
Rain Again: Rescuing My Soul From The Mob

Love is about healing, cure but it pains More than ever imagine... He was my first love that betrayed me but then I found the man I saw my future with, he had shown me a path of life and happiness. I chose him and he chose me. Until the ashes from the past dusted our fantasies. Forever doesn't last longer than I once thought.

PNewmi · Urban
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19 Chs

It's you silly

The exotic beauty of nature mesmerized me completely and left me utterly spellbound. There was a small bistro made of wood and bamboo. The vine of purple flowers and green plants climbed the front of the light brown bistro.

The front garden was looking like the piece of heaven had been replaced by God. The sound of running water made me take my left.

There was a small waterfall, clear water running and rushing down in a mild flow. An absolutely eye-catching sight.

A few young koi fish was swimming across the stone following the mother fish. My eyes trailed the smallest one who was hardly trying to cope up with others. It was running from here to there. Then the mother came carrying a seed in its mouth and made him feed it.

I saw a reflection of mine in clear water and another reflection who was towering over me.

"It's magnificent."

I muttered with a gleam in my eyes.

"It is."

He said looking down at my reflection. I smiled looking at him through the water and he smiled back.

When we entered the bistro the strong smell of food filled my nostrils. I immediately felt hungry, the decor and furniture had the darkest shade of brown and a wooden swing was decorated with numerous colored flowers.

"I always came here before but now it's frequent, it's the nicest place to find pieces."

He said and pulled out a chair for me to sit but I was too busy admiring to even give him a small 'thanks'

"Surely it is."

I replied eyeing every corner, still, I was fascinated by this whole place.

A voice of a middle-aged lady dodged me from the surroundings to look at her.

"Oh my my, I thought you have forgotten me, son."

The lady happily said.

"How would I, did you ever let?"

He said winking at her, she swatted her hand and stared at me.

"Who's the young lady?"

She questioned eyeing me happily.

"I'm Hazel, his friend__?"

I was not even sure of myself.

The woman shared a look with Aiden and smirked. Then Aiden frowned and shook his head. What's going on?

"So what will you take Ms.Hazel."

She asked in a soft voice.

"It's okay to call me Hazel Miss."

I smiled kindly at her.

"Oh how bad of me I'm Alice, call me Alice."

She smiled gently.

"I'll take my regular and?"

He looked at me, I didn't even glance at the menu. So I immediately took it and eyed the items. I ordered ranch beef tacos.

I'm really hungry, right now.

Minutes later the order was served on the table and the look of it made me drool. Taking it I started eating like I was starved for months. Aiden was laughing at me but who cares anyway.

After finishing the food I was full. Aiden smiled at me, probably thinking how much of a messy eater I am. Got another quality in me to tease now.


I kicked away a few rocks on my way while dawdling with him, I didn't know he was a silent partner. Soon we reached the end of the backyard's large lake. The pair swans of were swimming in a circle.

I exhaled a heavy breath, quite exhausted from the amount of stress I have been taking these days.

"I was 16 when I fell in love with him."

I started telling him, I don't know why.

"It was love at first sight, his innocent look and gentle vibe attracted me like a magnet. I loved him from every moment of my life, I have always swooned over him. Everything was going smoothly until the day he went missing and faked his death in front of me."

I stopped and glanced at him, he was listening to me with his normal usual look.

"Every time I blamed myself for his death but the truth crushed me he just played with me while he was already in love with my cousin."

Thinking about these things now I want to laugh my ass off.

"I cried every night in sleep, for myself, how pathetically I choose him over everything. I was a fool."

I said biting my lower lip and staring at the skyline of golden and few red rays.

"Love made you do this, you are no fool, he was a fool to let you go."

He said taking my hand in his and giving it a squeeze

"I once loved someone too but she said I was too plain for her, she hated everything about me, my appearance, attire. I  tried to change myself but she broke things."

He shrugged smiling with his own.

"People break up over silly things."

The silence was comfortable. A flock of Avians was floating in the air flapping their wings and steering mainly with their tails.

The spectacular sounds of the birds chirping were buzzing in this place and humming with nature.
