
Ragnarok Online Gamer System

A man appears in a room, without many memories and without a name due to a system error and to compensate a little for the problems that caused him, he receives an "old" version of the gamer system. Little by little he recovers his memories and begins to discover that the small error of which he was the victim is nothing more than the beginning of a disaster. - The system is based on the game Ragnarok Online, a small part of the story takes place in the game but it will focus more on the worlds where the MC will enter. _____________________________________ This is my first story, also English is not my first language so any problem that exists I will appreciate if you mention it. Disclaimer: *I don't own the novels, games, mangas, animes, and movies.

KKLRS · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

Chapter 71

* *******

Cha Hae-In POV.

'Leonhard is really worthy of being in his position, with just a few words from him I manage to calm down.' Cha Hae-In may not show it but she really gets very nervous before any raid she do.

Even more now, that she traveled to another world, she actually felt so nervous that she practically kept quiet the whole time... her body just working automatically, something she's actually quite used to doing...

"But Leonhard managed to see it immediately and although his way of helping me was quite vulgar, it really calmed me down, the Guild Master has tried many times but never succeeded. This is the first time I'm in complete control from the start..."

It is something that was totally normal, the first minutes of any raid she did always went unnoticed by her, at present it is something simple, only 1 or 2 minutes at most, but before she even finished complete raids without really noticing it, her teacher helped her in it so he was finally able to control it more, but still has never been able to completely remove it.

As Cha Hae-In continue to think she quickly approached and entered the palace, it's really huge but there isn't much of a problem since she's just following the sounds of the explosions and the cracks they cause in the walls when the enemies infiltrated, quickly reaching the basement of the palace.

In that place she saw four person fighting, 2 women and 1 man knocked out, against other 'woman', although calling their enemy woman is really kind of her, since she only has the face of a woman, her body despite being female is clearly the fusion with a monster, with a very disproportionate arm and spikes. 

Quickly Cha Hae-In observed that the 'woman' has taken a girl by the neck with her big hand, so she quickly attacked  the woman who can do nothing but retreat after seeing her hand being severed with the surprise attack.

"What is happening?!"  The other woman that was running towards the monster stop and exclaims.

"WHO DARES!!" The monster woman screams.

Cha Hae-In stands in front of her enemy, who looking closely she is a white haired woman that only has one eye, her other eye and mouth are sewn with clear signs of scarring showing that they were really serious injuries, her body seems to have been cut from top to bottom as well, and in the center of her palm she has an eye...

"IRIS!!" Quickly the other woman approaches Cha Hae-In, and she puts down the girl that she has just rescued.

"Don't worry, it seems she just passed out, both of you did a good job stopping that woman here, now I'll take care of it." Cha Hae-In talk and prepares her sword, watching out of the corner of her eye of her as a red haired man seems to be trying to get up.

She look at the creature in front of her, clearly that person is also very good at fighting so if it was her old self, this would be a very tough fight. But now she is already someone different.

'With the improvements that Leonhard made to my weapons I can fight more easily, clearly I am twice as powerful as before... but this is too dangerous, my increase in power is from the weapons not my strength, I will need to restrain myself and don't depend them too much.'

"He- Heheh- Hee hee hee, NOW THE TIME TO PLAY IS OVER! KAROQ JOTUNIR!!" the monster woman screams.

Cha Hae-In watches as the woman in front of her raises her left hand, the eye in her palm open and begins to use ice magic, rapidly freezing everything around her. Although Cha Hae-In quickly dodges it and prepares to counterattack but before she can, she quickly retreats...

'There's no way it's that easy... what kind of trap is she trying to set for me?' Cha Hae-in quickly changes her position and continues to look at the woman in front of her... 'Why does she stay still? Didn't she expect me to dodge her attack?'

Cha Hae-In carefully observes the woman she is facing and discovers something strange... she is sweating and clearly showing her surprise and nervousness on her face... So even when she feels that she shouldn't, Cha Hae-In attacks her again, this time completing her attack since she was fully prepared for any counterattack.

"Eh!?" To Cha Hae-In's surprise, she easily cut off the head of the woman in front of her...

"This was not supposed to happen!! Lady Himmelmez, H-Help...!!" In the end, without saying much more, the woman in front of her is dying... leaving Cha Hae-In completely surprised... the power that emanated from her...

However, soon a wall began to collapse and a blonde woman with a dark complexion entered, surprising everyone present.

"Mistress Irene..." Cha Hae-In heard the monster woman say before her life completely vanished... 

However, what happened next surprised everyone, since the woman who had just arrived quickly used her sword to stick it into the stomach of the 'woman' who had just died. 

"You are beyond any help Bijou. But you should thank me, I've cut the chains with the which Morrigan bound your soul." But the most surprising thing is that the woman Bijou quickly opened her eyes and turned to see her with a look full of hatred and resentment.

"Wh.. Why? Why d-do this? My lady will kill you!!" Although the woman who just arrived, the Valkyrie Sarah Irine simply used her sword to finally end Bijou's life.

"Your soul is free, Bijou."

'So her power was immortality?' Cha Hae-In  really wasn't too surprised to see that the woman hadn't really died, the fight couldn't be that easy...

"She killed her! But aren't they allies!? Your are not one of the Valkyries!?" One of the women exclaims as they look at the Valkyrie who turns her back on them and begins to observe the place seeing a huge pinecone-shaped thing.

"This is where the Heart of Ymir remade itself entirely? The essence of Midgard itself..." The Valkyrie starts talking without really showing any reaction to the people present...

'Leonhard doesn't know it, but clearly that object is one of the targets of these people, these Valkyries, therefore this is something they cannot take.' But before she can attack the girl who had been grabbed by the neck speaks.

"You are Sarah, aren't you? Father told me about you! Just before he died at your hand." The young woman, begins to talk to the Valkyrie. "Father! Mother! you killed them! The souls of all Payon demand justice..." 


Before the girl can react, Cha Hae-In is in front of her, stopping the Valkyrie's sword that was approaching her neck. Although something that Cha Hae-In noticed is that the sword did not carry much force so she probably did not intend to hurt her...

"Be quiet, you don't understand a thing, they finally paid for their crimes, 12 long years ago, you really don't know.... we're only half-sisters." Apparently this Valkyrie really isn't worried about those present, even when Cha Hae-In stoped her sword she simply withdrew her sword and stared at the girl.

'So that's why she didn't want to hurt her... but the look on her face as she's talking clearly doesn't believe much of what she's saying.' Cha Hae-In thinks, as she continues to observe the Valkyrie's movements, she must also have some trick up her sleeve to be so calm.

Cha Hae-In only remains on the defensive, although behind the Valkyrie she can see how a red-haired man throws himself at her, although the Valkyrie simply dodges him and hits him, throwing him towards a wall.

"We were born from different mothers... but aren't you even curious? Why he never mentioned me earlier? Could it be he had some shameful secret?" The Valkyrie continues speaking with a blank look, her eyes losing their sparkle, causing Cha Hae-In to tense up ready to counterattack.

"SHUT UP! There's nothing you can tell me!!" The girl screams, still defiant even though she can't even defend herself.

"What a naive little fool you are.... The leader our father... your dearly beloved father... he and the elders!" The Valkyrie stops talking at that moment and closes her eyes, turning around. "No, I came for the heart... I didn't rescue you Iris. I only saved you for myself."

The Valkyrie moves her hand and destroys the foundations and chains that held the pinecone in place, though she really must be arrogant in deciding to turn her back on an S-Class Hunter, the only reason Cha Hae-In didn't attack is because she thinks it's a trap.

Even so, she can no longer be cautious, the enemy is taking something valuable for which it has to be stopped, so she quickly jumps into action and for the second time consecutively manages to cut her enemy, although this time she could not take a limb.

But without stopping Cha Hae-In continues to attack, demonstrating again why she is called The Dancer, the Valkyrie Sarah quickly uses her sword and try to defend herself but is quickly overwhelmed, finally changing the expression on her face, to surprise and panic, although unlike Bijou, the Valkyrie doesn't seem to be seriously injured...

'Apparently I won't be able to defeat her so easily, clearly I'm hurting her but it's very slowly... and her wounds are regenerating... the best thing to do is take what they're looking for.'

As they continue to fight Cha Hae-In separates from the Valkyrie and jumps towards the heart, trying to store it in the phone storage, however once she reaches it and wants to store it a message appears in front of her.

[The inventory cannot store living specimens or objects!] 

"MORATH KARTU!!" When her plan fails, Cha Hae-In prepares to continue fighting and sees the Valkyrie throws multiple papers and cards and begins to take over the surroundings.

So with no choice, Cha Hae-In can only throw herself to the ground, since she really does not have the ability to dodge attacks while in mid-air. And this time the Valkyrie finally seems to take the situation into account.

"Tempyr of Higin!" The Valkyrie does not let her rest and as soon as Cha Hae-In touched the ground, the Valkyrie attacked her with a kind of earthquake. Cha Hae-In jumps a little to dodge it, but notices how the Valkyrie smiles. "Poor fool. Ragnar Gjoll!!"

Quickly, the Valkyrie uses a fire attack, trying to incinerate everything that is in her path, engulfing Cha Hae-In in the flames.

"You will have to pay dearly for your offense, be grateful that I give you a painless dead." The Valkyrie becomes confident again after she sees her attack work and continues to move her hands to free the heart. "Now, where was I? Iris the next time we meet I will kill you, until then try to stay ali-." 

The Valkyrie can't finish speaking when Cha Hae-In appears behind her, piercing her body with her sword below the stomach, in exactly the same position as the Valkyrie used to kill Bijou.

"Graaaargh!! Impossible!!" The Valkyrie screamed in pain seeing and feeling how a sword was going through her body, and just like Bijou, she just falls to the ground..

The Valkyrie remains still on the ground where she faints and the heart begins its small fall, remaining on the ground, Cha Hae-In now approaches the woman who was defending the place first, but seeing her well, her entire suit is almost undone, showing many parts of her body and with several injuries, even so, she is clearly safe and now she is sitting in the floor.

The other girl is the same, her armor on her right arm is broken, it is a miracle that her hand is still attached to her body, but clearly she is very badly injured, so Cha Hae-In approach both of them to offer her one of the potions that Leonhard gave her.

"Take these potions, they will help you heal your wounds."

"Th-Thank you." The girl answers me looking at the potion with a face of total regret before drinking it.

"I appreciate it." The other woman accepts the potion too and drink it, although she is much more injured, she doesn't show it much with her way of acting.

"It doesn't taste horrible! Can you tell me where you bought these potions!? I've always hated the bitter potions!" The girl jumps and start to ask.

Now comes a big problem for Cha Hae-In, she really is shy around strangers! For a few moments she didn't really know how to act in this situation, so in the end she decided to treat it as if they were the guild members.

"D-don't worry, they were made by one of our members, both of you have to recover to be able to continue fighting, I am Cha Hae-In, nice to meet you.... but what do we do with her?" In the end, Cha Hae-In managed to control herself a bit and speak normally.

"I'm Fenris Fenrir many thanks for your help." The woman quickly recovers after taking Leonhard's white potion and gets up, but in doing so her clothes torn and she is almost naked, only thanks to the fact that her clothes have some pieces of armor attached to important places she is not completely naked... But the other girl for her part only stares at the Valkyrie with a face full of confusion...

'It must really be difficult, for her, your own sister has killed your family and still save your life-.' Chae Hae-In thinks, however, before they can continue, she begin to hear noises coming from the ceiling... 

"The Ceiling! It's collapsing!! IRIS MOVE!" The woman Fenris quickly yell, taking the red-haired man and leaving this place, the girl for her part is doubting whether to take the Valkyrie or not, but before she can decide monsters with one eye instead of a face and two more eyes in shoulders drop from the ceiling.

"Go away, I'm going to stop them!" Cha Hae-In screams and starts to fight, killing tens of those monsters, but among all the debris failing front he ceiling she couldn't stop the fact that those monsters took the Valkyrie and took the heart with them, let alone when her path was blocked and she can't chase them....

In the end, Cha Hae-In couldn't stop the monsters, and now she's with both women and a knocked-out man, although she and Fenris are more worried about the other girl Iris, who hasn't really reacted to anything for a while now. Fenris approaches her and touches her shoulder, finally making her react.

"Fenris? FENRIS!? Is that you? Are you all right!? Hold still I will help you." Clearly the girl is in shock at what had happened, and seems to have forgotten what just happened,  now she is healing her partner.

'Sigh... even though I don't want to accept it, it seems I failed in my goal... I hope Leonhard is doing it better. 'At that moment several people appeared in the room and all the women in the area prepared to fight.

"Lady Hae-In, we are members of the Assassins Guild, we finished the evacuation of the townsfolk and Lord Leonhard order us to come to help, what are your orders my lady?" A person covered from head to toe is leaning in front of Cha Hae-In, although it's not just one, around 15 figures are in the room all waiting for orders on how to proceed.

"We need to kill all the monsters in the city in addition to chasing a group of them that carries a very dangerous artifact, do you know where Leonhard is?"

"Yes, the monsters carrying an item went up to that…fortress in the sky, but you don't have to worry, Lord Leonhard also infiltrated that place."


Simple note. Thank you all for following my story, now something that I never noticed (I could swear I did) is that at first all the masks they use are Assasins mask and White opera masque (the upper part only).

Leonhard only wears an Assassin Mask with skull teeth. Later the girls wear different types of masks, but at the moment they use the same, that would be all. Thanks and enjoy your day.