
Ragnarok Online Gamer System

A man appears in a room, without many memories and without a name due to a system error and to compensate a little for the problems that caused him, he receives an "old" version of the gamer system. Little by little he recovers his memories and begins to discover that the small error of which he was the victim is nothing more than the beginning of a disaster. - The system is based on the game Ragnarok Online, a small part of the story takes place in the game but it will focus more on the worlds where the MC will enter. _____________________________________ This is my first story, also English is not my first language so any problem that exists I will appreciate if you mention it. Disclaimer: *I don't own the novels, games, mangas, animes, and movies.

KKLRS · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

Chapter 89

"I'm ready..." Pyrrha closes her eyes... an put her hands in my chest... now that I think about it... when I take off my armor? .... I see, this is the Mechanic's armor...

'But haven't they noticed that my eyes have been open for a while?' 

"For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death." I feel how Pyrrha's power enters my body.... this is really bad, my soul is reacting to her intrusion... more specifically [Gamer's Mind].

"I release your soul, and by my shoulder protect thee... I used my Aura-" She can't finish her aria when I appear in front of her in some class of mental projection? Stopping an attack aimed at her soul. We are both at the entrance of my soul domain? This is strange... anyway I can see how Pyrrha is really surprised to see us here, so this is not normal.... and with a single light push on her chest I took her out of here.

"Cough*... Cough*... Cough!* Cough!* ...what happened!?" Pyrrha moves weakly as she coughs, turning to look at me.

"That Cough* Pyrrha was my soul and its guardian, Blehg*.... I was lucky to be able to find you before something bad happened... haaa." After coughing and vomiting a good amount of blood I finally managed to rest my body a little. 

"LEONHARD/MY LORD/ MASTER!" I hear the scream of several people around me, now I feel a little guilty, remembering that I can use a Yggdrasil berry that will probably heal me... even now, I still have some problems thinking normally.

"That was very dangerous... but thanks for wanting to help me, thank you very much Kuroka, you don't have to worry about me anymore, I'm Blehg*fine." I spit a piece of meat out of my mouth... is that my liver or lung? How did that get there! I close my eyes and try to concentrate on getting all the loose pieces of flesh and lose blood inside my body into my inventory... and surprisingly I can do it!

I begin to stretch, making my body creak a little with the movement. I'm still a little numb and my thoughts are getting a little more slower I realize how idiotic what I just did was.... but in another minute I'll be as good as new, although the strange thing is that I don't hear any sound... maybe I don't hear yet? Did I recover my hearing? Did I hear them shout my name or did I just read it and imagine it...

I open my eyes again and see how everyone sees me as if they were seeing a ghost... to which I raise an eyebrow and see everyone around me... my summoned girls are crying and hugging each other quietly, Kuroka, Pyrrha and the others just stare at me surprised, Durnehviir and Paarthurnax stare at me while... I really don't know how to read a dragon's face but their thoughts say they are surprised too.

"Hmmm... are all of you okay?" I immediately feel how I am hugged and from front and back... I was also hit in the back, by Kuroka, and Pyrrha are now crying in my chest... if I couldn't read minds I would think they were interested in me..., Serana simply stares at us smiling and Valerica still doesn't react much... looking at me while mumbling something and from what she is thinking she is wondering what kind of creature I am....

I know enough about what's going on to know that I really shouldn't say anything right now, I just raise my hands and start patting Pyrrha and Kuroka's head... I lost my Loli Cat Kurumi but Kuroka's ears are really interesting and soft.... although it really seems I worry them a lot, as I see that I don't think I'm getting a response from them.

"Vis hi gelaar wah zey fos koros? (Can you explain me what happened?)." I turn to see both dragons, who begin to explain the situation to me in dragon language.

"Mu nunon worax hi lif un dovah briinahro sil, ahrk mu felt vir atruk haav ko hi, mah wah golt fod mu worax vir hin sos kriilom us orin leaving hin kopraan. (We only saw you leave our sister's soul, and we felt how something entered inside you, quickly falling to the ground while we saw how your blood evaporated before even leaving your body)." Durnehviir answers me... but do they already refer to Kurumi as dragon-sister?

'Wait a second... I turned into a crazy murderous yandere girl with anger problems and vengeance against the world ... into a now crazy murderous yandere OP dragon girl which are clear examples of being dominated by their emotions, to the world... a give prayer for the world of DaL and Shidou, you are fucked.' 

"Ni nunon tol, mu vust fraan vir hin kopraan ahrk sil lost nahlii completely naak, nii lost eldraag wah koraav hi bo ko tol vensekos. .. ahrk orin zos ful fod hi vogahvon tol sed tiid. .. (Not only that, we could feel how your body and soul were being completely consumed, it was a surprise to see you move in that state... and even more so when you resisted that three times...)" Paarthurnax adds while he continues analyzing me with his eyes... as I said before, unless you are a sexy dragoness, I am not interested.

"Ol waan atruk med tol vust ahraan zey. .. . kogaan hiif zey- (As if something like that could hurt me.... thanks for helping me-)" While I'm talking Kuroka hits me on the head.

"Why do you keep talking like that idiot!? Do you think we can't know the state of your body, your brain was practically cooked and liquefied! Even your stupid vitality couldn't save you!" Kuroka keeps hitting me harder on the back of my head, it's not like it really hurts as I have my pain receptors at a minimum, and even if I didn't have them... she wouldn't really hurt me.

"You shouldn't worry, I've been in worse situations, something like that isn't a big deal... Huh... wait a second... how-." How did they know what I said? Clearly I'm speaking in the language of dragons how come...

"We can understand what they say...remember that the chat comes with a translation function..." Pyrrha says, then looks down again. "Do you have any idea how we would feel if you died after going to save us? Even more so after we haven't apologized to you about what we did." 

"Sigh, there's really no need for so much drama." I separate Pyrrha from me and try to stand up, I can see how everyone present wants to stop me and Kuroka use her body to weight me down and can fell her breast too. "To tell the truth, I knew from the beginning that the system will take control of some of you, I just wanted to know what their objective was, so it's not your fault. So the one who should apologize is me."

I stand and move around a little analyzing my body as Kuroka stays half naked in my back, I don't feel any discomfort or problem, although I should concentrate a little more on my back... but the system doesn't mark anything on me either but you never know and even more so with a system as defective as mine, it's really going to kill me one of these days... 

"Well, all of you need to go rest, we don't have to stand here all day. Paarthurnax I invite you to the feast that we will prepare for later we have many things to celebrate.... bring the Dovahkiin too if you can, Durnehviir if you want you can explore a little the surroundings, tonight we celebrate your and Valerica freedom, Kurumi survival, my victory against the Ideal Masters and we will look what more we can celebrate.... Alexina (the Mechanic Girl) give me a report on what happened while I was away, I have to catch-" 

"STOOOOOP!!" I hear two screams, one in my ear and other in front of me, interrupting me while I'm talking, Now I'm sure I've recovered my sense of hearing... although I don't know if I've lost it again, so I turn to see Kuroka and Valerica looking at me clearly angry. 

"Do you really think you're fit to work, idiot? You almost died a few seconds ago!" Valerica approaches me pointing her finger at me and continues talking. "You have to rest! Someone in your condition shouldn't even speak! So rest if you don't want me to suck all your vitality and force you to rest!" Hmmm, interesting proposal really... although I don't think she alone is enough for that.

"Not only that bastard! You haven't rested in days! We know you've worked day and night the last few weeks!" Kuroka is the one who approaches her face to mine from my back, I almost think she wants to bite me, but she lower her voice a little. "And if what Cha Hae-In said is true, you just came back from what? Two or three fights to the death!? Do you think the world will end if you rest a little!?" 

She must really be upset if she doesn't even say 'nya' in her words... I know very well that I can't argue with women when they are like this, it's not being simp, it's just the truth of life, you can never beat the IRS or a woman (sometimes even the healthcare.), so I just lift my hands and give up... I had to go at the cabin and lie in bed... In addition to telling the truth, I can't continue doing everyone's job, they have to learn to make their own decisions.

Paarthurnax and Durnehviir say goodbye and say they will come later, although before I enter the cabin Durnehviir told me the word 'rokiiz (whipped)'.... that bastard, another thing that worries me a little is that Kurumi has not woken up yet, Akatosh's blessing ended 10 minutes ago and they are still absorbing my vitality like crazy, I have had to use 3 Yggdragsil berries to recover my HP.... I wonder if Kurumi size of her breasts will increase as her angel....

For my part, with nothing to do, I start reading the reports on materials that the girls had given me before, to explore a little the new skills I obtained and of course to see how the hell I use Kurumi's power. It is worth mentioning that I obtained results with all of them.... although not the one I wanted the most...

[Do you wish to use the Dragon Angel Zaphkiel power? Y/N] Of course I select Yes

[Error, no male models found, the system is configured to only use male models, the power cannot be activated. Have a great day. =D.]

'Why does misfortune keep pursuing me!?' I really don't have much to do, after an hour I finished everything I had available... the combinations of metals with Ragnarok's armor crafting is very interesting and powerful... the potion system is practically revolutionary for Ragnarok increasing their efficiency by 100% in the first tests, not to mention the enchantment system that my girls don't really understand yet..... after that I really don't want to start analyzing my life right now, so I start watching some movies... but it's boring.... my life is practically better than any movie I can see...

"Got it, I'm on my way."After another hour the movie almost ended but I couldn't really keep it up anymore besides, Kurumi stopped absorbing my vitality about 10 minutes ago, so I don't have to worry about that anymore., so I just put my hand to my ear, say a few words, get up and put on my armor.

"You shouldn't get up Leonhard, do you know how lucky you are to be alive?" Serana who is in the room reading a book tells me, without really stopping me. The others hear it so they look out or come to where I am standing and finishing putting on my armor.

"As I said before, all of you are exaggerating a bit, besides something happened, so I have to go." Luckily for me, my store bell just rang so I want to go see, after all, I configured it so that only people in dangerous situations can enter without my permission. So I go to one of the doors and open it. They all frown when they hear me, but I got through the door before they could try to stop me. 

This are going to screw up my life in Skyrim, yes, but that is a problem for the future Leonhard, at the moment I can't stand lying down doing nothing anymore... to think I become a workaholic... I head towards my store as I hear a lot of noise, like things are being dragged and some screams.

"Quickly lock the door!" "Work harder stupid!" "This is not scientifically possible! How can there be a very large room if is so narrow outside!" "That's what she said."

I hear heavy footsteps and sounds of metal clashing, it's several people it seems and why I have a little sense of déjà vu? , I look outside the store through the entrance they came from and I don't really see anything... although that doesn't change the fact that there is nothing outside... an empty city?

I silence my steps as I clearly hear the sound of weapons being reloaded, I quickly take off my armor and try to place myself in the shadows so that I won't be seen so easily, making myself as silent as I can. I keep looking outside... my system tells me that there is a considerable increase in some class of harmful particle in the environment so I decide to use a gas mask and take a double barrel shotgun with me.

"We are screwed! There is no escape!" "Shut up and work more Grif!" "Doc! Help me move this counter to cover the window!" I hear those voices and stay still... those voices, those screams, I have heard them before...

"WHY ARE WE SCREAMING?" "We need to find ammo for my SHOTGUN!" "Caboose stop wasting time and come here!" "Yes idiot! Get your blue ass over there, you're the only one strong enough to move this!" "Okay Church!" CRASH*! "Tucker did it." Once I hear the last scream I stop at the entrance to the store... I know that dialogues... no, no, no, no, no, I want to go back, I'll stay in bed! *Click*

"Stop there... don't move, we're sorry to enter your... shop, the UNSC will help you pay for all the damages caused... as long as it is yours and survive to place a complain, you can turn around slowly." I hear a woman voice behind me and fell something metallic in the back of my head, I turn a little and see a Spartan in black armor pointing a rifle at my head.

"Okay... I wouldn't do this if I were you... well that sounded threatening... you are on my property okay, and my automatic defense system could mark you as hostile, so I ask you to lower your weapon, besides I really don't think my shotgun can hurt you even if you stay still as I shoot." From the store I see another Spartan in Aqua armor looking at us.

"Hey Tex! Why are you threatening a civilian! That's not cool. Hey there what up? Nice mask!" In front of me I see Tucker walking calmly, as Tex lower her weapon.

"Well, I'm sorry to be the only one who thought to check the building and find an armed civilian inside! How goes the barricade?" Tex yells as she see the 'barricade' that they are just the shelves thrown at random without really blocking the door....

"We put a lot of things in but I really don't think it will hold up, there aren't many things that can stop the aliens..." Tucker walks back to the store and points out at the 'barricade'... in addition to a lot of destroyed merchandise...

"Hey there civilian, the Red Army of the UNSC is exercising its right to use all available facilities, nice shotgun, a classic design, but it would not work like mine." In front of me, Sarge approaches and begins to explain all the characteristics of his shotgun, the rest of the Reds and Blues begin to approach where I am.

"I see, yes a mask would certainly increase your chances of survival, but let me give you a checkup just to be sure... Muhuhahahahahaha " Doc says as he takes a plasma gun and points it at my chest. I quickly move to the side and dodge the shot of the plasma gun, which don't really do much to the wall that was behind me.

'I prefer to be a simp now....' I just hope this doesn't cause a huge headache... but knowing these idiots I'll be lucky to make it out alive...