
Chapter 1

Raikage's Office

Kumogakure, one of the 5 great ninja villages. It is home of some of the strongest ninjas in the world including its leader, The Sandaime Raikage, Z. Z was one of the strongest ninja to ever live, a testament was when he fought ten thousand shinobi and held them off for 3 days and nights before his reinforcements came but today he was facing the strongest enemy he had ever faced, Paperwork.

"I cannot wait until A is of age because I will be stepping down so fast…" He mutters to himself when he see's a copy of the bingo book. He opens it to the first page of Konoha to see the fastest man alive and his son's rival, Minato Namikaze. His son A was the second fastest man alive, only behind Minato Namikaze, the Yondaime Hokage in terms of speed.

"Konoha has been rather quiet recently. They could be plotting something" Z says to himself before snapping his fingers. A BOLT ninja with a tiger mask drops from the ceiling and bows in front of his Raikage.

"Tora, Get A and BOLT unit 13 and tell them to report to my office ASAP for a S-rank mission" Z says which causes Tora to nod and shunshin away in a flash of lightning. Less than 2 minutes later, A and unit 13 walk through the door.

"What's up Pop's?" A says which causes Z to slide the bingo book open to the Konoha page over to A.

"Check on Konoha but don't leave any trace that you were spying or we will have war. Dismissed" Z explains and then dismisses them with a wave of his hand. A and the unit nod before leaving in a shunshin.

"Something tells me tonight is going to be life changing." Z says to himself as he stares out the window. How right he was.

Forests Outside of Konoha

A lands on a tree branch which shatters under the pressure put onto it with his active Lightning Release Armor before he shunshins off of it towards the mighty roar he hears. In front of him is the Kyuubi no Yoko, The Nine Tailed Demon Fox and it is currently in battle with the Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze. They may not be friends but Minato and A had a mutual respect for each other and A knew taking on the Kyuubi was suicide for one person even if it was the fastest man alive. A blur of blue to everyone except to someone with a dojutsu, A reaches the ridge only to see the Kyuubi bellow in rage before stabbing its claw at an altar but not before Minato and a red haired woman jump in front of it, blocking the claw with their abdomens. Minato claps his hands and the Kyuubi gets sucked into the altar, roaring in rage (A/N: All of Kurama has been sealed in Naruto, not half.). The couple embrace before Minato drops causing the woman to scream before falling to her knees and is about to fall forward when A appears in a shunshin and catches her. A recognizes the long red hair and a heart shaped face. This is Kushina Uzumaki, The Aka no Shi! A thinks to himself.

"Protect him...His name is N…" Kushina speaks to A before her eyes glaze over and it was that moment that one of the elemental nations' greatest swordmasters left the world. A nods his head before picking up the crying baby. He had spiky golden hair and 3 whisker marks on each side of his face that were scrunched up due to him crying. It's like he knows his parents are dead, A thinks to himself.

"Don't worry, Oniisan (Big Brother) is here" He says as he cradles the baby and begins to tree hop back to Unit 13.

"Who is the child, A-Sama" Taka (Hawk) asks the son of the Raikage. The small baby looked very small in comparison to the buff upper body of A and while they both have blond hair, the childs was spiky unlike A's braided hair.

"He is my Otouto" A says with a little Killing Intent which causes everyone to nod without question and begin to run back to Kumo.

Raikage's Office

"YOU HAVE WHOSE CHILD?" Was what resonated through Kumo when A showed the child to his father Z. Z was behind his desk which was now broken when he slammed his fist onto it.

"This is the child of Minato Namikaze, The Yondaime Hokage and Kushina Uzumaki, The Aka no Shi and is also the Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi no Yoko. And he's my new little brother" A says while enjoying the look of pure shock coming from his father.

"You want me to adopt the child of the HOKAGE! He is practically royalty!" Z yells causing his son to raise an eyebrow.

"Actually he is a Jinchuriki and you know how Jinchuriki are treated besides The Third Hokage who will probably take office again will try to keep his heritage a secret to protect him against Iwa" A says with sage like wisdom causing Z and all of the BOLT members in the room sweatdrop but nod in agreement as Jinchurikis were very rarely treated correctly. Infact Kumo had the highest respect out of all of the hidden villages due to early in it's history, the jinchuriki of the Hachibi (Eight Tails) had taken on a small army from Kiri that had invaded.

"Fine. What's his name?" Z says as he reaches into his piles of paperwork and pulls out a bunch of adoption papers.

"I don't know. All his mother said before she died was N" A says which causes Z to light up.

"What's wrong with N? It's powerful, short and easy to remember!" Z says as he continues to fill out the forms. Easy to remember, huh. Is that where our names came from you lazy ass, A thinks with a sweatdrop.

"Done! From now on this child's name is N Yotsuki-Namikaze!" Z says as he signs the paper. A cheers causing N to giggle. Z activates his hell stab technique and pricks his finger as a knife would not be able to even scratch it. He then takes a small pin and carefully pricks the hand of N before taking his blood and placing it into the cut, completing the ceremony.

"Our lives are going to be changed forever...And for the better" Z mumbles to himself as he watches A play with the baby with a smile on his face.

Time Skip 6 Years

"N!" A yells causing N to begin running but A was easily able to catch the 6 year old. N was tall for his age due to have begun training and was wearing the outfit his biological father wore when he was a genin. He had golden blonde hair and bright blue eyes along with 3 whiskers on each side of his faces so he looked very much like a carbon copy of his father when he was a genin. He was about low genin in strength but had inherited his father's durability due to the blood ceremony he received as a baby. A looked the same except a little older and now he was covered in ice water that N had dropped on him.

"Hold on Oniisan! Bee says I can't prank you, but I can and that's why I sank you! word!" N yells and begins to rap before ending with his arms crossed. A sweatdrops and wonders what the hell that means before charging his elbow with electricity.

"ELBOW!" Was all that the people of Kumo head when they saw a flying N soaring over the village before crashing into the Raikage's office.

"What the hell N!" Z yells when he sees his youngest son slam through his wall into his office during his conversation with Yugito Nii, the Jinchuriki of Nibi no Nekomata. She was 6 just like N but about 2 inches shorter and was wearing a blue kimono with blue flame designs.

"Hey Tou-san! Bee-nii bet me that I couldn't prank A-nii but I did so now he says he will help train me! Now I'll be the strongest and be the next Raikage!" N yells as he punch the air with his fist, not noticing the only other person in the room.

"You are going to be Raikage when you are not even the size of my bicep?" Z says which causes N to crawl up into a ball in a corner and cry while muttering, "You're so mean tou-san…". A and Bee, while they loved their brother loved to tease him as in comparison, he was very skinny.

"Anyway N when you are stop being emo, I would like you to meet Yugito Nii, someone else with a similar "burden" like you." Z says causing N for the first time to notice the other girl in the room.

"Kurama, which number is she?" N asks in his head causing the giant nine tailed fox in his mind to sigh. Yep, Naruto is in contact with the Kyuubi and has been since he was 5 when a bijuu hater attacked him and almost killed him causing him to meet the Kyuubi or as he called him, Kurama.

"Add a "b" to her last name" Kurama says which causes N to think in his Mindscape.

"Niib...Nbii...Nibi! Oh She's Matatabi's Jinchuriki!" N says in his head causing Kurama to sigh in his head in relief that his Jinchuriki didn't rap constantly like Gyuki's.

"Hi Little miss two, how do you do?" N raps causing Z and Yugito sweatdrop.

"Uh hi? Matatabi says to tell "Kuru-kun" that she loves what he did with those nine tails" Yugito says with an innocent look on her face while wondering why all of the boys had crimson blushes on their faces and blood coming from their noses.

"You dated Matatabi!" N says to Kurama who nods as he tries to take the blush from his face.

"Yeah when we were younger. That poor girl, she is so innocent that she had yet to be corrupted by Matatabi. She is such a pervert that if she wrote those orange books your brothers love, their would be not male a population as they would have all died of blood loss" Kurama says which causes N to grin.

"Nice to meet you Miss Nii but there are other places I have to be" N says before punching the window, shattering it before jumping through causing his father to begin steaming out of his ears.

"DAMMIT N! USE A F%$#ING DOOR!" Z yells out of the hole, making Yugito to smile thinking, The Yotsuki family is very interesting.

I do not own Naruto or this fan fiction

GodofDeathDragonscreators' thoughts