
Rahmah's Rebirth

Jimoh_Maryam · Urban
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14 Chs

We are it, again!

Rahmah had decided to give her insatiable mother in-law, a piece of her frustrated mind, not caring what it would lead to, that morning.

"My mother is very understanding and would never be this insatiable, that's why I won't answer her like that. Can you kindly give me a breathing space, old woman?"

That was what Rahmah's angry and hurt heart told her to throw at her mother in-law's face but the words seemed too heavy for her tongue to produce. They refused to roll out of her tongue.

So, she took a deep breath and allowed her tongue to produce the lines her brain had prepared for her.

"I'm very sorry, Mama. I can quickly go and add it now if you want, I definitely forgot it because I was rushing to beat time. Or you can as well manage it like that, since the rice I prepared for you is very delicious." Rahmah tried to cajole her. She'd prepared rice for Mama as the latter would never take bread and tea for breakfast.

"You're always forgetting everything. If you do not forget to add salt in rice today, you will forget to take a bath after cooking! You're 27 not 72! Where do you use to put your mind, anyways?" Stephen said and shook his head, then he took a sip of his tea.

"Keep on doing whatever you like to me, I won't eat if you don't want me to eat! Just don't forget the law of karma! Thankfully, you have a son too! You're surely going to have a daughter in-law too!" Mama stated furiously and left the dinning hall.

"Mama, I said I'm sorry... Let me go and prepare another one for you, please." Rahmah pleaded loudly at her retreating steps.

"Hun! Can you see what you've caused now? Well, you guys know how to sort out your issues, I won't meddle in it!" Stephen stated and took a bit of the fried eggs he was served, into his mouth.

He however, spat it out immediately he put it to his mouth.

"Oh no! We're at it again! I thought we'd have a decent breakfast this morning! Anyways, I'm leaving for work and I might be away for three days!" Stephen announced and stood up. Rahmah moved closer to where his plate was.

"I know you're only looking for an excuse to leave home and go to that har.lot to continue what I disrupted yesterday!" She snapped at him.

He ignored her and went to place kisses on his kids' foreheads while the latters smiled and bade him farewell. He started walking out.

"Nothing is wrong with that food... Nothing! I knew I was rushing while preparing it but I took my time in preparing it." Rahmah was saying until she took a bit of it into her mouth. She paused and closed her eyes before swallowing it.

"Okay, fine! It's like I forgot to add salt to it. And that was because I wasn't feeling well while cooking...And I wasn't feeling well because of what you're doing to me! Because of what you're doing to me!!!" She added, frustratedly.

She looked back and saw that her husband had fully left the room, while her kids stared at her, cluelessly.

"Hey babies... It's fine! Mommy is okay. Let's go to school, you guys are late already." She informed the kids.

She took their lunchbox and they walked outside only to find out that the two cars in the parking lot were gone. Her husband had gone to work with his, while Mama had gone out to God knows where, with hers.

That was Mama punishing her, because she knew she used to borrow her car to take the kids to school, since her husband believed she didn't need a car because she was a full housewife.

"Babies, we need to run!" She announced and the kids took off excitedly, before her. She ran after them, while screaming at the top of her voice to them, to be careful and not slip.

There, she didn't bother to care whether or not she was running ungracefully, she just wanted to ensure her kids got to school before they locked the school gate.