranoid I ran into his apartment which was he sharing with his friend but I guess it was too late and I was welcomed with darkness and an empty apartment. Later did I know the friend moved to Seattle and Mason was missing.

Being a great hacker in one of the private spying associations, Brielle's boyfriend Beckett and his boys' group helped me to find out but again I was too late.

We found him in a dirty abandoned warehouse in deadly beaten form, at that sight my heart clenched but seeing me after 5 days his godly face lit up with a smile, I hurriedly tried to free him but he was hell-bent to get me out, and telling to me get out before his kidnappers soon arrival.

The last thing I know before darkness engulfed me I was lifted by someone and I was calling Mason, I lost the love of my life and felt defeated

There where I lost him, I thought. How much of a fool I was to even think that was his last smile nothing but fake and a mockery on my face.

I was their chosen sacrifice and scapegoat. He fooled me along with his enemies and the whole world. I was just a cover for their relationship, he wanted his fiancée to be safe and to be distracted.

The past year was a drama to show the world he died.

I knew my cousin Ashley hates me but never expected she would be happy to turmoil my living floating dream, yeah never existed.

He was Mason Samuels, not my father's worker, he was no orphan, he was not a good a person not even near considered human.

Now he is Ares Sarris a Satan in notorious billionaire disguise. No one knows he is the son of Christian Samuels but me and the moment I'll expose I know I'll be very much dead.

After several months I came to know the devil in disguise. Two years of dating the man I loved was nothing but horror to me. It's tragic yet half of me felt relief that I wasn't his lover. The other half wanted to try changing him for the better.

The whole thing shattered me and I wanted to die that day.


today I'm attending their wedding.