
Ragnarok Online Gamer System

A man appears in a room, without many memories and without a name due to a system error and to compensate a little for the problems that caused him, he receives an "old" version of the gamer system. Little by little he recovers his memories and begins to discover that the small error of which he was the victim is nothing more than the beginning of a disaster. - The system is based on the game Ragnarok Online, a small part of the story takes place in the game but it will focus more on the worlds where the MC will enter. _____________________________________ This is my first story, also English is not my first language so any problem that exists I will appreciate if you mention it. Disclaimer: *I don't own the novels, games, mangas, animes, and movies.

KKLRS · Anime & Comics
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"Well that went better than I expected, now to finish this mission, I have a Moth Priest to save..."

Actually, the mission to find Serana was simple, the only "problematic" thing that happened was that I broke the blade of her sarcophagus, since the shit could not pass the defenses of my hand and it was destroyed, so I practically had to pull the mechanism and unlock it manually.

After that, unlike in the game she clearly shows her mistrust towards me, using an illusion to hide her appearance...although with Gamer's Mind it doesn't really work, I only see something like water around her... so to get her attention I decided to be flashy with her. After some tries we leave the Crypt we immediately go to Pinewatch.

"What the heck is that horse?" a perplexed Serana asks me, seeing the 'horse' in front of me as I give her a helmet.

"This Miss Serana is one of the most modern inventions made by Imp... the Dwemer a Assault Bike." Specifically an Assault Bike of the White Scars, which I quickly get on and point so that Serana sits behind me, although not before taking several minutes to convince her... it's a shame that her Corset is a hard armor and I can't really feel much.

"This helmet is really good, it protects my face completely but this visor is made of glass, isn't it dangerous if someone breaks it and all the glass gets into my face?" Serana ask, while I was wondering what she would look like in a biker outfit...

"Don't worry, it's made of a very Refined Malachite perfect to resist impacts, now make sure you hold on well, if you have any discomfort make sure to tell me, or in case you can't, make sure to lightly hit my head, that will be our signal to know if something is wrong." And really without waiting for her answer, since I discovered that the Assault Bike secures the occupants very well, I accelerate at low speed to leave there, about 60 km/h since I know very well Serana is not used to this.

"What is this! It's very fast, the Dwemer really made fast vehicles, they're almost as fast as me!" Or at least that's what I thought... well, without further ado, I started to increase speed, quickly reaching 300km.... in a fucking second.... I always wondered what the maximum speed of these things would be? Well Whiterun is ahead and it will be a good place to find out!




Well that was fun, although I don't think that Serana really like it that much, she still tries to put on an indifferent face but her legs are really betraying her... although you have to accept it all the way she never scream or tried to stop me, she just hugged me a little more and clenched her teeth.

"This... is your... house?" To tell the truth, she didn't seem surprised by the little shack I brought her to, and I don't blame her, it's just a shack in the middle of nowhere.

"Yes, this is my main base of operations in Skyrim, although there are more distributed throughout the region, you can distinguish my members by the Aquila on them." I tell her as I point again to the symbol my cloak, finally entering the shack where we went down to the basement.

After that I open the secret passage in the basement and walk inside, Serana follows me while making sarcastic comments about caves. Although once inside it really left her at a loss for what to say, this place isn't mine so the girls had to dig and modify everything themselves, they still easily managed to create a bunker complete with modern facilities and light.

"Well, to the right is the kitchen and dining room. to the left are the entertainment facilities, libraries, comput... games rooms and various other things, in front of this are the training rooms, in the back the bedrooms, to the left of them is the bathroom, with hot water in case you are interested." I explain to Serana the basic parts, which of course there are many more that she doesn't need to know.

"A bath... that would do me good, the Divines know how long it's been." Serana quickly walks towards the back, I for my part go to the command room hidden between the corridors of the base.

Several things have happened in the last few days, and thanks to certain problems I could not analyze them well. First the 4th classes... apparently I will need calatizers to achieve it... although these in turn are divided into basic, normal, advanced, superior, hyper and divine... according to this there will also be differences benefits according to the type of catalyst used... so I really have to find something good if a Daedra weapon is only Advanced.

On the other hand apparently my store was visited several times, achieving transactions that allowed the opening of 4 new worlds of which I have little idea what they are since I am not there or was present when it happened.... Oh I also had my first attempt at robbery and extortion!

Some idiots who called themselves the Tiger Claw Gang, according to them the most powerful syndicate in a place called Floating Cloud City, although from the names with which they presented themselves it is clearly some kind of Chinese place, it was fortunate and unfortunate that Lilinaya, Nysynea and Shetinoth tended them.

Fortunate that they easily beat up the idiots who tried to mess with them, unfortunate that because of their beauty and like any Chinese novel, a stronger member came later demanding that they offer themselves to them and his boss if they don't... It should not be emphasized that they were finished off again, although this time Shetinoth kept one to get information... who would say that she, the most timid and one of the kindest of all, could be so...

Anyway, once I found out what happened, I congratulated them for their actions and gave them orders to infiltrate the city however they could, starting by giving them something, because if I understand my system correctly, it only asks that the gift need to be accepted, so that once they have access to the city they have to investigate everything they can.

And it worked, as the girls were waiting for them in their combat outfits, even though Shetinoth was using her jacket to cover herself. After some little time the second in command of those guys come and as idiots that they are easily accepted the gift that the girls gave them and forgave them, but they asked the girls to gave him Face... so Lilinaya took it literally and just punched him in the face....

They also go to the others 3 places but the detailed reports was only piled up during this time, so I really don't know what to expect from those worlds, I only know that 2 of them are modern from the descriptions they gave in their basic speech report... Although there are more important things such as the report of the King's recruitment attempts, it seems that the girls refusal was not taken very well.

Some drama happened in the King's court, with practically all the girls that was nobles before, when those said nobles discovered their new value, but with Arldana, Aphine, Dora and Lusha was worse, in short their former families tried to 'claim legitimacy' with them, so it led to several days of arguments and arguments in court, where the girls refused to return to their old families, although it all ended thanks to Lilinaya when they managed to recover the sales contracts to the Mercenary Guild

And not only that, they reported the network of Demon worshipers who bought or kidnapped people to be sacrificed, apparently mainly nobles who for some strange reason that I don't really care, work better as sacrifices...so in the end several of the girls became leaders of their houses by demonstrating that the previous heads of these were also colluded in the Demon Cult.

With Aphine the matter was really funny, it was a pity that I could not be present to see it, since some priest of the Prontera Sanctuary kept accusing her of having stolen something from them, never specifying what and the uproar was so great that at the end the Bishop of Prontera Sanctuary Vomars, had to intervene... which led him to more problems since he really had no idea what had happened.

For which the Bishop denied all the accusations against him and began to scold Aphine and Lusha for going against the teachings of the church, wanting to force them to return, the King wanted to help the Church too but he forgot the small detail that once that they were independently knighted, they can and need be separated from any position that any guild has on them, a law that the ancient Kings of Rune-Midgarts passed to prevent guilds from accumulating power through their external members.

So at the end of it all, the King was made a fool of by his own stupidity, with 4 noble houses (1 Count, 2 Viscounts and 1 Baron) with centuries of history lost as the girls quickly declared themselves aligned with my Order, and the enmity of a dozen other noble houses, all of which lost members through the crown's negligence of the Demon Cult.

Of course this also brought problems, first the girls got the anger of the King and the Church, in addition to several noble houses, the most important the Wigner family, although it was only the bald Archduke who was trying to interfere, on the other hand we got the support of several noble houses and mysteriously from the Schweicherbil Magic Academy.

The Academy wanted to hire and enroll several of the girls to join their ranks, according to Nysynea ans the informants of the Assassin Guild there is nothing wrong with them, so I let the girls decide for themselves, in the end it ended with Epianne becoming a teacher in advanced magic, besides, all the magical class girls have a place in the academy to continue their studies... of course always hiding its true capabilities, after all in a matter of magic only the Geffen Tower can match a bit.

Of course, a certain bald guy in said tower got quite upset with this, which led to another, more private discussion between him and the directors of the academy, that if the destruction of his office explains something went wrong for him... but what the hell is going on though, is this place like Warhammer and all the bald people are evil?

So in the end the confrontation between me and the King is imminent, even now I started the reinforcement of Britoniah by redoubling the defenses towards the side of Prontera and Geffen, in addition to the construction of ports in my mansion in Prontera, in Britoniah, Wuerzburg and in Sandstorm Fortress, besides that I finally sent my first merchant caravan to the turtle island, at the moment it's not much, just two caravels lead by Akhene and Amisra.

From then on the situation in Midgard is normal and calm at the moment, since it is unlikely that the King will act against us so quickly, he has many political reasons that prevent him from doing so and again as he promised by royal decree to not interfere with me from now on he cannot do anything legally against me, I would like to be in his presence and laugh in his face.

At least he would need to have a reason to try something against me, and I also want to do something, I really don't like having a latent danger so close... that's why I hate politics, you can never do something if you're not 'right', luckily for me, I have the total loyalty of my girls thanks to brainwashing of the system.

Now we are going to visit the worlds that the girls explored before, the first is the most urgent, apparently as soon as they entered they were detected and they quickly had to go back to the store, from the little they managed to observe, they described several buildings in the distance, with some cars on the streets outside of the store, so this world has a great power system, let's go and see what is it about... I enter my store through one of the doors and exit through the entrance.................




*creak* I peek outside .............. *creak*

"I'm not fucking crazy about that shit!" I immediately enter my system and delete the door, since on the other side there is nothing more and nothing less than our bastard friend Archer and therefore all the Nasu shit, the servants are interesting and without a doubt I would like to put my balls in several of them but the fact that Alaya had sent a Counter Guardian immediately means I'm not welcome there.

And I really don't think I can resist Excalibur, shit I don't think he even need such powerful weapons, it could be that he just need to use Rule Breaker and separate myself from the system and Gaia will surely interfere too, not to mention a certain vampire troll...

"Okay, one duh, no problem let's see let's go through the medieval world..." I continue to the next door and arrive... to a cold place. In fact, outside I only see ice and snow, according to what the girls managed to discover, this place is called...

"Kingdom of Everwinter, an apt name for such a place..." This place was the last they were able to access, it was opened only yesterday, so they continue to collect information, but as far as I know this place has a technological level of the Middle Ages.

'Although the girls encounter enormous resistance and distrust from the population, something must have happened if they cannot trust strangers... getting to the point where they are kicked out of establishments or simply denied anything.

I will have to teach the girls to detect strategic resources, I can easily exploit the energy sources of this place without opposition.' Without much else to do or see, I return to my store, the only interesting thing I saw was the banner of the kingdom that is a Rose.

Now there are only two places left, let's go first to the world of China, according to this the levels are divided according to the amount of Qi they have and each one with 10 divisions each they are called Elementary Profound Realm, Nascent Profound Realm, True Profound Realm, Spirit Profound Realm , Earth Profound Realm, Sky Profound Realm, and Emperor Profound Realm....

Although knowing this, surely there must be many more levels about this, the only good thing is that since this is a low level world and according to the Chinese novels no cosmic entity will or can interfere here. After leaving I use Cloaking to explore the place a little more.

The place is peaceful and clearly depicting an ancient Chinese city, somewhat strange for the kind of world this place is supposed to be in, although the atmosphere is strange, the amount of mana is very dense but it is being reduced by another quite peculiar energy, this must be Qi no its called... Profund Energy here.

'Hmmmm I will have to visit this place again after getting the Taekwon class, I think it will be the most suitable to train in this place.' I begin to move around the roofs, observing people and places, even eating some things, it is an advantage that the system already sells meat from... Profund Beast.

'Huh? The energy is accumulating in that place... so that girl is... cultivating if I remember correctly.... hmmm no I have no idea what the fuck she's doing, well time to keep exploring.' However, before I leave I see some guys enter the girl's residence, according to the system they are enemies and above their heads... they are members of the Gang that attacked the store before, so there were still remnants...

'Well we are going to do the classic save the heroine, yes of course.' I quickly move with Cloaking and appear behind them and start to slit their throats, However, did I really underestimate this girl who is now looking at me from the other side of this pool? She didn't even flinch when she saw me finish off these guys. It's lucky that I'm wearing my full assassin outfit and I'm covering my face with a mask, so I'm not going to have any... how was called.... fortuitous meeting.

Before I can go I have to quickly move to the left dodging an ice attack and I see a woman with her face covered by a veil coming down from the sky, positioning herself in front of the girl, although what really surprises me is her outfit, name and affiliation, perhaps this is a coincidence of the system, a macabre plan of some dimensional entity or pure luck?