
Chapter 82

*Moments before arriving*

To tell the truth I can reach the Soul Cairn in a minute at most but first I'm going to buff myself and prepare myself a little, yes those bastards of the Ideals Masters are very mysterious faction in the game and some take them as gods so it's better to be prepared.

The most important thing is to use a card, so I start to debate about which shield to put a Golden Thief Bug Card on, this can only be equipped on a shield, although something interesting that I discovered before is that I can equip a shield on my back and use the skills and effects of the said shield.

[Golden Thief Bug Card. Class: Card, Compound on: Shield. Increases the MP cost of skills by 100%. Nullifies magical, supportive, cursed and abnormal spells that target the user. Price:1]

I finish buffing myself and begin to introduce the card to the strongest shield I have..... and nothing really happens, only the card disappears although the shield, which was previously a normal shield in the shape of a steel rhombus, changes a little, taking a slightly yellow or gold color, and the name only changed to Shield of Deaf [1/1].

It didn't change much, it just go from Rare Rank to Super Rare. Since I don't have much time, I quickly put on my new Prontera Hero armor set, although I change my job to Novice so as not to attract attention of anybody as I quickly use teleport to appear directly in the castle Volkihar moving quickly towards the portal... it's a good thing I have my map otherwise I would easily get lost in this place.

The portal in question is strange, I can and cannot feel power emanating from it, although the power is very strange, I cannot understand what it is and occasionally I feel some repulsion towards it, another thing that happens is that a kind of barrier prevents me from entering. Well, let's see what I can do...

I analyze the portal while I watch the video sent to the chat, it is something simple and at the same time complicated, I finally understand why Serana had to turn you into a vampire or pay half of your soul for you to enter, this place is parasitic realm to put it simply and it only want 'pure' souls, or in case you are a vampire you get a 'pass' to enter one of the 'advantages' of belonging to a Daedra.

Although it seems I don't have time anymore, the barrier is changing, strengthening, solidifying, it is practically preparing to not let anyone enter or leave, without any more time to lose as I have to enter, using the ancient ritual created by the American army and modified by the internet. 

"TADAIMA MOTHERFUCKERS!!" With a scream and a kick I break the barrier and enter the place, quickly finding where the girls are although apparently I greatly surprised the idiots who dominate this place and I can feel how several eyes of others begin observe me. Although now that I remember it, couldn't I have done something with my sorcerer canceling spells...?

Anyway I quickly get to where the others are and begin to plan my escape route, trying to open a [Warp] to get out of here but it doesn't work, my system works but I don't know if they can get through the door. It's somewhat strange that Durnehviir didn't attack me when he sees me... and finally I am in front of them.

"Don't worry! Why? Because I am here!" I announce my arrival and proceed to admire at the naked bodies of almost everyone present....

'Hmmm Serana have a nice butt and Valerica's breast still remains firm despite its big size and age, hmmm, I really wish I could sleep on Pyrrha's thighs and look at that legs.... although why is Kuroka acting like that?' 

[Kuroka Toujou LVL: 265 Race: Nekoshou Title: The Black Cat. Affiliation: Khaos Brigate Team Vali. Thoughts about you. Excitement, Lust, She wants to mate with you and have children.... Status:... In Heat..]

'Oh, that is nice and... explains a lot, although it's best that I stop her now, so we can get out of here quickly.' I move in front of Kuroka and stop her, it seems like she's just standing there looking at me, although is she really having an orgasm? 'She is so excited that just by touching her she gets like this...?'

Once I stop her, the others finally reacts to my presence and Pyrrha try to covert herself more, so I quickly start giving them armors... from Skyrim, I'm not going to waste my opportunity and although nudity is good I prefer to see them with sexy bikinis armors, besides the fact that only Pyrrha is embarrassed by the situation. 

[Name: Pyrrha Nikos LVL: 45 Race: Human Affiliation: Sanctum Academy Title: Invincible Girl. Thoughts about you. Happy, Ashamed, Dristressed. You're seeing her naked. She wants to apologize for the trouble she gave you.... Status:...]

[Name: Kurumi Tokisaki Race: Spirit LVL: 249 Title: Nightmare, Worst Spirit Thoughts about you. Guilt, Distressed, She wants to wants to apologize.... Status:.....]

[Name: Serana Volkihar Race: Vampire Lord LVL: 449 Title: Daughter of Coldharbour, Thoughts about you. Happy, Relieved, She is happy you see you again.... Status:.....]

[Name: Valerica Volkihar Race: Vampire Lord LVL: 499 Title: Daughter of Coldharbour Thoughts about you. Suspicious, Angry, She can feel some of your power, She doesn't know who you are and that makes her nervous..... Status:.....]

While I read I see their thoughts, which I shouldn't do if I don't want to depend so much on the system, it's strange that as soon as I thought about stopping using the system, a function was activated that I had to take advantage of. Kurumi approaches me and begins to apologize, however in my moment of distraction Kuroka managed to escape from my hands and began to undress Kurumi... in one simple an practiced motion.

'I give you a mental thumb up Kuroka, hmmm they are much bigger than I thought... and her white skin really contrasts the pink color of-.... shit.' I see how Kurumi thoughts begin to get out of control and will try to kill me next and Kuroka makes her dress fall completely, leaving her only with a sexy black thong, how she manage to remove her astral dress I have no idea. But I can't appreciate the view anymore. 

The only thing I did hear was the dragon behind me starting to speak saying "Yol Toor Shul", charging its fire breath, so I quickly grabbed Kurumi and Kuroka, moving towards the others and placing myself in front of them to stop the flames. Flames that for our bad luck are not normal, these are primordial flames directly modified by the voice of the dragon making it become much more powerful, being literally the Fire of the infernal sun

I use [King's Grace] the only defensive skill I remember to stop the flames and quickly use [Devotion] so that in case I can't stop the flames they won't hurt them, the flames stop in front of me without really doing any damage, something... strange the only really problematic thing is that Kurumi's astral dress was consumed and destroyed by the primordial fire....

'That's..... probably a very big problem....' I quickly take out my sword Excalibur, this time controlling it properly, preventing the sacred power that it emanates from spreading and hurting Kuroka, Serana or Valerica and I can see how all the undead instinctively retreat from it. But as always things are never easy when you have to face the selfish bastards that finally arrive being some giant purple gems... 

"He he he... Ha hahahaha!" But seeing them I can only laugh, I was so prepared to fight to the death... and they come out with this, the bastards in front of me have the worst possible combination to face me... they are ghosts, undead 'gods' ghosts, I can't stop laughing like lunatic... since they are also necromancers, undead magicians 'gods' ghosts... god even Durnehviir is more dangerous than them, so I change my job to Crusader first.

[Ideal Master (God) LVL: 800 HP: 24,400,500/24,400,500 MP: 150,830,102/150,830,102 Race: Undead God Element: Undead 4 / Ghost 4

The Ideal Masters are the malevolent revenant spirits that rule the realm of Oblivion known as the Soul Cairn, typically, they do not physically manifest themselves in the realm, however they take the form resembling a soul gem, which can be used as a conduit through which the individual can communicate or drain the life essence of an approaching mortal. Thoughts about you. Suspicious, Angry, They want your death.]

[Durnehviir LVL: 522 HP: 524,680,120/524,680,120MP: 1,810,392/1,810,392 Race: Dragon Element: Undead 3 / Ghost 2

Durnehviir took part in many battles against other dragons for control of the skies and later he sought other means to become dominant and delved into necromancy. He made a deal with the Ideal Masters, promising that he would guard Valerica until her death in exchange for the power to summon very powerful undead armies. The Ideal Masters, however, neglected to tell him that she was immortal, and so he was forced to serve them for all time. Thoughts about you. Intrigued, He want to fight you.]

 [Leonhard: It's not how I planned to do it, but let me show you some things, this is one of the two advanced form of the Job Swordman Class, Crusader. It specializes in defense using swords, shields and spears, as well as light and sacred energy, with which you can attack and heal your wounds.

Cha Hae-In: Hmm Leonhard? Is it safe to be chatting here? Aren't they dangerous enemies?

Leonhard: It's okay, because I have this beauty that helps me in these types of situations!

Kuroka: What is happening!? And why are we all naked?

Yoruichi: Welcome back Kuroka are you okay now?

Kuroka: Yes, thanks to the paralyzing poison and Leonhard's ability I recovered a little, and when I felt a presence of sacred energy I finally controlled myself... 

Nightingale: What happened? Why do you act like that?

Kuroka: It is my technique nya, in summary it would be that I absorb the natural energy of the world but here I lost control and well this happened nya.

Leonhard: So you are a horny cat, well it don't really surprise me.

Kuroka: NYAHAHA! Huh? Leonhard, why are you laughing like that and what is the sword that you have in your hand? It really gives me chills when I see it.

Leonhard: Glad you noticed, Kuroka-chan, meet my holy sword Excalibur! Although at the moment I am controlling her since she emanates sacred energy around and I can hurt you or Serana. By the way as you can see with Kuroka you can 'write' here using your mind to 'write' in the chat.]

I give them my instructions and the others seem to understand them quickly so they start talking or writing without having to use their phones to be able to write. After a little bit I start to see how they start to talk and use this new function, although before I can speak these idiots talk.

"It is too late to repent mortal, your doom is written and your souls will be the payment." An ethereal voice in the sky was heard, to which I finally stopped laughing and looked up at one of the purple gems.

"Doom? He who sees his own doom can better avoid its path." At that moment they all see me how I changed my sword to my left hand and stretches out my right where a spear appears, a spear with a wavy red tip and a pair of wings where the tip ends up adorned by a red gem, the body of the spear is a white spiral, measuring almost three meters long.

"He who sees the doom of others can deliver it." I finishes speaking and all of them can feel how my presence changed, this time the sacred and divine thing appeared in this land full of death, challenging those who call themselves masters of this place. 

[Leonhard: Admire my Longinus Spear!! A weapon specialized in killing gods and demons! Applauses please

Kuroka: Wait! How can you have the Longinus spear!! Where you find the spear that pierced the son of god!?

Pyrrha: How can both of you be so calm with that guys in front of us!? I can barely breathe!]

However, these... 'gems' begin to increase their power, trying to intimidate me, they are really a little nervous, and despite they having the advantage I can see how none of them really want to be the first to attack me. They clearly felt the power of the spear and their thoughts now also changed to intimidated and actually afraid of my spear.

"We see, so that spear is your ace up your sleeve, it's true that spear can affect us, but, for it to affect us you must first be able to use it against us... although it doesn't matter we will find a better use for the weapon with the power of killing gods." The ethereal voice was heard again, and I moved my gaze to the right, observing the gem that just talked.

I know which of these gems are speaking, How? well mysteriously my system HUD shows a yellow arrow when someone talks and when I turn my face to that place, the gem that I assume is speaking is surrounded by a yellow glow. They are really working hard to look like they are in control of the situation.

[Leonhard: As if some dirty undead could intimidate me... no offense Serana, also this is the advanced Job of the Crusader class, the Paladin, more specialized in combat against dark forces.

Serana: Don't worry. Actually, although we are classified as undead, we really don't like being grouped with these, we are a different form of life, since our race changed and we are not really putefracted corpses. Although you really have a terrible aura...

Kuroka: I'm not undead and I can still feel my skin crawling when I'm behind Leonhard, although did you really have to say those cringe lines?

Leonhard: What cringe lines! They were say by one of the most badass individuals of the galaxy! And what else could I do! Those guys gave me the opportunity, I'm not going to waste it! Besides, if I take out these weapons I really have to pose with them.... It's a shame I can't take photos...

Kuroka: Huh? If you want I can take them, plus Pyrrha is recording it I'm sure good images will come out.

Leonard: Hmm it's not like I can show them with all of you naked behind me, although if you don't mind I don't really have a problem with it... 

Pyrrha: !!!!

Kuroka: It's okay! I will take good angles for you nya~!

Serana: Hmm I don't really care much, I lost much more important things long time ago, so shame doesn't really matter to me anymore, but what is a photo? Oh! never mind somehow that knowledge was already in my mind.

Kurumi: Hmpf, pervert... !!!! Wait, Zafkiel! Why I can't materialize my astral dress!!?

Leonhard: Calm down Kurumi, everything will be fine...

Kurumi: How can I calm down! I no longer have my power! I-I-I-I... lost Zafkiel!!??]

A flare of fire attacks us and again the attack stop in front of me, those guys still don't want attack me... behind me I can see how Kurumi is falling into despair, I can see how she seems to be beginning to inverse herself, she lost her powers probably her only pillar of support in the world and her thoughts are increasingly falling into more and more despair.

"No matter what happens Kurumi, I will take care of you, your hear me, no matter what happens. [Blessing]. I will help you, we will obtain Zafkiel back!" I turn around and lean in front of Kurumi taking her hands and thanks to my skill that I simply used by instinct I managed to stop her inversion for now....

"Pitiful mortal, you still think about making empty promises in our presence, even though you are strong, you are not at our level, give us your souls and die." A giant laser attack is launched at Kurumi so I stand in front of her to stop it, the attack really didn't do any damage to me as it was stopped before hitting me.

"""Leonhard!!""" They all shout my name when they see me being attacked, the attack looked impressive but it didn't really cause any damage.

[Leonhard: I'm fine, don't worry about me! But Kurumi really worries me, if she continue as this she will reverse and become a Demon King!

Yoruichi: Demon King? What do you mean by being reversed?

Leonhard: It's complicated! In short she is becoming something like a Hollow! She lost her angel, her power and I really don't know what could happen since her...her hollow has a very delicate problem as it body is in another dimension or maybe not.... it's very complicated so I don't really know what will happen! But you only need to know that this is very bad!

Pyrrha: !!! We need to help her!

Kuroka: Yes, I can feel how her power is getting out of control and darkening? At most she will last a few more minutes! We have to get her out of here! This place is affecting her too!

Leonhard: I'll open a door! Get ready to get out of here! As soon as I start fighting all of you will enter the door and leave! Yoruichi I'm going to need your and Kisuke help! We will go to the dungeon so take with you all you need now!

Yoruichi: Wait we need some time to prepare! We only have some equipment prepared to analyze her soul! Plus we don't even know if it will really work!

Leonhard: We don't have time! I'm not sure if Kurumi can some last minutes... so I can't really give you the time you need take what you can now!]

I fell something strange and I can see how everyone around me stayed still, including the Ideal Masters or event some rocks in the sky, this time there is no future vision for me, but I have an idea what's happening, so without caring much I move and knell down in front of Kurumi putting my hand in her chest, using my holy magic to try to stop wherever is happening to her and start trying to think what more I can do. I hear footsteps behind me, a golden light covers the place.

"What can I do to help her? After everything she's been through, she really doesn't deserve to continue living like this." I say my question and wait for the answer, getting more and more annoyed and nervous as I wait for the answer, feeling more and more helpless because I can't do anything.... but at least I hear a sound or voice in my head.

I see how Kurumi is covered by a light and I quickly see her condition and apparently her reversing has stopped.... although only momentarily if my system is telling the truth, but this is more than enough.

[Name: Kurumi Tokisaki Race: Spirit/Demon LVL: 349 Title: Nightmare, Worst Spirit, Mad Tyrant. Thoughts about you. Distress, Agony, Misery, Grief. She doesn't believe she deserves to live, She wants to die, She doesn't want you to accept the contract... Status:... Blessing of Akatosh. (60 Minutes)]

In the end I only hear the voice in my head asking me to take care of the youngest, train and prepare her so that she can fulfill her destiny, although I don't need to intervene more than necessary, of course not with those words but little details. So I just turn around and lower my head in the direction of the dragon-headed man who is disappearing. 

"Thank you for your help. The debt I owe will be paid.... Farewell. " After that time returns to normal, although apparently even the god of time couldn't stop the chat room or maybe it never really stopped time completely, and just paused our perception of it...

[Yoruichi: Who the hell was that!?

Pyrrha: I couldn't even move, breathe or think... I don't understand how I can understand what just happened...

Kuroka: That.... dragon or person is much more powerful than any being I have seen before....

Serana: If I'm not mistaken, that would be Akatosh Dragon God of Time... to think that one of the divine ones appeared in front of Leonhard...

Nightingale: A God? Gods really exist!?

Cha Hae-In: Does that mean he came to help Kurumi? Could it be that this god is interested in her?

Fairy of Frozen Beauty: A god of time... Kurumi is a spirit of time so it could be considered normal, but why could Leonhard keep moving when Kurumi not?]

Apparently all the people in the chat realized what happened, although this doesn't really change the problem much... we have to recover Kurumi's dress and prevent it from being reversed, she is still under a lot of stress and depression...

'Why can't the gods ask for things in a simple way? But they always have to demand your service and fulfill their whims... Even if Akatosh didn't really treat me badly, the way he talks to me is really like I signed a slavery deal with him.' I can only sigh at the strange experience of just hearing growls in my head and understanding what he is saying, I really didn't think I would meet Akatosh like that... and that reminds me I have to get out of here, if Akatosh could get in the others too.

[Leonhard: It doesn't matter, the plan continues, I really didn't want to show my strength here under the sight of so many entities just as powerful as the Time Dragon, but we don't have time. This is the next step for the Swordsman class, the Royal Guard... I'll explain it later since we really don't have time.]

'I don't know what to do with Kurumi.... wait I think there is something I can do, it's crazy and I really don't think I can do it but I have no other options, I have to end this battle quickly, I already managed to change destiny before it matters to do it again.' So now under all the eyes of the Daedra and Aedra of Elder Scrolls I will show my true power.

"When there is no other way, the perilous path is the only road to salvation." I get up and change my Job again, becoming a Royal Knight. in full plate armor, my shield on my back emanating an enormous amount of holy power, even making the earth tremble.

And if the Ideals Masters had faces and bodies right now they would really show an expression of pure terror, since the guy that is in front of them is emitting a sacred force so great that it is even purifying the place where I'm standing, reaching the point that life is being born with some plants and flowers and event insects, appearing around me.

"I don't have time for games anymore."

Next chapter