
Rahmah's Rebirth

Jimoh_Maryam · Urban
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14 Chs

No strings attached?

We just had s.e.x! Just s.e.x, no strings attached! I'm simply catching fun."

Stephen stated, relaxedly. Too relaxed. He sat on the loveseat in the living room, took the television remote, and increased the volume of the TV.

Rahmah gritted her teeth painfully to hold back her tears. She was upset. And she usually wept whenever she was upset.

"Just s.e.x? A married man boldly saying that to his wife? Stephen, I caught you in your office, getting down with your secretary who called herself my friend...my friend! Yet you aren't even remorseful, you're telling me outrightly that it's just for fun? I could hear that w.h.ore mo.aning and screaming your name, unabashedly!" Rahmah's voice shook as she spoke. Tears welled up in her eyes.

Stephen scoffed.

"Why should I be remorseful? Aren't you the one who refused to stay put at where you are supposed to be? As a full housewife who lazy around the house from morning till evening, with a wrapper tied above a blouse, looking like a plain Jane, and smelling like the bottom of burnt food, what are you looking for in my office? Who will welcome you?" Stephen retorted.

"You've seen what you're looking for, now, you should take it in good faith." He added, mockingly.

"No excuse justifies your action! It is infidelity! Infidelity is totally wrong, it's a sin." She yelled at him, exasperatedly.

"Now, you're even speaking English...? Infidelity, you say? Can I be blamed for that? You came to my office where you have no business at, when you know nothing about what they do in the office! Don't you know you're not supposed to come to my office? Why? Why did you come??" Stephen bellowed.

"Why? Well, you're spending much time at work these days, you'd even stay for days without coming home, claiming you've works to do, so I was only trying to be romantic and planned a surprise visit. Is that too much?" Rahmah inquired weakly. She quickly used her palms to wipe off the tears that were threatening to leak out of her eyes.

Stephen hissed.

"And you being romantic, is by showing up at my office unannounced, looking like a wild animal with that ridiculous ancient hair bouncing around on your head and that ug.ly shapeless, dull gown? Woman, I give you money, you have time...enough time at that, yet you have refused to take proper care of yourself, you can't even make yourself attractive...rather you'd go around looking like a stuffed overused toy!" Stephen bellowed again.

"Well, I've vowed not to rile up myself by talking about that, anymore, since you won't listen. Now, take this, I know you're not educated, but I expect you to have common sense! As a full housewife, your business is at home-this home! You don't have anything to do at my office or anywhere near it. I don't want you to show up at my office, unannounced, do you understand?" Stephen added, sternly and stood up. He eyed her scornfully and walked out of the room.

Rahmah clenched and unclenched her jaw, she was trying hard not to shed tears but was failing woefully. She finally decided to give in and allow the tears to come out and dance freely all over her face.

But before she could sit and let out the tears, her phone rang. She had no intention of picking up the call but when she saw the caller ID, she hurriedly wiped off the tears stinging the corners of her eyes, breathed in and out deeply, then picked it up.

"Did you not want to pick up my call? Well, I will be home in 30 mins...I need you to prepare my smoothie the way I use to like it, and then make Amala with vegetable soup for my dinner. That's what I want for my own dinner, I know you're making rice for dinner, I don't want it!" Mama, her mother in-law firmly instructed her over the phone.

"I'm sorry ma! Alright ma, I've heard you, ma!" Rahmah replied quickly and even curtseyed as if Mama could see her. The call ended.

She'd dropped her phone immediately, on the center table, removed the afro wig on her head, to reveal her dishevelled hair

and started trotting to the kitchen but stopped abruptly when her eyes caught the wall clock. It was 6pm!

"Oh, no! My kids at school..." She screamed and quickly dashed out, forgetting to cover her unkempt hair with the afro wig. Her long shapeless gown danced around her, as she ran, ungracefully!

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