
Chapter 15

2 Weeks Since Invasion of Konoha

2 weeks had passed and N had been in the Konoha hospital for that time. He had require no medics as he only suffered fatigue and chakra exhaustion so Hiruzen Sarutobi had given him a nice quiet room that seemed to be always occupied by N's family or girlfriends. Some praised the Raijin for almost single handedly turning the tide while others despised the boy for being the Jinchuriki of Kurama despite what he did for them. They tried to say that caused property damage and should be arrested however The Sandaime of both villages didn't listen at all. That group of Jinchuriki-haters had even hired 3 chunin with words of "Honor" and "Fame" to kill N while he was unconscious however when they entered, they found N surrounded by his girlfriends who were pissed off that he had knocked himself unconscious. Those 3 chunin were worse off than those hurt in the invasion. After that the Sandaimes had decided that it was it was better if Kumo left as such, N was in a hospital in Kumo which is where he is now rousing.

"Good Morning, how long have I been unconscious?" N asks his family when he wakes up.

"2 weeks" Z says causing N to go wide-eyed.

"2 WEEKS!" N yells causing A to nod.

"Yes. How are you feeling?" A asks as N gets up and dressed. N then starts stretching his stiff muscles before looking at his family.

"Good as new" N comments causing A and Z to nod as they too stand up.

"Meet at my office in 3 hours" Z says before he and A walk out of the hospital room.

Kumo, Raikage Office, A Week Later

All 8 genin that participated in the Chunin Exams were standing in a line in front of Z, their raikage.

"Due to their performance in the Chunin Exams and the following invasion, I would like to promote the members of Team 12 and Team 14 to chunin rank" Z says before handing the 5 genin their chunin flak jackets, causing them to have to return their genin flak jackets.

"Due to their performance in the Chunin Exams and the following invasion, I would like to promote Samui Hito and Yugito Nii to chunin rank" Z says before handing the girls the flak jacket leaving N with a sad look but is also happy that his friends were promoted. A notices this and looks at his father with a smirk which Z returns.

"Due to performance in the Chunin Exams, the following invasion and the battle against 6 Kage-Level shinobi, I would like to promote N Yotsuki-Namikaze to Jonin Rank" Z announces causing there to be silence before N jumps and grabs his Jonin flak jacket. He then leaps over the table and hugs his father and brother before leaping over the table once again.

"You can now call me N-sempai!" N yells at his friends causing Yuki to kick him in the head sending him flying into the wall.

"Thank you Raikage-sama" All of the Chunin say in unison before they disappear in shunshins. N gets up before looking at his family with a serious look that his doesn't see often.

"Pops, A-nii, I need to go on a training trip" N says with complete seriousness causing Z to raise an eyebrow.

"Why? You just became a Jonin?" A asks causing N to sit down in one of the chairs.

"You know my group, The Akatsuki? Well we have an enemy called the Hakumei (Nightfall) and they wish to capture all of the Jinchuriki to resurrective the Juubi (Ten Tails)" N explains causing his father and brother to think before Z asks the question N had been waiting for.

"How powerful are they?" Z asks causing N to cover his ears.

"They are a group of 7 S-Ranked missing nins" N says waiting for the roar.

"7 S-RANKED NINJAS!" Z and A yell in unison causing N to be glad he covered his ears. 7 S-ranked ninjas is enough to take down villages.

"Yes which why I want to go to on a training trip" N concludes causing A to sigh.

"...Fine, you may go on a training trip. How long?" A asks making N scratch the back of his head.

"2 and a half years" N says causing his Father to stand up in shock.

"WHY SO LONG!" Z yells causing N to sigh once more.

"That is how long it will take for the Hakumei to begin collecting Jinchuriki" N explains causing A to sigh as he saw the logic.

"Fine...But you have to tell everyone" A says with a sadistic grin as he knew what N's girlfriends would say or rather do to N if he told them.

"Damn" N says before quickly writing a few notes and sending them away in a Tenso. He then hugs both his father and brother and disappears in a flash.

Kumo Gate

"Why did you call us here?" Karui asks as she stands there along with the rest of the Genin, Killer Bee, Darui and Kimimaro. N is sitting on a large scroll in front of the gate of Kumo with a sad look and Pantherlily on his shoulder trying to console him.

"I'm leaving" N announces causing everyone except the members of the Akatsuki to look shocked.

"WHAT! WE JUST GOT BACK!" Yugito yells as she had just got N back and he wants to leave.

"I have to train to fight against a group of S-ranked ninjas who are coming after the Jinchuriki. I'll be back in 2 and a half year"

"Then take me with you! I need to train as well if they are going for Jinchuriki!" Yugito yells but N stands up from his scroll.

"NO! I need to be strong to protect YOU! You, Gaara, Bee-nii depend on me to defeat them! I need to be strong enough to protect all of you!" N yells causing Yugito to hesitate before sighing in defeat. N then hugs Darui, Kimimaro and Killer-Bee before facing his girls. He hugs Samui who begins to cry on his shoulder causing him to look at her in shock as he had never seen her cry before.

"Gaara, I'm sorry I have to leave just as soon as you got here but I must for the safety of the village. I hope you understand" N says with his head bent in shame before looking at Gaara who sighs.

"Of course...brother" Gaara says causing N to look up in shock as he knew Gaara trusted no one.

"I'll see you soon brother. Oh by the way…" N says before leaning in, causing Gaara to as well.

"Haku loves ice cream" N whispers making Gaara to blush and tried to come up with an excuse but N had moved away.

"I'll be back before you know it" N says causing her to nod in sadness. He turns to Yugito who slaps him hard causing him to recoil in shock before she hugs him tight. He looks at her causing her to slap him once again before walking away. Women, N thinks to himself with a roll of his eyes.

"Tell Rei that I will be at our ancestor's home" N says causing his fellow Akatsuki members to nod. N then hugs Yuki, Konan, Kei and Usagi before looking at Pantherlily who nods and jumps onto his shoulder.

"Let's go!" N yells before he and his furry companion disappear in a flash, with that, The Raijin left his home.