
Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF)

Arthur Astley, a man who has his wishes indirectly granted through a strange assessment in form of survey. He wanted to be a knight? Was born bastard of the drunkard king, Robert Baratheon. Liked rain? Spent his childhood in Storm's End. Wished he had physical gifts? Well, it goes without saying, he has the blood of House Baratheon and a system to boot. Simped for Raiden Shogun? She's right there. Though, nothing is ever quite so simple. His beloved Goddess is practically useless, majority of nobles look down on him due to his heritage and the conflicts of the ever-spinning Game of Thrones are on the horizon. Given the opportunity to succeed in his ambitions, Arthur... now Edric Storm is determined to make the most of his new gifts despite all the obstacles ahead of him. Tags: Weak to strong, Romance, Action, Adventure, System, Multiverse (potentially), Harem (possibly), Bannerlord-Skyrim-like System, character development, hot-blooded protagonist, strategic battles, handsome mc, kingdom building, reincarnation. One advanced chapter alongside a timeline are available in my discord server: https://discord.gg/JNz6rh9Xev 5 advanced chapters on my patreon (https://www.patreon.com/SovereignOfHeaven)

SovereignOfHeaven · Video Games
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85 Chs

A Gift To The Dragon

"I'm wondering how you managed to capture Littlefinger…" I confronted Dorian after the execution, out of curiosity. 

We were in the King's study room, which had a pretty nice view over the narrow sea from the balcony. It didn't look like Robert used it much.

"I simply saw the world through his eyes. He is no fool. From the moment Lord Stannis became Hand, his life was in danger." He explained, grinning slightly. "It wasn't all that difficult to seize him in the night. A few knives to the unarmored leg and… well, how far do you expect him to crawl?"

"I see… you really are a man of many talents." I stated, smiling. "Admittedly, the thought of making you my Hand did cross my mind before. You seem like the kind of man that would be effective in such a role."

"You've learned the art of flattery." Dorian chuckled.

"It is the truth, however. The Hand needs a ruthless edge and political tact. He needs the ability to manipulate others and predict their moves, always being a step ahead. It is the person who dirties their Hand for the 'ideal' King."

"And what does this ideal King do?"

"He inspires loyalty in others, a symbol of authority that all look up to. The King doesn't even have to know how to rule so long as his advisors and Hand are capable… the most essential part is the charm to be popular among the subjects." I explained my point of view. "That is why Aerys, the Mad King, was initially a good King. He ruled the court while Tywin ruled the Kingdom."

"You didn't forget your studies, it seems." Dorian nodded. "Though… you are not the kind of King that Aerys was. I predict that you will be quite restless."

"... Heh." I smiled. "What makes you think that?"

"I know you." Dorian leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. "There is no way in Seven Heavens you would sit still in a court for years on end. You are a warrior."

"A warrior, huh?" I chuckled. "You might be right, Dorian. Truthfully… I despise the act of lying."

"Yet you partake in it." 

"It is the way of the game…" I shrugged. "Almost everyone here lies. When I was a bastard, one would show their honest disapproval, but now… I am showered in praise. Flattered by all."

"Some of it is deserved." Dorian countered, chuckling. "It cannot be helped, Edric. Everyone wants a piece of the King's sweet pie, the most powerful figure around… it is a tale as old as time."

"Lesson number one…" I recalled, smiling slightly. "Trust no one."

"My words weren't wasted on you." Dorian nodded. "Only men like Stannis, who are undoubtedly loyal to you without ulterior motives, deserve trust. The Northerners are also a more honest people, especially this generation of Starks."

"I suppose that list doesn't include Renly," I remarked.

"You are well aware… the Tyrells are led by the Queen of Thorns, and that old lady is always plotting. With the flower boy always around, it is not all that difficult to see that he will speak words into Renly's ear while they swallow each other's swords."

"Though I doubt he would outright betray you, he would most certainly grant the Tyrells influence and opportunities to sway you."

"Yes, they do have a lady who could be queen." I nodded. "That's the first and main card that they would play."

"Clever boy. Now… would you deny such an offer? House Tyrell is a most powerful house, far richer than the Starks. I'd assume the lady is quite pretty as well."

"... It's tempting, I suppose. It's what they want, sure, but I would stand to gain from them as well." I stroked my chin.

"Do not forget that you are half Florent." Dorian shrugged. "Should you wish, you can slowly grant the Florents greater influence until they eclipse the Tyrells. They have a stronger claim to the Reach, after all, and marriage alliances with two powerful Reach houses; Hightower and Tarly."

"... I see." I grinned slightly. "You've been thinking about all of this?"

"Ever since you were legitimised." Dorian smiled. "In truth, there are few, if any thrills quite as great as living in the shadows. You hear the truth that men hide, their intentions…"

"Is that where you've been running off to? The shadows?"

"Quite so." He admitted. "All to your benefit, Your Grace."

I wanted to trust him, yet my mind warned me to stay wary… 

He is the one person who didn't exist in canon… or, at least, wasn't prominent. A wild card whose true intentions are largely unknown to me other than a desire for gold. So far, he hasn't given me a reason to distrust him, given his loyal service.

"I see." I nodded. "Yet, you too, have your own motivations and ambitions."

"All men are born with ambition." Dorian shrugged. "I am no Stannis, true enough. You do recall the reason why I first pledged to you, don't you?"


"Yes… I am a self-serving man. That is the simple reason why you can either put all your trust in me or none at all."

Dorian looked at me with his one eye. 

"What did you do in the shadows, exactly?" I questioned.

"I convinced the spider to weave for you."

"... I see."

Indeed, he is quite the wildcard…

"For now, you have my ear and a bonus of three hundred gold dragons."

"Now you're talking." Dorian grinned.

"I've considered a lordship in the Westerlands from the houses that I put down with my arrows… alas, the highborn wouldn't take kindly to you being raised over them. That will have to wait for a while." I stroked my chin. "I want you to maintain whatever relationship you have with Varys. Keep an eye on him for me and report to me should you discover something of importance."

"As you wish, Your Grace." He nodded. "Anything else?"

"I have no trust for the Lord Commander of the Gold Cloaks, Janos Slynt. He is beyond corrupt and accepts bribes far too easily. I don't doubt that more than half the officers were promoted from under-the-table agreements. I want you to replace him, clean the house of corruption, train the Gold Cloaks properly and find a suitable replacement to come after you. Can you manage?"

"I see that you have very high expectations for me." Dorian chuckled. "I will do as you command, Your Grace. The Gold Cloaks will live up to their name."


In light of Edric's decision, Dorian aided in exposing Janos Slynt's corruption by getting testimonies from several of the officers. Swiftly, Janos Slynt was given the decision between execution and the Wall. He chose to take the Black, and Dorian succeeded in his position as Lord Commander.

Though many of the highborn had a distrustful distaste for the sellsword, it was not his job to impress them. He got straight to work and began reorganising the Gold Cloaks immediately. Many of the old officers were replaced in favour of new ones, they began training more regularly, and criminals were apprehended faster than ever. 

Within hardly any time at all, the streets of King's Landing became safer, and the reputation of the Gold Cloaks improved among the honest serving residents.


Before the first Small Council meeting, several people were promoted to fill the gaps. Stannis and Renly, both previous members, had naturally moved onto their greater stations. Littlefinger's execution also left a third spot open. In a meeting consisting of the Three Stags alone, the replacements were chosen. Advisor positions were also given out, a decision agreed upon by all three of them.

The Small Council now looked like this:

King: Edric I Baratheon

Lord Regent: Renly Baratheon

Lord Hand: Stannis Baratheon

Master of Whispers: Varys

Master of Coin: Alester Florent (Nominated by Edric, supported by Stannis)

Master of Ships: Paxter Redwyne (Nominated by Renly)

Master of Laws: Randyll Tarly (Nominated by both Edric and Stannis)

Grand Maester: Gormon (Chosen by the Citadel)

Advisor: Doran Martell (Nominated by Edric)

Advisor: Mace Tyrell (Nominated by Renly)

Advisor: Davos Seaworth (Nominated by Stannis)

A lot of the council included Reach lords, whether due to ability or the act of increasing the influence of certain parties. Or both. Even though Edric sought to make Tyrion his Master of Coin due to two obvious reasons (wealth and ability), it was a decision that was declined by both of his uncles… leading to him choosing Alester instead. Renly had suggested Mace Tyrell, but both Edric and Stannis disagreed strongly.

As for the Master of Ships, Stannis had nominated Davos Seaworth but Renly argued that Paxter Redwyne, a man who commanded the third strongest fleet in the Seven Kingdoms was more worthy. Edric agreed and Stannis let it be.

As for Master of Laws, Edric and Stannis were very much on the same page to the point where Renly couldn't argue. 

To offset the lack of Tyrells, Renly suggested adding advisor positions to better unite the Realm. They all agreed and chose one advisor each. Stannis chose a man he trusts to be honest, Renly chose Mace Tyrell, and Edric chose Doran Martell to bring Dorne into the picture.

And so… the small council was made.

Doran Martell was the only one missing due to him not taking part in the Lannister Rebellion and subsequent subjugation of the Iron Isles. A raven had been sent informing him of his new position alongside a shipment that carried Tywin Lannister's, Amory Lorch's and the Mountain's corpses… or whatever remained of them, anyway. 

With all the members settled, the meeting began.

"All of the great Houses of Westeros have pledged their loyalty to you, except the House of Arryn. Lady Lysa seems to be… stubborn and refuses to acknowledge you due to your heritage and mercy to the Lannisters." Renly stated, looking at Edric. "Even so, most of the Lords of the Vale have sworn to you in person or by letter." 

'I doubt it will get any better with news of Littlefinger's passing…'

"Heritage?" Alester Florent questioned. "His Grace was legitimised by the late King Robert himself."

"Men say she has gone mad ever since Jon Arryn passed." Renly shrugged. "Perhaps even before then." 

"This open sign of defiance will give way for others to believe that they can do the same," Stannis added. "She must bend the knee or be replaced."

"Taking the Eyrie by force would hardly be possible." Randyll Tarly remarked.

"In which case, those who reside within must act on our behalf." Varys countered. "Given that most of the lords and knights of the Vale acknowledge His Grace as King, it shouldn't be too difficult."

"I will ride out to the Vale myself." Edric decided, nodding. "With the lords of the Vale who fought as part of the royal army."

"I have no doubt that His Grace's charisma will turn the tide and change Lady Lysa's mind." Mace Tyrell stated, smiling. 

"If I may add, there has been a growing number of outlaw activity in the Vale since Jon Arryn's passing… mountain clans specifically," Varys added. "With a great number of the Vale's forces having left for the war, little has been done to suppress them. They have grown braver, I am told."

"Then I will hunt them down along the way." Edric grinned slightly. 'Target practice… two birds with one stone.'

"The success over the Westerlands and Iron Isles has given my nephew quite the confidence." Renly chuckled. "Well, in any case, is there news of Daenerys girl? Is she dead yet?"

"Not to my knowledge, no." Varys shook his head. "It would seem that all of the assassination attempts against her have failed… and, no doubt, the child between her and Khal Drogo would have been born by now. However, my little birds whisper that his mighty Khalasar has split apart… suggesting that he may have passed."

"Regardless of what happened, I wish that the exile of the Targaryens be lifted alongside all attempts of assassinating them."

Edric's request left almost everyone baffled.

"... What?" Renly chuckled, tilting his head. "Edric… a Targaryen princess is the last thing we need running around the Seven Kingdoms."

"They have no place here." Stannis nodded. "The purpose of the Rebellion was to get rid of them. Seeking their return would undo all your father, Lord Eddard, Jon, and the rest fought to achieve."

"They fought against the Mad King and Prince Rhaegar. Daenerys hadn't even been born when the banners of the Rebellion were raised." Edric countered. "Do we choose to ignore the efforts of her ancestors, who united the Realm? Who built this city, the Sept of Baelor, introduced a proper law system, the roads…"

"... Even so, the presence of a Targaryen would undermine your legitimacy further," Renly added.

"So be it." Edric shrugged. "I could not care less."

"This is foolish." Stannis sighed. "Edric, let this matter rest. There is no reason for the Targaryens to return."

"I insist!"


"Even if you choose to open your arms wide, I doubt that Daenerys would be so willing to return." Varys countered.

"I…" Edric closed his eyes, pausing for a moment. "I had a dream of dragons. Three dragons."

"... Dragons?" Paxter Redwyne blinked. "The last dragon died well over a hundred years ago."

"I saw Khal Drogo's passing and the hatching of three dead dragon eggs… that was the reason for the red comet in the sky." Edric's eyes glowed blue as he stared at his uncles. "What do you think that she will do when they are grown?"

"If this prophecy of yours was to be true… then that gives even more reason to ensure that she dies," Stannis stated.

"On this matter, we shall vote." Renly raised his hand. "Whether the assassination attempts be lifted or Daenerys' exile to end."

"..." Edric raised an eyebrow.

Everyone on the Small Council voted for Daenerys to die. Not even Varys voted otherwise, given the suspicion it would bring.

Edric couldn't hide his anger at the result. His authority had been undermined greatly. 

"Don't be so upset, Edric… this is for the better good of the Realm." Renly smiled slightly, reassuring him.

'Not like they would succeed… but even so, I need those dragons on my side.' 

"... Let's move on to the next matter." He clenched his fist.


With all the major matters put forward and settled, I left the Small Council room and instructed Ser Barristan to join me in my study room.

"What do you need of me, Your Grace?"

"You heard the Small Council's decision…" I frowned slightly. "They do not understand the severity of the situation and voted against my wishes. As you are the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, I trust that you would not?"

Barristan bent the knee.

"... Whatever you command, Your Grace, I will accomplish."

"I want you to personally set sail for Qarth with a handful of men on the fastest ship you can find," I instructed, looking directly into his eyes.

"... Qarth, Your Grace?"

"Yes, that is where Daenerys will arrive in the future…" I nodded, realising that I may or may not sound like a mad Targaryen. "If she is not there, then she has likely moved to Slaver's Bay. Find her and retrieve the Princess if she is willing to return."

"If not?" Ser Barristan questioned. "Should I use force?"

"... No." Edric shook his head. "As a token of my goodwill, obey her as you would obey me."

"I am Lord Commander of your Kingsguard, Your Grace…"

"I understand." Edric gestured him to rise. "That is why you must obey my command. I would still have five Kingsguard members and many capable warriors willing to defend me. I need you out there more than here."

He rose, taking a deep breath.

"I'm asking this of you because you are the most capable, the only man I can trust with this task… after all, you were sworn to Targaryen Kings before, were you not? Honour your past oaths, your oath to me… and shield her."

"... I will honour your command, Your Grace." Ser Barristan agreed in the end. "Princess Daenerys will return to her rightful home, I swear it."

"Good…" I nodded. "I will provide you with all of the resources required."

'Wonder how this will turn out… will she steal Barristan from me or return willingly?'

'Regardless, this act should display my goodwill.'