

A group of travelers make their way around outer realms, escaping enemies and making tales with no set goal. But what if their journey opens new mysteries of their pasts? it may not be just fun adventures and dramatic combat.

YoungByrd · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

Well rested morning

morning rose and Naleth is the first to rise and walk into the entry of the room, when he sees Tunda sleeping in one of the chairs as still as a corpse. Naleth goes to wake Tunda, tapping his hand to see if he'd budge any.


"Tunda? Are you alive?"

Tunda takes in a deep breath and wakes slowly from his rest, rubbing his head from the sudden migraine that came with the light of the sun through the window.




"good morning."

Tunda looks at Naleth for a while before sighing and slouching back in the chair.


"hi. You the only one up?"


"seems so. The beds are quite nice."


"good for you... tell me something."




"... how many locations are there in the woods?"


"Three. If you don't include my cave. To add, I killed everyone from my cave after our first meeting."


"... how long until they start releasing the pawns into town, you think?"


"I was not told the details yet. I can guess, from what I've heard through my time there, it may take about another week before they raid this place."


"Sarale and I intend to stop them before they take over and destroy the place."


"... and how do you intend to do that? they may not be strong foes but their numbers rival the Sini Gauge knighthood of Berasial."


"... I'm workin' on it. There's a guild of venturers and lower markets in every town. With this issue being connected to the government quest that's been displayed recently, as the intel told us earlier, we can find out who can help at this time."


"how do you suppose that will work?"


"I'm an assassin guild member... I know my sources are accurate, but I won't ever trust them with my life."


"... I understand. So how do you suppose they'll help at all?"


"Most lower markets are the shadows of governing affairs. if the council of ages asks for help with something, they have to do it. The pay tends to be insurmountable to say the least though. especially because they are life threatening."

Tunda stands and stretches his arm out and around his shoulders, cracking his back a few time before standing in front of Naleth.


"You are gonna need to hide well though. I'm concerned that someone will recognize you in these streets, so you should stay hidden here."


"I can keep myself hidden even in the daylight."


"You'll never know who can see past a spell, Naleth. So please, stay here until we head back. or at most, until this mess is over."


"... You have such a tender heart, don't you? alright. I'll stay and guard the room."


"thank you..."


"you should get some more sleep. you look like you just woke from a nightmare."

TUNDA: "Do I, now? I'll live. Not the first time I had to sleep in death after all."

Naleth looks at Tunda with mild concern before he hears footsteps from Sarale and Vajor's room. A few moments later Vajor emerges from the room fixing his vest and brushing the hair back from his eyes. He wore an amused expression as he glanced back over his shoulder and shut the door quietly before greeting the men with a chuckle.




"what's got you gigglin'?"

Vajor glances behind him.


"She's out cold. Actually drooling all over her pillow. I've never seen her sleep that hard in the few months we've been traveling together. It's adorable."


"I lived with that girl for nearly a century and she still drools when she's comfortable sleeping."

Tunda snickers from Naleth's comment.


"to be fair, she is in the mind of a teenager right now."


"I have a feelin' she'd be mortified if she heard you say that. She's gotten more modest even if her clothin' is more showy."


"... modest?"


"Yeah, she didn't want me to look at her while she was changin', even hid behind the screen in our room. She's never done that before. Not since our first night together anyways."

Tunda: "... that's... I..."

Aktlass steps out of his room and quietly shuts the door behind him. 


"She's a teenager. Like he said. The memories may still be there, but her mind isn't at the age of those memories."

Vajor scratches his head.


"Makes sense, but still weird. Also that comment makes me feel like a pervert. Please don't say that anymore."


"If it helps at all, I think her being more **modest** is showing that she may be thinking more about you."


"Like you did with your marriage partner?"

Aktlass glares at Naleth and goes quiet. Vajor chuckles.


"Alright, point made. So what are we plannin' for today?"

Sarale opens the door behind Vajor with a groggy yawn and tries to fix the mess that was her hair.


"Good morning everyone."

Tunda and Aktlass start snickering at Sarale, while Naleth simple raises his brow at her.


"Really? I may not have been in your life long but I know for a fact that I taught you to fix up before you step out."

Vajor smirks as Sarale's face flushes bright red as she steps back into the room and shuts the door with a squeak.



Tunda rushes to the door and knocks.


"Wait! Wait! Let me help!"

The door opens just enough for Sarale to pull Tunda into the room with her. Her face is still a mask of embarrassment as she shuts the door behind him. Aktlass bursts into laughter watching Sarale yank Tunda into the room in panic, waking Karma from their sleep to open the door Just as messy and groggy as Sarale, if not indecent.


"Mernin', people."

Aktlass turns around only to gasp and go quiet at seeing them more dressed down than he's used to, having what seemed to be one of his new shirts which was barely holding onto their shoulders and hung just over their knees. Their wild curls bouncing around their horns and a hand that was buried in the large fluff digging for an itch.

Vajor starts laughing at Aktlass' reaction.


"good mornin' Karma, I think ya might've fried Aktlass' brain lookin' like a lamb."

Naleth suddenly makes his way to Karma and Aktlass and reaches for Karma's hair only to get slapped on the wrist by Karma.


"Da fuck you thing you doin'? Don't touch the fluff."


"ow!? I'm sorry! It just looked so soft!"


"No touchy. That's husband's fluff only."

Naleth backs off, nervous from the now crabby Karma. Aktlass gives a goofy smirk and blushes as he watches Karma tiredly glare at Naleth. Vajor shakes his head and pats Naleth's back reassuringly as Sarale exits the room with her now under control and beautifully braided hair.


"Can I touch the fluff, Karma?"

Karma looks at Sarale, still groggy and crabby, before going back into the room and coming back out with a belt wrapped around their waist and the collar of the shirt now a bit higher on their chest. Karma trot past Aktlass and Naleth and gives Sarale a big hug and lets her pet their hair as their tail ticks behind them. Sarale hugs Karma with a big smile as she scratches the base of Karma's horns. Karma falls into the hug and sighs in satisfaction from getting their horns tended to.


"Feels good, don' it?"

Karma thinks about his words for a moment.


"... eh. I like Aktlass' claws better."

Aktlass smirks and starts clicking his claws on one hand. Karma thinks about his words for a moment.


"... eh. I like Aktlass' claws better."

Aktlass smirks and starts clicking his claws on one hand. Sarale giggles at Aktlass' proud smirk.


"As you should. He's your husband." 

Vajor tilts his head with an uncomfortable expression. Tunda steps out of the room and stands next to Sarale. 


"What about big brother? I don't get the fluff anymore?"


"you're gonna fix my head up anyway."


"pfft. fair."


"Your lips are getting dark. Are you okay?"

Tunda blinks at Naleth then pulls his balm from his pocket and puts it on, popping his lips after then puts balm away. Naleth raises his brow at watching Tunda powder up and puckers his lips, only to get glared at from everyone while Tunda looks at him with open discomfort.


"Aktlass, smack him."

Aktlass instantly swings at Naleth and nicks his shoulder without hesitation.


"AAAH!!! WHY!?"


"Let's get ready to go out. Tunda, you can scout ahead of us since you're dress for the day. (*to Naleth*) No, you are not going with him."


"The fuck did I do!?"


"What didn' you do?"

Sarale frowns at Naleth.


"Boundaries. Also I don't think you going out would be a good idea. Drows are frowned upon in most cities, but especially this one."

Sarale looks at Naleth with concern.


"You should probably stay hidden."


"I literally just got done with that conversation with him!"


"Aye. He's gonna stay to watch the room while we're out."


"so long as he's ten feet away from you I'm fine with it."

Karma heads back to the room to change. Sarale sticks her tongue out at Naleth.


"I didn't know that so don't fuckin' yell at me, old man. I was just showing concern. Sorry... I'll be sure not to do it again."

Vajor's eyes grow wide and he covers his mouth to stifle his laughter. 


"Don't you sass me, young lady. I just got slapped by your parents."


"so your bitter and old."

Sarale puts her hands on her hips.


"You deserved it for not showing restraint, something you also taught me, so I know you know better. Why not practice what you loved to preach."


"I told you I can't help myself. I'm dead. Let me enjoy the life I miss for a moment. It's not like I can even do anything to him in the first place."

Sarale huffs and crosses her arms.


"Just because you think it, doesn't mean you should act on it."

Naleth suddenly gives a cold glare to Sarale. Aktlass and Tunda get ready for a fight as Tunda steps in front of Sarale. 


"I literally. cannot. help it. That part of me is gone, Sara. I am not the same calm, peace-loving dickless welp that tried to help you. I am Lolth's creature, bound to my agony and cannot control what I do..."

Sarale's expression falls as her eyes grow wide and Vajor pulls her behind him. She hugs herself and heads for the main entrance with her head down.


"I-i'm sorry."

Naleth grabs her and forces her to turn around.


"I'm not done, child... I'm sorry for my words. I will tell you right now, that I love you like my own, and the thing I regret more... is not saving you for the hell I watched you go through."

Naleth's eyes calmed down and started to seem tired and weary from using so much energy.


"... forgive me for yelling at you, but I'm a revenant. I live on rage and painful memories. My most painful one for you is my last memory, seeing you in the garden... and dying on the inside. And I did nothing to help, when you needed me most. These are what I live on now, and now I want to make new ones with you. If only for a moment."

Sarale refuses to make eye contact as she stands there quietly listening to his words and bites the inside of her lip to keep from crying.

SARALE:(sad smile)

"There's nothing to forgive. I shouldn't have pushed back so hard, I'm sorry. You were my only light in that dark place, the only happiness I knew. Even so there was nothing you could have done to save me. You were trapped just as much as I was. The only difference is you loved him... and I'm terrified of him."


"did you just shut me out?"

Naleth asks, his voice filled with concern and mild pain.


"Only for the moment. I think it's for the best until I can regain some control over my emotions. I don't want to hurt you, Naleth. That's the last thing I want. I know what you felt from me just now and I couldn't stop the thought before it overcame me, it's not fair for you to have that pain forced on you."

Sarale looks out of the window past Naleth and sighs as a cold shiver runs up her spine. Her gaze immediately meets his as she caresses his cheek with a sad smile.


"I never meant for you to get hurt, meld mellon."


"oh lend hén. don't do that. I at least want you to be sure of your pain and not bear it alone. because you're not alone anymore. Even if I wont be with you long, you have friends you call family. share your sorrows with them. share it with me. I will cry for you, because I still love you."

Naleth gives Sarale a pick on the forehead and hugs her.

Meanwhile Tunda followed Sarale's gaze to the window and glared at the shadow that was their watching them. His hand turns into a claw as he keeps watch over it. Sarale sighs as she hugs Naleth back and smiles sadly.


"you know I always remember you enjoying yourself while doing grandmother's makeup. Maybe you can do mine, while we wait for Tunda to do Karma's hair?"


"I'll wait out here with Aktlass while you two spend some time together then."

Sarale nods as she waits for Naleth's reply.


"Thank you, nin mel." 


"anytime, Dove."

Tunda goes to grab a stool and sits it in front of the ottoman. Karma steps out of the room to find the mood in shambles then finds Aktlass going over to sit on the loveseat near Tunda, both of them waiting for Karma to take a seat. Karma looks over to Sarale with confusion knowing what might have caused the mood to sour during their absence and looks between her and Naleth.


"... ya'll are okay now right?"


"a momentary lapse in judgment on my part. We're okay now though. I know Naleth would never harm me, even when he's angry. I trust him with my life."


"Here's hope we don't do that again. I can't handle not knowing what you're thinking. It drives me nuts knowing you're upset and not know what the issue is."


"Now you're just like them in that aspect."


"Please no. Your emotions are the only thing keeping me from staying in the dead mindset like that."

Vajor raises a brow and crosses his legs as he pulls something from his pocket and starts tinkering with it.


"No promises you'll like what you feel and I'm terribly tired of being scolded for things I can't necessarily control right now."


"Doesn't matter. your emotions exist and thus you exist to me which gives me peace of mind knowing you're alive and in control of your body."


"Can we at least do this inside?"


"So long as you don't keep it bottled up, we can talk all day long."


"Very well. After you."

Sarale opens the door to her's and Vajor's room, waiting for Naleth to enter before she does. Naleth goes into the room and sits on the bed. His tattoos start to glow in the dark of the room as he looks back at her with loving eyes. The shape of a spider was now obvious on his forehead. Sarale shuts the door behind her as she grabs her paint pots and sits next to him on the bed. She slowly lowers the walls she's built to keep him out with a nervous sigh.


"Where should we start?"


"What is your favorite memory of me?"

Sarale chuckles as she thinks back.


"Honestly I'm not even sure you knew I was watching you at the time, but there was a day you were playing your dulcimer near the forest. I was watching from further in. You looked so peaceful."


"... I've played that often in the forest. so I don't think I'll ever know when that was... care to hear something later?"


"I'd love to. Your playing always made me feel more at ease. Like nothing could harm me."

Naleth smiles at her and snaps his fingers to summon his robe and pulls his dulcimer from it like a magic curtain and tunes it before he starts playing. Sarale smiles as she lays back on the bed and closes her eyes listening to the music as it soothes her weary heart.